I hope that you had a lovely time celebrating in whatever way you found satisfying last night. I watched the Oklahoma v. Clemson game with my boss, a Clemson graduate, at Lucky’s Burger & Brew in Brookhaven before heading over to Sanitary Not’s to celebrate New Year’s Eve with the Raleigh Royalty. The evening was much fun, though getting home at 1:00am made for at tired morning today.
The Theme For 2016
I’ve spouted resolutions in the past, including the wildly-popular “eat more pancakes” resolution a few years ago, but I’m going for an overall theme this year. From today’s title you might rightly surmise that this year’s theme for me will be “Reconnecting”.
“What the hell does that mean, Paulie?” I hear you saying to yourself.
Well, here you go. Over the past decade or so I’ve slid into increasing isolation. I want to reverse that trend this year.
I want to hang out with friends more, including having people come to the ITP estate for gatherings (which may turn back into parties in 2017).
I want to reconnect with others via social/sporting outlets like hashing, cycling, and traveling.
I want to return to taking and posting photos. I’d like to return to getting others also interested in photography to meet up and do photo strolls around Atlanta.
I want to cook more often. This will require me to be able to get home early enough to do so, which may require a reevaluation of my employment.
And if I can pull these off 2016 will be one of the best years that I have had in a long time. Wish me well.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
I’m just now reading the NYD blog and will support you 100%. Here’s to a great ’16!!
Well, you can certainly count me in on the photo strolls: if you were connected to either Facebook or Instagram, you’d know that was one thing I’ve always kept up with gusto. I adore just having long walks with the camera, finding what I will find. I loved the time you, Phil and I did it together and then compared photos afterward to see who got what and from what angles. I would always be up for doing that again!
As for reconnecting, “more trivia nights” is on that list too, right? 🙂
We need to get out & about more often as well. We’ve gotten where we don’t leave Marietta enough anymore.
We also need to play trivia more often.