The Site Remains The Same
I made many attempts this weekend at updating the code which runs this site and adding some nifty plugins — all efforts failed. Oh goody, now I have things to discuss at the first Nerdfest meetup at the Highlander tomorrow night.
It Was Like Seeing An Old Friend
After struggling with code on Friday I received a text message from my good friend Laura (“I Know That Trick”). The conversation persuaded me to head down to East Point and meet up with the Hash Happy Hour at The Corner Tavern.
As an aside, I am really displeased with Google’s search results for businesses. I searched for “Corner Tavern Atlanta” and it returned links to many sites, none of which were the actual site for the establishment. Further, when I click on the maps link it will give me all information about the establishment except for its website. Anyone have a better solution?
Down at The Corner Tavern I saw an old friend from my Gravity dart throwing days. She’s now working down at The Corner Tavern. Who knew?
Why I Need An Agenda
Saturday was a series of starts and stops for me. On no fewer than three occasions I forced myself to leave the house to do something which did not involve eating or drinking (take photos, run errands, find fun things) only to return home shortly thereafter. I felt like I was a kid on Summer vacation again.
I did manage to get gas for the lawn mower and mow the front “lawn” and do some cleanup of my curb. I think that my mower needs a tune up before I attempt the mess that is my back yard, so that might have to be put off until next weekend.
This is the only shot I took on Saturday worth anything, and even at that I’m none to pleased with the harshness of the shadows…

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – crummy — tired and runny nose
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Bright Eyes — “Another Travellin’ Song”
Website Of The Day – If you’ve not been to You Tube yet, why not?
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – yard work (if you saw my yard you’d know that working on it is exercise) on Saturday, Black Sheep hashing on Sunday
Paulie [eatl/ga]
With All That Sleep, How Can I Be Tired?
The Site Remains The Same
I made many attempts this weekend at updating the code which runs this site and adding some nifty plugins — all efforts failed. Oh goody, now I have things to discuss at the first Nerdfest meetup at the Highlander tomorrow night.
It Was Like Seeing An Old Friend
After struggling with code on Friday I received a text message from my good friend Laura (“I Know That Trick”). The conversation persuaded me to head down to East Point and meet up with the Hash Happy Hour at The Corner Tavern.
As an aside, I am really displeased with Google’s search results for businesses. I searched for “Corner Tavern Atlanta” and it returned links to many sites, none of which were the actual site for the establishment. Further, when I click on the maps link it will give me all information about the establishment except for its website. Anyone have a better solution?
Down at The Corner Tavern I saw an old friend from my Gravity dart throwing days. She’s now working down at The Corner Tavern. Who knew?
Why I Need An Agenda
Saturday was a series of starts and stops for me. On no fewer than three occasions I forced myself to leave the house to do something which did not involve eating or drinking (take photos, run errands, find fun things) only to return home shortly thereafter. I felt like I was a kid on Summer vacation again.
I did manage to get gas for the lawn mower and mow the front “lawn” and do some cleanup of my curb. I think that my mower needs a tune up before I attempt the mess that is my back yard, so that might have to be put off until next weekend.
This is the only shot I took on Saturday worth anything, and even at that I’m none to pleased with the harshness of the shadows…
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – crummy — tired and runny nose
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Bright Eyes — “Another Travellin’ Song”
Website Of The Day – If you’ve not been to You Tube yet, why not?
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – yard work (if you saw my yard you’d know that working on it is exercise) on Saturday, Black Sheep hashing on Sunday
Paulie [eatl/ga]