WLF has officially spilled into the front yard! After a couple of years of waiting, with a black tarp over a portion of the front lawn, I peeled back half (rediscovering how insidious tree roots can be) and planted some romaine lettuce transplants under a mesh cover to protect them from squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, etc. This section of lawn will only really be useful for winter gardening as it’s too shaded by trees and the house come summertime.
Bit of good news, and not so good news yesterday: I rode the trainer for sixty minutes yesterday, but either in do so, or doing something shortly afterwards, tweaked my left knee.
Wordle: FAIL, my starter was GLARE.
My second failure this month. Good thing I don’t care about my (lack of a) streak. There were two possibilities remaining for my last guess. I could have consulted the list of previous solutions I keep, but I felt that was cheating.
Glad you got in 60 minutes of exercise….sorry about your knee and Wordle fail.
Heading out for a run this morning. Meeting a friend at the river. Yes, I know, GUTS run tonight. Maybe I’ll walk that one. 🙂
Wordle in 4 starting with TWEAK
Thanks. Since my meniscus surgery in 2020 I am on high alert any time I feel that sort of pain in my knee. Hopefully it’s nothing.
Wordle in 5 and I can see a whole lot of people in the gutter today.
My first pass at getting the water heater back online was a fail. I’ve now educated myself further via the Google and Youtube University and will try again.
In the office today and will meet my new boss. They finally released the bio info and he sounds like a good fit for us.
No exercise last night.
Sitting on a little balcony just outside our hotel room.
Scored an excellent room, prices in Key west are insane, so we decided to share a 2 Queen room.
Well, our room has sort of 2 rooms, so we have our space!
And, there’s a little balcony just outside our door, that no one would know is there, unless you go up stairs to our room.
Yesterday was wandering around, drinking & a little eating.
Today…. Who knows!
Which hotel are you at? Always looking for a good hotel in KW.
Fitch Lodge. I’ll
I will add more tomorrow
Attempt to be uberprodictive failed. I made my 9am CHaRM appointment fine, but traffic, and some knee pain, caused me to pull the plug on driving over to Avondale Estates to visit a bunch of businesses over there. I also realized that the items I were going to buy weren’t absolutely necessary to get today, so it’s no big loss that I didn’t make it there.
We went to Taco Mac for the first time in 5 years last night because one of the former bartenders was hitting Chancellor status and he had a little party. Saw a couple of people from the old crowd. Then we went across the street to Barbacoa for a delicious dinner. Watched the first two episodes of season 2 of The Diplomat. Feels like the same drama all over again, but I’ll stick with it.
I should clarify: we went to the Va-Hi TM for the first time in 5 years. We had been to the Decatur one post-pandemic a couple of times before they closed.
“bartender was hitting Chancellor status”?? Are times hard enough at Emory that the chancellors have to have second jobs?
Hah! It’s a Taco Mac thing, it’s called Taco Mac Brewniversity. You get various perks the more beers you drink. They all have to be a different beer, that’s how they make you try new beers. Paulie used to participate in it, but I forget how far he got. Anyway, chancellor status is 1000 different beers.
I thought that but didn’t want to assume. I never wanted another incentive to drink beer…
I’ve wandered up to EAV for a small amount of exercise and coffee. I didn’t make myself coffee this morning because I thought I’d be out of the house all morning.
And now I have returned home, after depressing myself at the coffee shop, and completed eating lunch, leftovers from last night’s dinner — my adaptation of Chili Garlic Instant Pot Noodles.