
Off today, and need to get back onto the daily exercise train.

Hoping the weather in Black Mountain will be better than is what is being predicted.

Have a great weekend all.

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5 Responses to 2019-05-10

  1. Bonnie says:

    Have a great trip, Paulie! You’ll have a good time seeing them even if the weather is less than stellar…

    Couple more days of preparations then off to Germany/Austria this weekend (paws crossed that Willow cat doesn’t prevent me from going or returning home early…) I’ll try to peek in on the blog when I have Wi-Fi.

  2. At SC Rest Area…

    TPMS alarm fired on 285 before Stone Mountain Freeway, a new record! 😡

    Gotten through the rough traffic, or so I hope.

    Okay, back on the road.

  3. Barb says:

    off to get my permanent crown in about an hour- what fun!
    but – hopefully that saga will now be over.

    Plumber on the books for next week Tuesday to start -we gotta get some decisions made & the floor marked off with measurements, etc. before he shows up. Need to be sure the new gas line is in the exact right spot for the new range.

  4. Steve says:

    Team TT completed, individual starts at noon. Good crew, so should be fun. Weather tomorrow looks ugly- let’s hope we can squeeze in some racing.


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