
Has anyone out there made yogurt? If so, how did you do so? I want to attempt to make some in my Instant Pot soon.

Bitter cold and snow? Fuuuuuu… Might be a good week to try to clean, and re-season some cast iron in a hot oven.

Wordle: three, my starter was LATER

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21 Responses to 2025-01-07

  1. Sally says:

    Wordle in 3 starting with LATER. Connections with 3 mistakes: y, g, p, b.

    I used to make yogurt when I lived in Oregon. If I worked on a forest fire area mopping up I would find a hot spot and put my container there. It would be yogurt by the end of the day. You only need milk, live yogurt culture (you can use yogurt that has live cultures) and a constant temperature. I would think the Insta Pot would be perfect. I later got a yogurt maker for use at home. Haven’t made it in years. Might be a good time to start again. So much better!!

    They are still predicting 6-7 inches of snow this Friday. I hope we do. I love the snow.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 4 and had to throw 2 words up to just eliminate letters!

    A bit chilly this morning, but not as bad as I expected. Heated seats FTW!

    I just checked my weather app and it’s looking pretty good for Friday. Of course, that just means I’ll be looking out at it while I WORK!!

    50 minutes on the trainer last night. In long sleeves so I worked up a sweat! More tonight!


  3. Barb says:

    Atlanta hash 2300 is supposed to be this Saturday – Head Nurse said if the weather is bad maybe they’d postpone it to the 25th. We will be in Florida on the 25th, so they’d have to find a new ending. We will see…….

    I won’t believe snow is going to happen until maybe Thursday night. But – we are all stocked up food & beverage wise (except milk, bread & eggs) so we will be just fine.

    • One of my favorite Cheddarhead endings was the year in Roswell(?) that had snow. Somewhere I have photos (pre phones with cameras) of some of the participants that day. The year must have been 2001, 2002, or 2003?

    • I miss hashing occasionally, but I’m still filled with angst, and my body is in such poor condition (I hurt a lot) that I don’t think I’d be very good at it any longer. Since I’ve signed up for two multi-day bike rides I need to start getting on the bike again to ensure I’m capable of riding…

      They say the body takes a decline at sixty. Either my parents lied about my birth year, or I’m just ahead of the (downward) curve.

    • Sally says:

      There’s alway Waffle House! 🙂

  4. Jenka says:

    Figures that it’s going to snow on Friday — unless it’s actually going to precipitate during the day on Friday I won’t get a day off! Why couldn’t it snow on a Tuesday or Wednesday?

    So we had to put our beloved dog Ralph down yesterday. He had been sort-of failing for a while but when we got him back from boarding after our trip he was so skinny and frail. His back legs haven’t been working so well for months so usually I pick him up to put him on our bed. Saturday night I was going to bed around 11:00 and I put him on the bed, and he had some sort of spasm and fell THUD onto the floor. I rushed him to the emergency vet and was there until 3:30 in the morning, and finally had to leave him there. The upshot is he had two large tumors, on his spleen and liver which appeared to be bleeding. The vet gave him two days to live. I am completely devastated, to say the least. Working from home today and have to pull myself together for a Zoom meeting.

  5. Bob says:

    Yogurt = Yuck!
    I have never been a fan of it even though I know it is really good for you.

    I am going to be one of “those people” this afternoon. We happen to need milk, eggs, and cheese (fortunately have bread) so will need to get to the store.

    Bowling practice tonight, got to keep up the momentum. We are currently in 5th place and only 8 points away from first. My high scratch series is 580, I really want a 600 series by the end of the league. So close!

  6. Steve says:

    NYT reports 2 bodies found in landing gear compartment of JetBlue flight in Ft. Lauderdale-

    “The airline did not say whether the two people who were found dead on Monday were stowaways.”

    You mean that’s a ticket they sell??

  7. It’s amazing how warm the 60s feel when you come in from picking up sweet gum balls in sunny, 38°F.

  8. Steve says:

    Living in the country, I see sweetgum’s as the big noxious weed that they are. First to come up in any untended field, along with tulip poplar. I could make a fortune if I could figure out how to kill just them.

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