Monthly Archives: November 2013

Last Day Of My Blogging Week

Things have been a bit quite around here lately so I think that I’m going to make this the last day of my blogging week. I’ll be back on Monday as I’ll have time as I wait for the painting … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

Dis Ain’t New York, Pa(u)l

You know when Atlanta’s roads are not fully jam-packed with poor drivers? 3:00am. And how do I know this? Because I was on them around that time this morning. When I awoke at 3:00am this morning, yes I did, I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments

Another BetsyFest Is In The Books

BetsyFest was smaller than in years past and the high winds caused the burning of Christmas trees to be omitted (seriously, a smart decision on our behalf), but all in all I had a great time. I made a four-bean … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments

There Goes The Neighborhood

The critter guys worked hard, until about 5:45pm. When I finally went outside to inspect some of the work done I looked at my neighbor’s yard and was stunned — she had the tree guy out and they cleaned her … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments

Coffee And Grits

I may have to renounce my Northern heritage as I eat grits and coffee for breakfast this morning. If only I had some cheddar cheese in the house. I’m in the process of cleaning out my kitchen cabinets trying to … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

Two-Time Loser

Those of you who hashed in the early 2000s may remember a hasher of that name. This post is not about him. Today’s Daily Challenge Look back in admiration: List three things you’ve accomplished in the last seven days. When … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

Dropsy Paulie

Apparently I’ve lost my super power of being able to not drop things. Last night was one of the most frustrating nights in the kitchen that I’ve ever had. My goal upon returning home from work and walking was to … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 9 Comments

Paulie, Version 48.4

I’m in the process of reinventing myself (A—-gain). Last week may not have been as pivotal as I had hoped, but it is what it is, and I’m not ready to accept defeat just yet! Today’s Daily Challenge Add one … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

Slack Motherf*cker

(It’s a Superchunk song, look it up.) Yeah, I’m being a slacker today, actually I’m spending the entire day at CocoaConf again. Though I now have to admit squandering the opportunity to use one of the most applicable post titles … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 3 Comments

Pocket Full Of Fail

If it were a date I’d know exactly what to expect next — either not to call her back, or a gentle decline when I suggest going out again. But it wasn’t a date, it was something in which I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 20 Comments