Monthly Archives: March 2012

Friday Flop

I hate producing sub-standard ITP blogs. Though I did take an hour’s break to walk over to Chuy’s for dinner (I have a secret about that place now too, well it’s public information but I’m holding it back.) I worked … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

I Am Leading An Odd Life

Those of you who followed yesteday’s comments know that I am at a doctor’s office this morning to have some cysts on my back examined, and hopefully for at least the one which has caused me great discomfort over the … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments

The World Better Not End In 2012

I’m doing a lot of damn work on my body this year (see also: tomorrow’s blog), the world better not end this year! Yesterday’s Daily Challenge Make like a mermaid with a Pilates-inspired upper body stretch. Named “the mermaid” this … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 21 Comments

Too. Fucking. Busy.

I did allow myself the time necessary to watch the season premiere of Mad Men. Other than that it was all lunch (Fox Brothers), doctor (different orthopedist, same diagnosis; my hip problems are something I’m just going to have to … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

I’m Not Here Today

Because of a doctor (orthopedist) appointment this afternoon I’ve decided to “take the day off from work” (read “work from home while taking a sick day” because it’s the only hope I’ll have of hitting my schedule). Come May/June I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

Rain Rain Come Today, Wash This Pollen Away

While the pollen has not completely stopped my (somewhat) daily walks, it has made the treks more uncomfortable. However, I have come to realize why my nose runs during pollen season as well as why antihistamines are taken to stop … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments

The Third Time Is A Charm?

This is version three of today’s post. Versions one and two would not have pleased you. The phrase “piss and vinegar” immediately came to my mind, but then I found out that this could mean that I was full of … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

Beware Of The iPads Of March

If memory serves me right today is the day my “New” iPad (3) will arrive. I’m thrilled, but know that I won’t have much time to muck with it today. Yesterday’s Daily Challenge Share two topics you would like to … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

Back To Being Super-Busy

I’ve carved time out for exercise, but everything not work related must suffer again. Yesterday’s Daily Challenge Sit in the butterfly pose with the soles of your feet together. Yoga helps promote flexibility, good posture, and relaxation, and it’s a … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

Two Out Of Three

I’m back… (and as of this morning I have too much to put into one day, so guess what, there will be a blog again tomorrow.) Yesterday’s Daily Challenge Learn about a local issue. Learning about the community where you … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments