
I don’t often give myself credit, but yesterday afternoon I forced myself out into the cold and did a 5.25-mile walk. I was comfortably layered, and at times when the wind subsided was actually warm.

Wordle: five, my starter was REPLY

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26 Responses to 2025-01-09

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle FAIL! (Down goes Frazier…) My starting word was AISLE.

    A busy day at work yesterday- 5k steps, and that was with a fair amount of time at my desk!

    Met Meg and Ella for mediocre BBQ last night before she returns to college this weekend.

    And all this time we thought California would fall into the ocean. Who knew it would all just turn to smoke?


    • Steve says:

      And in thinking of college football and snow in Dallas:

      Though the game won’t be impacted by the weather, fans traveling to the game could face difficulties if roads are icy or wet. After all, Texans are notorious for poor driving when the temperature drops below 32 degrees.

  2. Sally says:

    Wordle in 5. Connections a piece of cake.
    Been keeping an eye on the California fires as I have several friends that live in the area. So far, they are safe.

    I am still hoping for snow. I can do without ice though. I am dogsitting two Bichons. They may get lost in the snow. :). It might be fun.

    Good for you Wee in getting out there in the cold and doing 5 miles. You should sign up for Frozen Feet. Just a mile a day outside for 30 days. Starts this Saturday. It’s free and you get a cool beanie if you complete the task.

  3. Sally says:

    Cobb County closing all government buildings tomorrow through Saturday except the Magistrate court. Which means the watershed stewardship classes and re-cert is cancelled for Saturday. Not sure why Magistrate courts are open 24/7. Cobb County schools so far have not cancelled classes for tomorrow.

  4. Barb says:

    thought we solved all our TV/AT&T Uverse/Firestick issues – but – then – the weirdest thing happened – when we went back from the Firestick to the Uverse – it was in black & white for everything.
    We have no idea what the problem is. We know the TV & the amp are old, but still……..

    my solution – buy all new everything – as this has been very aggravating.

    • Steve says:

      Reboot it all.. reseat all the cables

      • Barb says:

        I think we’ve done all that – I think.
        it’s been a fun time.
        The black & white was just weird.

        I haven’t tried to check everything this morning – maybe later today. Don’t feel like getting aggravated yet this morning.

    • Buy new everything! A mere trifle compared to a tin roof! Kidding, do what Steve recommended.

      • Barb says:

        It still could happen –
        the TV is very old (I mean, even the little specific Netflix button isn’t supported anymore), the amp has annoyed me more than once.
        Since we are trying to spend all our money this spring – why not???

        Crazy soffit repair guys showed up to paint this morning – we told them – NO, its too cold. We were just shaking our heads. So, I paid them for 3/4 of the quote, since they got all that done the other day, it just needs paint.

  5. Steve says:

    All the old guard got seats at the funeral and were glad handing and greeting one another- Kamala and her husband came in- nothing. Joe and Jill, nothing.

  6. Jenka says:

    Dentist first thing this morning, they were slooooooow. Now watching the funeral livestream.

    I made a delicious beef stew in the crockpot yesterday — perfect weather for it!

    • Barb says:

      Allan is off to the dentist now – he got a call that his insurance wasn’t coming up. So he gets on the phone with BCBS, I hear him, so I go show him the envelope with the CIGNA card that came the other day -that says Dental coverage on it.
      It used to be both medical & dental with BCBS. (until 1/2025)
      Solved that problem.

      • Jenka says:

        Yeah, my dental coverage (Aetna) changed as of January 1, which is why I scheduled this appt so early in the year. I pay less per month but I have to use one of the very few dentists in their network. I like the dentist, they were just slow.

  7. Barb says:

    oh yeah –
    other big news – as we were messing with the TV & everything –
    I decided it was time to get rid of the Wii & Wii Fit, that we hadn’t used in FOREVER.

    Put it on Marketplace at $100 – a guy said he could some right over with $80 cash.
    I got 4 other offers – I guess I should have put a higher price on it.
    BUT – its gone – no longer collecting dust.

  8. Barb says:

    also -AH4 has decided to postpone the 2300 this weekend.
    Hashers have gotten soft – I remember driving in horrible weather to hashes back in the day. But – we are all old & maybe a little smarter now. I certainly wouldn’t go to a hash this weekend if it wasn’t ending at my house.

  9. Jenka says:

    WOOT! Emory just announced we’re going remote tomorrow. Workin’ in mah pajamas!

    • Barb says:


    • Steve says:

      The Fed just did the same, but I was WFH tomorrow anyway…

      Going to try and see the flight with President Carter when it goes by- it may be too far east to see it, but I’m tracking it on FlightAware. I’m guessing it might have a couple escorts.

  10. Out in Chamblee running errands and eating lunch. Getting g ahead of the storm by stocking up on the necessities like coffee, tofu, and miso. 🙂

    • Barb says:

      tofu & miso – they don’t sell that down by you?

      Way less wind than yesterday- might go out for a walk in a little while

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