Shin-Splinterty, Shin-Splinterty, Shin-Shin, Ouch-Ouch

Yesterday afternoon I went out for a walk with my boss and from the get-go my shins bothered me. This is not the first time in recent times that my shins have hurt, though I tried to accuse a fastened-pace for yesterday’s pain. Toward the end of the walk my shins’ pain eased a bit, but today they hurt again. Add this pain to the rest of the things with my body which are hurting. Soon my entire body will be a bag of hurt.

Yesterday’s Daily Challenge
Add A Fresh Lemon Or Lime To Your Shopping List.

Lemons and limes are powerhouses of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which research has shown to be associated with reducing inflammation and preventing heart disease. The tangy flavor of lemons and limes make a great salt substitute for people who are watching their salt intake. And a glass of sparkling water with lemon or lime slices is a delicious calorie- and sugar-free drink.

I have fresh limes at the ITP Estate; I guess that I should be using them.

My Bedroom Smells Like A Brewery
While making my bed this morning I knocked over a half-consumed bottle of beer which stool on my nightstand. Beer spilled over a small section of my hardwood floor, and sat there as I “raced” into the kitchen to retrieve a towel and some paper towels.

Before you praise me for having the restraint to not finish a beer within arm’s reach let me tell you that this accident should never happen! No matter how tired you are you should never fall asleep prior to finishing your beer (or wine if that’s your thing). In the future I will try harder to not allow a situation which permits beer spillage to occur.

ITP Flickr Pic
Again, nothing more than a walking map.
I wish that I had run the MapMyRide+ app to add this walk to my account — but for some reason I chose not to.

I Have Them And I’m Not Afraid To Use Them
In the past year I’ve claimed some gift cards (Amazon and iTunes) by redeeming points through my credit card company, as well as Recyclebank.

For some reason I’ve been holding on to these cards (though I’m still awaiting the arrival of my iTunes gift card from Recyclebank) and haven’t been redeeming them. You’d think the snafu I had a few years ago with a gift card becoming zero-balanced due to “maintenance” fees — though that practice is now unlawful.

This weekend that all changed. I’ve started purchasing apps from the IOS App Store, and I’ve begun identifying some physical books which will be replaced by digital versions.

Going To Try A New Place Tonight
As I perused my East Atlanta Village link list yesterday I noticed that I still had a link for the now-closed Blue Frog Cantina. In Blue Frog’s place is an Irish-inspired bar/restaurant called The Elder Tree Public House (no website yet from what I know). No matter what time I exit the office tonight I am going to have dinner at The Elder Tree Public House (shoot, that’s a lot to type). Look for my initial impression in tomorrow’s blog.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – okay, though I’m bothered by many things including some recurring health issues
Current Music – listening to this week’s “Build And Analyze” podcast
Website Of The DayToday I’m going to be making an effort to read Stop Shin Splints. On the surface the website appears a quick-read which probably means that it’s going to try and sell me a book. I’ve just removed their link because when I went to close the page a pop-up occurred trying to get me to have someone call me. Fuck. That.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – I’ll find out again tomorrow, and you’ll know why then

Foot Mileage – ~49.2 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 31 flights

Days Of Bed-Making – 26*

Vegetarian Days – 7*
Carnivorous Days – 20
Pancakes Eaten – 11

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

February Goals
– Lose at least one pound (net weight loss)
– Exercise for thirty minutes no fewer than twenty days
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than ten days
– Not get fired from my job, nor quit my job
– Follow up with doctors, lawyer, women in whom I have interest
– Go out on a least one date with a woman in whom I have interest
– Submit 2012 paperwork for Sharpened Stone, LLC
– Gather all tax paperwork for 2011 income taxes
– Successfully arrange for automatic payments for my mortgage
– Watch all of the classes in the 2011 Winter semester of Stanford’s CS193P (iOS Development) course

2012 Goals [will be a little less fluid than last year]
– Get my weight under 200 pounds, or at least whittle myself back down to where wearing a 36″ pant size is comfortable
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than one one 10K
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store
– Restore the ITP Estate to a condition where it can be put up for sale at any time
– Buy a new iPhone (iPhone 5?), a new iPad (iPad 3?), and MacBook Air [look, not all goals have to be altruistic]

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient and profitable programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– See more live concerts than I did in 2011
– Eat more pancakes
– Drive/Fly somewhere for a real vacation

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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5 Responses to Shin-Splinterty, Shin-Splinterty, Shin-Shin, Ouch-Ouch

  1. Steve says:

    Back in my Scottish dancing days, I suffered from shin splints, due to dancing on a lot of concrete floors. I would warm them up by vigorusly tapping my foot- with toes held tight to the point of cramping. Switch legs several times before any exercise. The music I played for my class was “Saber Dance” by Khachaturian.. feel free to make your own musical choice.

    Was TAR on Sunday night? And did anyone watch the Daytona 500 last night? Bizzare incident with the sweeper truck…

    Working from home today, waiting on the tree man.. and it just started sprinkling. Hope that doesn’t dissuade them.


  2. TAR was on Sunday night, and I forgot to blog about it. I apparently am forgetting a lot these days — too much reliance on technology? — as I walked over to Target this morning to get something for work while forgetting that I was to be in a 9:00am meeting. It’s too late to go into the meeting now, I’ll suffer whatever consequences occur when it’s realized that I am not in the meeting.

  3. Barb says:

    I haven’t watched TAR yet, but it is in the DVR. I just hope it was on time……….

    No, I didn’t watch Nacsar, I see no reason to watch cars drive in circles, just as most people think watching a bike race is boring. (side note on cycling, TJ was sent to Argentina for the Pan Am games, I requested a bottle of wine & not a tshirt be brought back)

    Dribbles told me a long time ago he’d tell his cross country kids to to walk on their heels to warm up before running, I tried it back when I was running & never had shin splints. I know Martha is having issues with shin splints right now too.

  4. In rare form TAR was on time.

  5. Randy says:

    You could always call one of the Cheesy PT sisters for advice on shin splints.

    Or, you could self-diagnose and self-treat:

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