I’m Not April Fooling

Long-time ITP readers may remember when I played an April Fool’s joke in this space. Basically it was a story about how I met a girl in Publix while we were both waiting to check out. I fooled at least one person who gave me the best of luck with the new relationship a few weeks after the blog entry was published. I promise no such Tomfoolery today. Although I just noticed that today’s Amazon deal is The Clapper. Surely they can’t be serious, can they?

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

Fear is static that prevents me from hearing my intuition.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Rewards For Completing My Tasks
Sorry, this should have been a part of yesterday’s blog but I forgot.

If you remember way back when I started training for Sunday’s half-marathon I had a reward schedule in place

Faster than 2:00 = Macbook Air
Slower than 2:00 = Macbook

Well as you know, I didn’t run under 2:00 so the Macbook it is. However, I’ve decided to wait for a few months to purchase a new laptop because my old 12″ iBook does the job that I need it to do currently, and I want to let my finances settle down a bit before I shell out for another computer.

In the interim I will reward my half-marathon completion and my eleven-pound weight loss by buying myself a few other treats.

Reward number one was the purchase of a Flip Video’s Ultra Series video camera. What was really cool was that in the time that it took me to decide which color to buy from Amazon (I wound up with white because it was in stock, black and white/orange were not) the price dropped $10. Woo Hoo! The camera is far from professional, in fact if I had to describe it I’d call it a very simplistic point-and-shoot video camera. Hell for $140 what more should I expect?

Reward number two will be a Chumby. A Chumby is a internet connected device that resembles an alarm clock. I would have already purchased one if I could figure out which color I really want. So far I am leaning toward black. I just purchased a black one.

ITP Flickr Pic
A couple weeks ago I did a walk through East Atlanta with my camera.

Retro Sale!

This was a store obviously having a sale. Can you see my camera bag in the reflection? Oops.

I’m Surprised It’s Taken Me This Long
The other day I registered “www.WeeLittleBit.com”. I am really surprised that I had not done this in the past. I am thinking about using the domain to be a hash-only blog which would not take away from this space whatsoever. The challenge I am having right now is to figure out is whether I should put tabs on this site so that you can read both from her (www.InsideThePerimeter.com / www.InsideThePerimeter.net will always be my mother-ship of blogging) or just keep two separate entities. WeeLittleBit.com will not be updated nearly as often as this space; it will contain only hashing-related information, most likely in the form of Hash Trashes.

Don’t bother going there yet though, because it doesn’t go anywhere yet.

I Need To Go Out To Get Back In
When I tell people that I am not doing much they tend to scoff at me. It is true that my calendar is usually booked, but far more than the majority of my outings lately have been solo. Last night was a good example. Just because it was a day off from the East Atlanta Monday Runners Group that didn’t mean that I shouldn’t go out for a village dinner — alone. I ate a fantastic dinner of North Carolina style barbecue with onion rings and jalapeno hushpuppies. With dinner I consumed two beers that I had never had before, a ACME Pale Ale from North Coast Brewing in California and one a Lion Stout from Sri Lanka.

Tonight will be different. It’s hard to believe but it’s been a year since I drove over to Castleberry Hill to join the Atlanta Photographers Guild at Elliott Street Pub. With any luck at all I will be arriving early to meet my friend Maigh to eat and then shoot with the group.

CD Pick Of The Week
History would suggest that this week is a slam dunk, that this week I’d immediately recommend REM’s “Accelerate.” However, no REM since the release of “Monster” has moved me.

There are three releases that I’d love to hear for free prior to recommending them; the are Anti-Flag’s “The Bright Lights Of America”, The Black Keys’ “Attack & Release”, and Sun Kil Moon’s “April.”

Having said all that I don’t know what to recommend today. Why don’t you tell me what new disc I should be excited about.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – I need to fix myself physically so that I can work on my mentality
Current Music – listening to the “This Week In Tech” podcast
Website Of The DaySongza is a search engine for music. You provide an artist or title, it looks on the internets for it and will stream it to you to hear.
Exercise (b)Log – much needed rest day
Monthly Foot Mileage – 0 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car
Monthly Marta Rides – 0

April Goals
1) Run no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 100 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least one book
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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22 Responses to I’m Not April Fooling

  1. Martha says:

    Sounds like it was the Glenwood for dinner last night. We were there Saturday for my pre-race meal (fried green tomatoes and a green salad).

    This is yesterday’s news but it looks like ING fixed at least one thing for you.

    I’ve sent you an email.

  2. I had the same food I had after last Monday’s run sans fried pickle chips. Oddly, I still left about four onion rings because I was so full.

    Just saw your email. Thanks. I emailed the dude whose name was tied to Active.com’s results and he, surprisingly, emailed me back a response in a quick time. Now it’s time for me to get into better shape so that first number is a “1” instead of a “2” even if the course is 13.3 miles instead of 13.1 miles.

