Monthly Archives: December 2004

2004 – The Ugly

You’ve seen the Good and Bad, now it’s time for the Ugly. 2004 – The Ugly Red Dress Back in August citizens of midtown Atlanta looked in horror as a bunch of complete idiots strolled their streets wearing red dresses. … Continue reading

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2004 – The Bad

Yesterday I summarized the Good. Today you get the bad (and it’s a doozy) 2004 – The Bad Getting Carjacked Sucked! The Story (for anyone who hasn’t heard it yet) On a brilliantly sunny day in early August (August 8th … Continue reading

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2004 – The Good

I am just not content with that last post, so let me start a trilogy today. Over the next three days I want to reflect on 2004’s Good, Bad, and Ugly. 2004 – The Good Goals – 2004’s theme was … Continue reading

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I Want To ROCK!

Today’s message is short and simple — I want to Rock! Perhaps because it is only 8:30am and I am drinking the strongest coffee I can find, I am charged up and revved up to go! Has the evil cold … Continue reading

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You Are From Where?

The label on the cake box said it all, or at least enough to get my mind churning. The company that produced the cake is in Between, Georgia. Think I’m making this up? Lookie here at this Mapquest link. (read … Continue reading

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‘Twas The Week Between Christmas And New Year’s

And all through the office things are slow. Nice and slow, see. (Shout out to anyone who connects that last sentence to The Flintstones (tv show, not movie)). Speaking of the cinemas… My only outing this weekend was to see … Continue reading

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I’ll Have A Blue Christmas

No, it’s ok. Blue is a good color for me, I am a Democrat. Today I am trying to give myself the gift closest to Godliness — Cleanliness. By day’s end I hope to have all back in order here … Continue reading

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The Ghost Of Christmas Past

Last night I tried a different remedy for eradicting this cold — drink like there is no tomorrow. For the first time in many years I closed down Gravity Pub at 2am. The occasion? A good friend of mine is … Continue reading

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Turn My Head And Cough

I’m sick. Ugh… Not surprising since I interacted with well over a hundred people and stood out in the freezing cold more than once over the last five days. Now is it “feed a cold, starve the flu” or “feed … Continue reading

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Yesterday Day Was A Good Day

Yes, Journey said it best. As a quick aside, one of my biggest fears in high school was dating a girl who liked Journey now it’s dying alone… Fuck it, I’ve got time! I woke up yesterday knowing that I … Continue reading

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