Hoping the weather doesn’t kill the tomato plants I transplanted on Sunday. They were root-bound in a container so I wanted to free them from it, but I never estimated the weather to get as chilly as it has.
I received my auto insurance renewal bill and it has gone up $200/year. After being a customer of theirs for forty years it may be time to leave State Farm.
I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was JUMPY
Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 197.0 pounds (+3.8 from last week’s weigh-in); something feels wrong about that, I was expecting a much better result.
And, I’ve aggravated me knee/meniscus again. However, weather permitting I will try and ride the group ride from Meltons tonight.
Wordle in 4, still a tricky MF.
Started to watch the game last night, but knew I could not make it to the end. I though UConn had them handled and I was right.
As I drove in, I swear the DOT sign said 285 all lanes closed ahead, but when I got to Old National, it was us. Apparently, a pick up truck (or it appeared to be..) didn’t make the curve. The fire trucks were long gone, but they still had the whole road closed. Only a little late.
Who’s in for TC Saturday? Table for 8 at 6:30.
It’s on my calendar
I need to go to a going away party in Alpharetta – I need to miss the PCM-TC outing. I’m very bummed, as I know TC would probably be much better food. But – Wendy is moving to Oregon, so I need to go.
Allan is working, I’ll find out if he is planning to be there.
I can’t believe I’m missing a TC outing that’s so close to my house! Unfortunately we have tickets to the Mario movie which Finn WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT. Literally every second of the day he is talking about it. And since he’s home all day for spring break, I am not at all exaggerating. Hope you all have fun!
(So close, yet so far…)
73 de JG/HamWithCam
We are still in, got it on the calendar.
Wordle in 6 starting with MIRED. Mini in 39.
took me 6 too – and Mini wasn’t good either.
Oh well……..
Date on the title is the same as yesterday
And it’s not even Groundhog Day. Thanks, fixed…
Car insurance – it does keep going up, no matter who you have.
But – State Farm is high – I’d definitely look into other options.
We switched from State Farm to USAA a few years ago – It’s a better policy -not sure really how much cheaper, but the couple times we’ve had to use it – they were very easy to work with.
I second Barb’s recommendation of USAA. We have all our insurance tied in through them. A few years ago, I thought I’d shop our insurance around and give some other folks a shot. No one could come close.
but- to get USAA, you have to have a relative that was in the military with it. We had TJ get a policy, so we could then get a policy.
Yeah, or recommended by someone who has it. That’s to keep the riff raff out. They’ll happily take your money.
That’s what I thought, so I am ineligible.
We actually went away from USAA because they got so expensive. I think we use Traveler’s now?
I have nothing to report, we had a quiet weekend and then yesterday was a crazy busy day at work. Finn is on spring break which means Kevin is staying home with him. We need to find a real babysitter to save his sanity!
Since all the kids in Atlanta are on spring break the traffic is super light!
After spending a week at my parents & trying to work from their house – I can actually understand the whole needing a babysitter thing. I’m glad I was there to see what’s going on, but its challenging. Now that I know the Wifi works good enough, and I can work up there, I probably need to go up for at least a few days in May. We will see.
Back from Waschsalon (had a ton to wash), and Kroger. I spent $90 at Kroger (I bout two 6-packs of beer and some fake meat to eat with WLF greens), it failed to get the one thing I have none of, coffee. Oops. I did. splurge on some WooHoo! “Mexican” ice cream which was marked down to $1.66/pint; I bought two pints of chocolate.
Mexican ice cream? No habla.
It’s called “Helados Mexico”.