  3. debbie says:

    Make your bed every day? That’s a new one, right?

    We did that for the six long months our house was for sale and it was very nice. Not so nice that the tradition has carried over which is totally my fault since I’m the last one up.

    If you’ll give me a bye for today, consider yourself challenged for the rest of the month. You can be on the honor system and FP will tell on me if I fail.

  4. Very astute! I was waiting to see if anyone would notice that. I figured that some might even accuse me adding that as a hidden April Fool’s joke. In the book “It’s All Too Much”, which helps people get over their clutter problems, he recommends making your bed every day to install order into one’s life. I agree, but have been a major slackass for many years.

    Game on! 🙂

  5. Barb says:

    well, we sort of make the bed every day, but not as perfectly as if someone was coming to look at our hosue to buy….. does straightening the sheets and blankets up count?

    I saw an interview with Michael Stipe this past weekend (I think on CBS Sunday Morning maybe) about the new album, he admitted the last few haven’t been that good, and promises this one is. With the money they are putting into promoting it, I sure hope it is good.

    100 road miles this month????? Make me go riding with you this weekend. I need to get on my road bike. (if the weather isn’t crappy, road riding in bad weather is not enjoyable for me)

  6. Admittedly 100 road miles in a month is low, but considering I’ve ridden zero miles for as many months as I can remember it is a start.

  7. Jenka says:

    You should have come over and sat with us! We were just watching the Braves game (after the bartender dude finally figured out how to find the right channel). I was going to ask you over, but, well, I wasn’t sure you’d want to. Braves sucked last night, so you woulda been happy.

  8. I thought that you and your husband were there for dinner, and I didn’t want to interrupt.

    I thought it was funny they couldn’t find the game. That asked me if I knew what channel the game was on but I didn’t.

    I watched most of the game but when it went into extra innings I went to bed.

  9. Barb says:

    I didn’t mean to make you think that 100 road miles was low, the fact that there are any listed is what I was noticing. I’m thinking about going to the end of Pine Lake on Saturday, not sure about doing trail yet…… I might try to do a road ride that morning.

  10. Martha says:

    If you’re interested I’m taking my bike with me on Sunday. The plan is to meet Brad at the Silver Comet and get some miles in…weather permitting. You (both) are welcome to join us.

    Oh there now a flickr set (thanks to Paulie’s inspriation) “No, it isn’t my boyfriend, I do this to myself…”

    I’m really looking forward to adding more pics to it 😉

  11. No, I admit that 100 is low (for a month). I just needed to put a stake in the ground in order to get me going. And since two of my April weekends are already accounted for, who knows how much I will get out.

  12. I *may* go to the Mets/Braves game on Sunday if the weather is nice. If I decide to do so I will run and leave w/o drinking (SHOCKER!).

    Ha! I just checked out your new Flickr Set Martha. Niiiiiiice. 🙂

  13. Barb says:

    I just might meet you at the Silver Comet – can you still ride after eating all that bacon and drinking lots of beer?

  14. The girl ran 10 miles with a nasty blister! Riding after bacon and beer will be no challenge for her.

  15. Bob says:

    Yo Paulie, do you have any road routes mapped from your house? I’ll be in your hood for the critter crawl Saturday afternoon. I’ll do a road ride with you in the AM if you are interested.

    Anybody else doing the east atlanta critter crawl?

  16. I’ve considered doing the pub crawl, but I am not sure that I want to do a pub crawl.

  17. Maigh says:

    YEAY for dinner with Paulie!!!!

  18. Barb says:

    Thursday night Roswell bike ride might work for you Paulie – it isn’t too far from the office….. http://www.bikeroswell.com/thursdayride/index.html

    I never tried to keep up with the group in the past, they are fast, but now that they have a C group, I might be able to. And, in the past, there have been some girls out there. It is a great route, with lots of hills so the dinner after tastes so much better.
    Bob, I don’t know if I (we) can make it this week, but next week I want to try.
    I might try to go to SLUT this week, I hear it is in East Cobb somewhere.

  19. Laura says:

    I love that my husband is offering his time to you on Saturday morning (while he already has plans away from home that afternoon) when I’m two weeks shy of my due date. Boy, clearly I haven’t whipped him into shape just quite yet.

  20. Steve says:

    Laura: Sounds to me that’s exactly what he needs… a good whippin.

    And yes, I’ll be sure and report how the mizzus is doing on the bedmaking front.


  21. Laura, he’s got to get all this “man time” in now, because once the little mouth comes he won’t be allowed out.

    Besides, should you drop early I am sure you’ll have the common sense to do so prior to him having too many to drive home on Saturday. 🙂

  22. Steve, I’ll added a counter which I’ll update with each new post.

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