
Wow! What! A! Game!

Is it evident that I didn’t watch any of the Super Bowl? It was the first time in years I wish that I had been invited to a Super Bowl party so that I could go to someone’s house and eat $100 worth of deviled eggs.

On Saturday I ran into an old acquaintance, Clarissa, who twenty years ago used to write a blog called “Romanlilly”. That was one of the blogs which inspired this space, and may have been the source of my fake German word “Dangen”. Running into her made the insanity of going to Your Dekalb Farmers Market on a Saturday, and the Saturday prior to Super Bowl Sunday, okay.

Wordle: five, my starter was FRUIT

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments


Took my first outdoors bike ride in many months yesterday. Three observations:
1. Avondale Estates is the latest community to go batshit crazy by putting up stop signs, and taking away lanes and turning lanes.
2. I am overweight, out of riding shape, and therefore slow, but this is not a surprise.
3. Normally I don’t apply chamois cream on rides shorter than forty miles. I’ve never needed it. Yesterday, riding only 25 miles, I started to have problems.

As an added bonus: I took an Arte Johnson fall yesterday. As I was slowing at a stop sign I looked left and turned the handlebar right; when I realized that I was going to hit the curb I came to a quick stop and fell onto the grass to my right.

Wordle: four, my starter was CHAIR

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments


Another day spent puttering around the ITP Estate, except for the 2.5 mile walk I did during which I also picked up an entire bag of trash.

Wordle: five, my starter was SNACK

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New Publix BOGOs drop today. That’s all I have…

Wordle: three, my starter was TIRED

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments


Good day of laboring in WLF yesterday. I hope to repeat the success again today.

Wordle: four, my starter was SCALP

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I volunteered pulling invasive trees with Tress Atlanta on Saturday. In doing so I (re)met the neighbor from whom I grabbed leaf bags a month ago. She was the person to whom I said “Hi, I’m stealing your leaves”.

Happy birthday to the one and only ITP-Brother, “Ronnie”!

Wordle: four, my starter was STEAL

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments


Looking at my credit card statements I didn’t do a good job of “Low Buy January”. I am more than a little concerned, that every month has a purchase in it that seems frivolous, but adds to the quality of my life. I guess that I will try again next month…

Apparently I also forgot to renew my subscription to Games Magazine back in August, I was probably all consumed about going to Europe. I figured this out when I realized that I’d not received a new issue in months, and my failure was confirmed when I logged into their website to see my lack of renewal.

Wordle: three, my starter was STEAL

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments


Other than mistakenly thinking yesterday was Thursday, I’ve got nothing.

Wordle: four, my starter was STUMP

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments


Regarding yesterday’s Taco Mac discussion, I think that I have over 775 beers. I’d tell you exactly, but I can’t seem to log into the Taco Mac Brewniversity any longer.

Wordle: four, my starter was RABID

Posted in My Daily Life | 18 Comments


WLF has officially spilled into the front yard! After a couple of years of waiting, with a black tarp over a portion of the front lawn, I peeled back half (rediscovering how insidious tree roots can be) and planted some romaine lettuce transplants under a mesh cover to protect them from squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, etc. This section of lawn will only really be useful for winter gardening as it’s too shaded by trees and the house come summertime.

Bit of good news, and not so good news yesterday: I rode the trainer for sixty minutes yesterday, but either in do so, or doing something shortly afterwards, tweaked my left knee.

Wordle: FAIL, my starter was GLARE.

My second failure this month. Good thing I don’t care about my (lack of a) streak. There were two possibilities remaining for my last guess. I could have consulted the list of previous solutions I keep, but I felt that was cheating.

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments