Think Different

Those two words propelled Apple in the 1990’s, I see no reason why I shouldn’t “borrow” them.

A New Year, A Slightly New Start
I the past few, and might I add unsuccessful, years I’ve started the year by cooking breakfast at home, taking a photo of said breakfast, and posting the shot. With each photo post I hoped that the new year would be better than the last and swore that if it weren’t the next year I’d eat out instead. The problem with this is that I always feel obliged to be productive on the first day of the year, so I can’t spend the hour or two going out to eat.

Last night I decided that I was going to go out and eat this morning. However, I woke up at 7:30am which is late (for me) and had a boatload of “to-do” items to start do I did not.

I made breakfast — coffee, frozen biscuits, eggs over-easy cooked in bacon fat — but decided not to photograph it. Don’t take this decision as a death-knell for my photography, take it as a statement of change.

Do Less, And Do It Better
If you’ve read this space for any length of time you’ve probably realized that I have many irons in the fire. One of the downsides to this is that I’ve become a jack of many trades but a master of none.

Along those lines over the years I’ve gathered more RSS feeds than I can handle in a single day; my Google Reader runeth over. Yesterday, I started weeding out those blogs / news sites that provide more noise than valuable information.

Here are the blogs / news sites that I plan to read daily or whenever a new post is made, the rest I will leave and scan occasionally.

If you have great, instructive site for PHP and/or CSS development then please let me know.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – okay, not great, seeking clarity and happiness
Current Music – listening to the Photofocus podcast
Website Of The Day – Start the new year with a New Year Festival.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – n/a
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – didn’t check, but wish that I had

Foot Mileage – 0 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Pushups – 0, Situps – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 1 (1)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 0
Marta Rides – 0

January Goals
– Not get fired from my job

2010 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 185 pounds (today’s weight was unknown, will start Monday)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalapeño Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
– Get the Black Sheep stats out of Excel and online
– Ride in no fewer than two 50 mile or 50K bike rides

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in PHP and CSS
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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One Response to Think Different

  1. Martha says:

    Happy New Year Everyone!!

    Re: Do Less, And Do It Better…I couldn’t agree with you more.

    Here are my goals for 2010

    1) get my weight down to 125 and/or body fat of <25% (I failed miserably at this in 2009)

    2) run my first ultra

    3) get my BQ

    4) refurbish my bathroom

    5) take the Track Certification Class @ DLV

    6) pay off the credit card (again), I had accomplished this in '09 but a big trip to Chicago and unexpected car repair left me with a balance again.

    See you all at CheddarHead in a bit!!

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