Wrapping Up The Week With Some Serious Argy Bargy

After gnashing my teeth to weave through heavy afternoon traffic to get to meet up with Cockpit to reccy last night the evening turned out to be a success. We’ve successfully wrapped up with our reccying and now just have to hope for decent weather Sunday. After reccying for a good two hours we headed to Holy Taco for a delicious bite to eat.

Free No More. Free, No More
In the past few months I’ve been digging the free Road (Cycling) magazine app on my iPad. Each month I’d download the magazine and read the parts which interested me as well as admire the photography within.

Unfortunately, starting with the July issue Road magazine requires a paid subscription in order to access their magazine. Sorry but I have too many other free (or much cheaper) entertainment options to warrant paying for Road — so I deleted the app from my iPad.

I Hope That I Could Get Fucked Up Again
It frustrates me when two or more things I’d like to attend occur on the same night. I believe that I mentioned that I’ve signed up for a food blogger event to be held at The Shed in Glenwood Park on September 11th. Yesterday I received an email telling me that Canada’s Fucked Up will be playing at the Drunken Unicorn on the same night.

The good thing about this conflict is that I might be able to attend both as I can’t imagine Fucked Up taking the stage any time before midnight.

ITP Flickr Pic
There is an effort to clean the windows and building at work. My office is on the sixth floor and yesterday the workers’ platform was outside my window.
Better Them Than Me
It is no secret that I am afraid of heights, so I’m glad that they are doing that job instead of me.

(In the background you can see the Concourse — King and Queen — buildings)

No Draper Last Night
I caught up on Top Chef instead of watching Mad Men last night. I was pooped and fell asleep at least twice during my viewing of Top Chef and had to skip back to see what actually happened during the show.

There is buzz on the internets that this season is the most boring Top Chef ever. I can’t say that I disagree, but time will tell. What says you?

I’ve just read AJC food writer John Kessler’s recap of last night’s episode. Kessler’s recaps this season have been less than stellar, and in the comments yesterday he admitted that he has actually stopped watching the show and is recapping from other website’s recaps. Interesting…

Happy (Day Before Your) Birthday
Tomorrow is ITP-Reader Barb’s birthday. I’m hoping that the weather nerds are wrong about their weekend forecast so that I can go out and do a good ride with her on her birthday.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – confused, but okay
Current Music – getting ready for today’s stage of the Tour de France
Website Of The Day – I didn’t watch any Mad Men, but won’t let that stop me from pimping an artist, Christina Perry, who has made some awesome Mad Men posters.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – didn’t check
Pages Of 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die Read – 77

Foot Mileage – ~7 miles, Wheel Mileage – 95.1 miles
Pushups – 0, Situps – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 16 (16)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 15
Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

July Goals
– Not to get sick for the entire month (still waiting to accomplish this)
– Not get fired from my job
– Ride my bicycle no fewer than 150 miles
– Get the Sharpened Stone, LLC moving further
– Complete at least one iPhone application
– Completely plan out my August/September Colorado trip

2010 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 185 pounds (starting weight was 198 pounds) [update: On July 1 I’ve sadly gained weight; I’m at 203 pounds]
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Sharpened Stone.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Get the Black Sheep stats out of Excel and online
– Ride in no fewer than two 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Complete my Taco Mac Passport requirement of 125 beers

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in PHP and CSS Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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12 Responses to Wrapping Up The Week With Some Serious Argy Bargy

  1. Barb says:

    I don’t know about a good ride, but a ride it will be tomorrow. Michelle & I went to Silver Comet last night, I’m not sure what my problem was (I could blame the heat & humidity, but that is just an over used excuse), but those 20 flat miles were much tougher than they should have been. Maybe I need some uphills, since then there will be downhills?

  2. Riding on all flat is a lot like running. There never seems to be an opportunity to coast and recover.

  3. Steve says:

    Happy Birthday Eve Barb!! Hopefully the weather will hold for the ride. And you’ll be suprised what I drive up in. Only $2300 to repair the 3.

    I have yet to eat at Holy Taco, but hope to some day soon.


  4. $2300? Ouch!

    Holy Taco is really good. I had two tacos (one fried tilapia and one (huge) brisket), shared chips and salsa, and had a Fat Tire. Rumor has it that Holy Taco will be the on-after on Sunday. 😉

    Speaking of food, I think I should stop shoving it into my piehole today! I had a small bowl of cereal, finished my fresh fruit, and for some reason could not resist having a Dunkin Donut donut hole where were in the breakroom. 🙁

  5. RanLiCoop says:

    Happy (early) Birthday, Barb!

  6. bob says:

    Happy birthday eve Barb! I can’t ride in the AM but will make it to Wild Wing later.

  7. sal says:

    Happy Birthday Eve Barb. I cannot make the ride but will TRY to make it to Wild Wing later.

  8. Martha says:

    I had tacos last night also but I had them at home. I was able to pick enough tomatoes and peppers (along with store bought onions and cilantro) to make some homemade salsa. Black beans, chorizo and avocado. I was tempted to just have a smoothie, after all the smoothie talk yesterday but I had a ‘real’ meal.

    I ate two donuts last week, it just made me want more. I don’t think I brough enough food with me today, I may just have to leave early or head to the gym. Fridays are just dead around here.

    I hope the rain holds off for everyone’s outdoor activities but I like the rain once I’m finished so I don’t feel guilty about not doing anything else.

  9. And thanks to ITP-Reader Martha for bringing me a can of mangos so I can attempt making a mango lassi sometime soon. 🙂

  10. Steve says:

    Martha, sounds good… healthy even!! And I’m no foodie, but what is a mango lassi? Would that be the fillipino take on a smoothie?

  11. Martha says:

    No problem Paulie, I hope you enjoy it. They had pre-made lassi in a bottle at YDFM, I didn’t buy one, seemed like there was just too much ‘extra’ stuff in it.

    Actually Steve, it’s an Indian (at least sub-continent) smoothie. It’s made with kesar mangos and cardamom.

    I never get fillipino food unless we go to Ohio, Jerry can’t cook at all.

  12. Barb says:

    I’m not sure if that lassi sounds all that good – but I guess I’d have to try it to know.

    Thanks for all the pre-birthday wishes – Wild Wing will probably be pretty busy tomorrow (it is their 15th Anniv. bash), so if you can’t make it, it is really okay. We just decided to go there since it is close to the house, and I hadn’t seen A1A in a few months. I’ve never been a big birthday party kind of girl, so this is more than enough for me.

    Dinner at Flemings tonight – I’ll be broke tomorrow…… but we found out you can bring your own bottle of wine with no corkage if you pre-arrange it, so maybe I’ll only be mostly broke tomorrow.

    Sal – we’d have to give you your bike back fro you to ride, but I’m sure I’d ride too slow for you anyway.

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