I Wish Marta Was Always That Efficient

This morning I had a forty-five minute commute, on Marta no less! After a brief wait for a westbound train I got off the train at Five Points to find a North Springs train sitting at the station. If Marta could keep this up, or at least service not very dissimilar, I’d never drive to this office again.

As A Matter Of Fact That Was Me You Saw Running!
And running well I might add.

Last night I headed out of George’s with a non-existent group of 6 o’clock “B Team” runners. About a block into the run I crossed paths with Push Over who turned around and ran with me for about a mile and a half before peeling off. From there I completed my loop solo, having to walk twice or thrice along the way.

I finished the 4.8 mile trek in about 51:30, which I will admit is not about to get me on any Olympic squad. However, if you assume that I must have spent at least four minutes waiting for traffic lights to change so that I could cross safely, that ain’t half bad (for me).

Now if I could only get over the parts where I have to walk…

Twelve Days Of ITP Flickr Pics
Each day through Christmas I will be picking my favorite photo for each month of 2007.

Today: April
Can We Just Get In The Car Already?

Unlike March, April was full of good photos from which to choose. I did a lot of fun things in April; much of my April stream is dominated by the road trip I took to Blowing Rock and Boone North Carolina.

Anyone Down For Alejandro Escovedo?
I am thinking about reserving a four-top table for the Alejandro Escovedo show at Eddie’s Attic on January 10th. The cost of the table is $90, so your cost would be $22.50. If there is not enough interest by tomorrow I am going to buy myself a single ticket instead.

Could This Be The Ultimate Arrested Development Fix?
Yesterday as I went to IMdb to get my link for Arrested Development I noticed something very strange. Underneath the tv listing was a listing for another Arrested Development which is tentatively scheduled to be released in 2009. “Are they going to make an Arrested Development movie?” I thought to myself. I didn’t mention it yesterday because I thought it to be far-fetched.

Then this morning I was reading an email sent to me by Paste Magazine. Within the email was a link to an article entitled Arrested Development…the movie?. It’s such a crazy notion that it must be true!

Keep your fingers crossed my fellow Arrested Development addicts.

Dude! We’re Getting The Band Trivia Team Back Together
Tonight that rag-tag bunch of trivia players known as “Meet The Hashers” will be getting together at Raging Burrito in Decatur.

It’s been some time since I’ve joined Meet The Hashers for a night of trivia. After my inability to contribute last Saturday I am looking to redeem myself.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – scared, but for no reason that I can divulge
Current MusicWOXY’s Holiday Mixer
Website Of The Day – It dawned on me today that nearly every day I pick a website that I’ve stored in my del.icio.us account but I have never picked del.icio.us as my Pick Of The Day.
Exercise (b)Log – running/walking, 4.8 miles
Monthly Foot Mileage – 20.1 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To WorkMarta
Monthly Marta Rides – 5

December Goals
1) Run no fewer than 50 miles
2) Ride Marta no fewer than twenty times (ten round-trips)
3) Read at least one book

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to I Wish Marta Was Always That Efficient

  1. Barb says:

    Just remember – Socrates was born in 399BC, not 6.
    Maybe you will at least get some sports questions.

  2. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I have serious doubts about their fact checking. How could anyone have possibly been born before Christ? 🙂

  3. RanLiCoop says:

    Excellent choice for photo of the day. What a good-looking doggie 😉

    If you just want to get onto an Olympic squad (and don’t mind later forfeiting any medals you may win), you can always call the boys at BALCo…


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