
An email from McSweeney’s contained this listicle that made me laugh — Signs You are a Gen-Xer About to Turn Sixty.

Wordle: four, my starter was SIXTY

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10 Responses to 2025-01-27

  1. Forty-one years after seeing it in the theater I rewatched “Gremlins” last night, forgetting how violent it is, but remembering why I adored Phoebe Cates when I was a much younger man.

  2. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3.

    The maiden voyage was pretty much a success. The hot water heater isn’t working (but was) and I need to find fuses. Sleeping was OK. The heated mattress pad was nice. Hitching up is a bit of a challenge, as the connection has much less room for error. With the old trailer, you could get pretty close and the trailer would wiggle onto the ball- this one needs to be 99% lined up. We have some technique to work on.

    Sad news received yesterday- my friends’ son who was in the hospital with the flu, died. Leaves a wife and 2 kids… very sad.


  3. Barb says:

    Good morning from the Key West Express!
    (Getting up at 5:30am wasn’t fun, but to get on the ship & get good seats, it was worth it)
    Good weekend in St Pete & Punta Gorda.
    Now on to Key West for a couple days.

  4. Barb says:

    We are docked in Key West. I don’t think we can start drinking before noon so we will not have drank all day.

  5. Jenka says:

    Happy Monday! Steve, Barb, and Sal, I am so sorry about your respective friends’ deaths. The flu can be serious sometimes but certainly knee surgery is usually pretty safe. That sucks.

    My weekend was really quiet. Friday we went to the General Muir for dinner and Saturday afternoon we joined some friends at the Albert for some laughs. Otherwise I read my book or watched football in my jammies.

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