I thought about putting up a lame post about Groundhog Day. But that’s just “phoning it in”; I am better than that, and you deserve more…
This morning I came into work expecting to eat a piece of cornbread for breakfast that I had purchased yesterday. Unfortunately, between the time I left the office and arriving today someone else decided that it looked like a tasty morsel and took it. I am really pissed. Yes, it was only a piece of cornbread, but much like the umbrella and broom stolen from my house, it’s the loss of security that has me angry.
[UPDATE: I have just noticed that whoever took my cornbread opened the package in my office and left crumbs! Fuckers.]
My ire has been raised, six more weeks of winter will occur.
Eye Of The Tiger
Tonight starts yet another season of Survivor. According to CBS, this will be Season Twelve. That’s right, I still watch. In fact, tonight I’ll be sharing some wine with my good friends Stacy and Phil watching the first episode.
Haters can hate, but Survivor was the first “RealityTV” to make it big. It deserves a lot of credit for the genre.
But Siriusly Folks
Because I will be watching Survivor tonight and because I forgot to set up my DVR to record Sirius Satellite Radio channel 26 (Dish Network channel 6026) I will unfortunately be missing tonight’s version of “Matt Pinfield Plays Whatever The Fuck He Wants.” Too bad, as I blogged about last month Pinfield plays some incredibly off-the-wall music which rarely sees airplay (even on the satellite networks). Tune in if you have the technology. You won’t be disappointed.
Sex, Lies, And Battery Life
My electronics don’t seem to get nearly the battery life advertised by their manufacturers. Apple claims that my iPod should get “up to twenty hours” of music play. Hah! I am lucky if I get anywhere near half of that. My Garmin Forerunner 201 GPS states that when fully charged I will get twelve hours of battery life. However, it seems that I have to recharge it more often than that. I guarantee that I am not out running the battery down by running for twelve hours.
A busy day awaits me, including a trip to a doctor. Therefore, I must be on my way.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – a little run down
Current Music – none, listening to the “Inside The Net” podcast
Website Of The Day – I was going to select the Groundhog Day site (http://www.groundhog.org), but the site returns a 404 error. No site seen, does this mean that we are spared six more weeks of winter?
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on del.icio.us, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – running, approximately 5.5 miles
Paulie [eatl/ga]
This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address fall in the same week. As Air America Radio pointed out, “It is an ironic juxtaposition: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, and the other involves a groundhog.”
Survivor!!! Yeah… Exile Island. I read on MegaDoofus.com that there is a hidden bottle of burboun somewhere on isle!
A pox upon your cornbread thief. Leaving crumbs is just a roshambo when you’re down… Hopefully there is such a thing as karma, and they’ll get a scorching case of herpes, or come down with scurvy… or rickets… or shingles…