November 1st? You’ve got to be kidding!
More Trivia In My Belly
Last night Meet The Hashers met up for a Halloween version of trivia at Johnny’s Pizza in Inman Park. The best part of the evening was a new and very attractive waitress dressed up in a Catholic school girl outfit. Something told me that this was not the first time she has worn that outfit.
All of the questions (save one) had a Halloween theme. I am really not a fan of these gimmicks because it narrows the answer field and teams who would normally be out of contention can make educated guesses. You can probably tell from my tone that we didn’t win. 🙂 Second place was all ours, however.
Ask For Me By Name! Accept No Substitutions!
You’ll probably have to know that my hash name is Wee Little Bit to understand this…
I wasn’t planning on ever running the Flying Pig Marathon, but when they ask for me by name I might have to reconsider.

Major Crisis In The Works
My beloved 32″ television is starting to die. Not yet six years old, the big monster is exhibiting scan lines (where you can see the tube refresh) that cannot be fixed nor can they increasingly be ignored.
You’d think that with the popularity of HD tvs that good old school analog tvs would have dropped in price. But, I guess in the same way that it costs a lot to buy a turntable (you remember those, right?) non-digital tv sets cost the same as they did when I bought this one. Bummer! It’s not that I don’t want a fancy new tv, but I really don’t want to buy one now, and the bread racking that I currently use doesn’t allow for a 16:9 aspect ratio (aka widescreen) tv. Arrgh! Besides, I’ve got other gadgets and gizmos that I’d rather spring for right now.
Music For The Massive
My live show listing is running a bit bare right now, but tonight I’ll be attending one of them. I suggest that you come out to The Loft to see Shout Out Louds!.This will be my first trip to The Loft, so I am interested to see how this venue plays. Also, I am going to attempt to flex my new Marta card by taking the train, although this could be a big mistake for the return trip. Tune in tomorrow and find out.
At Least CDs Are Still Fairly Affordable
Slow release day. I guess we are to the point where labels will be waiting to slam the holiday season. Of the releases, two intrigue me.
First is the Sun Kil Moon release called “Tiny Cities”
which is a cd of Modest Mouse covers. I’ve been getting into covers a lot lately thanks to the Coverville podcast.
Second is a four-disc compilation of Guided By Voices music called “Suitcase 2: American Superdream Wow”
. Guided By Voices called it quits this year, but if you missed out on their career you can catch up in one fell ($45) swoop.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – very pleased, but I can’t tell you why
Current Music – Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code Podcast from Last Tuesday (trying to catch up)
Website Of The Day – The folks over at Swapatorium have another collection of found, vintage photos. In case you haven’t figured out, I love this shit.
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – approximately 6.5 miles of running/walking
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Ten Down, Two To Go
November 1st? You’ve got to be kidding!
More Trivia In My Belly
Last night Meet The Hashers met up for a Halloween version of trivia at Johnny’s Pizza in Inman Park. The best part of the evening was a new and very attractive waitress dressed up in a Catholic school girl outfit. Something told me that this was not the first time she has worn that outfit.
All of the questions (save one) had a Halloween theme. I am really not a fan of these gimmicks because it narrows the answer field and teams who would normally be out of contention can make educated guesses. You can probably tell from my tone that we didn’t win. 🙂 Second place was all ours, however.
Ask For Me By Name! Accept No Substitutions!
You’ll probably have to know that my hash name is Wee Little Bit to understand this…
I wasn’t planning on ever running the Flying Pig Marathon, but when they ask for me by name I might have to reconsider.
Major Crisis In The Works
My beloved 32″ television is starting to die. Not yet six years old, the big monster is exhibiting scan lines (where you can see the tube refresh) that cannot be fixed nor can they increasingly be ignored.
You’d think that with the popularity of HD tvs that good old school analog tvs would have dropped in price. But, I guess in the same way that it costs a lot to buy a turntable (you remember those, right?) non-digital tv sets cost the same as they did when I bought this one. Bummer! It’s not that I don’t want a fancy new tv, but I really don’t want to buy one now, and the bread racking that I currently use doesn’t allow for a 16:9 aspect ratio (aka widescreen) tv. Arrgh! Besides, I’ve got other gadgets and gizmos that I’d rather spring for right now.
Music For The Massive
My live show listing is running a bit bare right now, but tonight I’ll be attending one of them. I suggest that you come out to The Loft to see Shout Out Louds!.This will be my first trip to The Loft, so I am interested to see how this venue plays. Also, I am going to attempt to flex my new Marta card by taking the train, although this could be a big mistake for the return trip. Tune in tomorrow and find out.
At Least CDs Are Still Fairly Affordable
Slow release day. I guess we are to the point where labels will be waiting to slam the holiday season. Of the releases, two intrigue me.
First is the Sun Kil Moon release called “Tiny Cities”
which is a cd of Modest Mouse covers. I’ve been getting into covers a lot lately thanks to the Coverville podcast.
Second is a four-disc compilation of Guided By Voices music called “Suitcase 2: American Superdream Wow”
. Guided By Voices called it quits this year, but if you missed out on their career you can catch up in one fell ($45) swoop.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – very pleased, but I can’t tell you why
Current Music – Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code Podcast from Last Tuesday (trying to catch up)
Website Of The Day – The folks over at Swapatorium have another collection of found, vintage photos. In case you haven’t figured out, I love this shit.
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – approximately 6.5 miles of running/walking
Paulie [eatl/ga]