
Other than mistakenly thinking yesterday was Thursday, I’ve got nothing.

Wordle: four, my starter was STUMP

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14 Responses to 2025-01-30

  1. Steve says:

    Wordle in 3!

    We gathered after work at Tin Lizzies (sorry, not Twisted Taco) to thank my boss for 40 years with the Fed. Cryptically, he asked me to remind him to reach out to his boss about me- I think he may be trying to keep me around for the Miami Vault Project. That might work.

    I made one of my better pizza’s for dinner last night. I think I used more sauce than normal and it was quite tasty.

    Spent time on the trainer, just not enough!


  2. Jenka says:

    Sitting at the dentist waiting to talk to the oral surgeon about replacing the random baby tooth I have with a bridge. So much fun. I’d much rather be in FL with Barb and Allan!

  3. Bob says:

    New transmission in the truck done, new tires on the truck done, new tires on the motorcycles done. Lord please let the cash hemorrhaging stop!!

    Got our asses handed to us last night at bowling, other team all bowled above their average and we only had 6 pins given to us for handicap. I even bowled a 210 on my third game but it wasn’t enough. Oh well, there is always next week.

    Looking forward to some warmer weather so I can finally get out on the bike.

  4. First non-meal break of the day. Made a Kroger run this morning to get a couple of items needed for a recipe, and have spent the rest of this lovely morning outdoors cleaning up WLF. There was plenty of dead food in the ground, which will now become next season’s compost.

    Debating on going for a walk later, or testing the knees with a not-very-strenuous trainer spin.

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