
Wordle: four, my starter was USAGE

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6 Responses to 2025-01-02

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4, streak of 1!! To make it back to 145, I have to get to May 26th.

    Some very enjoyable football yesterday. Watched AzSt almost make it back to beat Texas- of course I root for the SEC, but come on! It was 31-8 or something like that going into the 4th quarter! And they took it to 2 overtimes! Then there was Ohio St. vs the Oregon Ducks. Quack quack. Clearly, Oregon ain’t all that, I just hope Ohio St. isn’t either.

    The cables have been run and no longer stretch across the carport. Just waiting to go into work and bring home my tester and crimper to finish the wireless bridge to the man cave.

    New Years Day supper was delicious pork chops, collards, black eyed peas, and asparagus (that needed to get cooked). Lovely.

    25 minutes on the trainer.


    • Sally says:

      Wordle in 4 starting with GRAIN. Almost didn’t get connections. 3 mistakes. B, G, P, Y. Ran at Sope Creek yesterday morning. A lot of people out on the trails. New Year’s resolutions, I’m guessing. Back to work today. May head into town to pick up my race bib for The Polar Opposite. Same course as the Peachtree but backwards.

      • Steve says:

        I heard about the Polar Opposite and thought it was clever. Shame it doesn’t fall on a Saturday every year.

  2. Barb says:

    didn’t do much after hike & breakfast with JoAnna –
    watched a lot of Netflix.
    Got the big box out of the attic to start un-decorating the tree, but – couldn’t motivate myself to do it. Finding the correct little boxes to put the ornaments away is always frustrating – I’ll get it done today.

    Allan said last night was busy (maybe just for the engine, so he was awoken too much) so he is napping this morning.

  3. Making a list of things I’d like to accomplish in January.

    Tomorrow I will disassemble Christmas for another year.

    • Barb says:

      just got our tree down, and the outside lights down.
      (gutter removal guy coming tomorrow, so the outside stuff was super necessary.)

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