Monthly Archives: November 2007

Two Wrongs Can Make A Right

Not only did I not exit Marta early and walk back to my car, upon getting to my car I went directly to a Chinese buffet last night. It was what I wanted to do and that made me happier. … Continue reading

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Shameless Self-Promotion Thursday

I’m a bad boy. I sat in a meeting until 6pm. I drove toward home, fighting traffic. I couldn’t help myself — instead of going home and running, I went to La Cantina Casita and ate dinner instead. Shame on … Continue reading

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A Frustrating Way To Start The Day

This morning I got confirmation that Hotel ITP for wintering critters is once again open. Last night I thought I heard noises when I got home from work so I went out with the chainsaw and started cutting back the … Continue reading

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Night Shift

I am not sure what is happening in my life right now. I find myself staying up way too late. Last night I saw the clock pass 1am, and this without having taken a nap. This never bodes well for … Continue reading

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Moving On

The phrase “moving on” keeps popping into my mind these days. I know that it’s rather vague for me to say that it has meaning on many different levels, but it really does. Thanksgiving has passed, I am ready to … Continue reading

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Is There Anybody… Out There?

(In case you hadn’t noticed, I posted another entry this morning. Be forewarned, it’s not a “happy” entry.) Many people get today off from work as a paid holiday. Unfortunately I am not one of them. I have a valid … Continue reading

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Fuck You, FAU!

The time has come. Getting My $25 Worth In Retribution Venting On September 27th I was in Boca Raton, Florida to do some college recruiting at Florida Atlantic University. My companions and I were given a parking pass for the … Continue reading

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I Should Be Thankful, But I Am Not

Blog delay today was not my fault. My office building had a partial power outage and no internet connectivity. It will come as no surprise that I am not the happiest camper in the world. I completely understand that I … Continue reading

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I Love Thanksgiving Week

And it has nothing to do with the fact that yesterday was Betsy’s birthday. No, instead it’s because even though I will be in the office on Friday morning the Thanksgiving week is always a fucked-up one with people leaving … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving Came Early This Year

After Friday’s fiasco it was almost inevitable. On Saturday I decided to go to the hash even though I knew that I couldn’t run it. While hanging out in the parking lot for the hash to take off I decided … Continue reading

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