Monthly Archives: January 2006

What Wouldn’t Jesus Do?

I’m not sure why, but every time I think of this t-shirt it just cracks me up! The folks over at Busted Tees have a lot of great t-shirts. If I didn’t already own fifty-plus t-shirts I might consider a … Continue reading

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Hooray, My InterWeb Is Back Up!!!

Oh the horrors to wake up on Monday morning to find that you cannot connect to the internet. Much like ATMs I cannot imagine a life without my DSL. I can’t go back. No, I won’t go back. Maybe They … Continue reading

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It Was Twenty Years Ago Today

Okay, it will really be twenty years ago tomorrow that the space shuttle Challenger went boom. Half my life ago I was going to play racquetball at Kangaroo Courts in Clearwater, Florida when I stopped to watch the Challenger’s ascent; … Continue reading

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Old Programmers Don’t Die, The Just Can’t C As Well

As proven by Maigh’s Throwdown yesterday I am not really Mensa material. Hell, I can’t even take credit for the title for today’s entry. I ripped that off from an article in Computerworld. Is That The Sound Of Crickets I … Continue reading

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Drinking And Blogging Shouldn’t Don’t Mix

Rated NC-17 (but then again when am I not rated NC-17?) I’m prediciting the future by giving you tomorrow’s blog entry tonight (therefore the timestamp you see below is a complete lie — psst, it’s really 8:45pm). I’ve been drinking … Continue reading

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Are You Surprised That Davy Jones Was The Shortest Monkee?

But Am I Really Going To Save $45? With my big Super BlowTM party coming up in about two week’s time I considered joining Costco yesterday so that I could pull in the Big Savings on all the party fixins. … Continue reading

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Not Even I Could See This One Coming

In With The New Well, as you can see the new refrigerator is in. What you probably can’t tell, even with my exemplary photography skills, is that one of the installers managed to break the glass in the cabinet next … Continue reading

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It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Not really. It’s really coffee and muffin time at Joe’s Coffee Shop. I’ve taken the day off from work in order to get some tasks done, hence the slow start blogging today. APWBWGTTD – ME = ??? Last night’s Atlanta … Continue reading

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Naturally Selected

My Mother Wanted A Dentist, I Turned Out To Be Dense A few days ago I received an email from my friend Stacey which alerted me to an album in the iTunes Music Store. The email’s body read “pimp this … Continue reading

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Natalie Portman Rocks My World

I can’t help it. I saw a picture of Natalie Portman with her hair still very short because she shaved her head for her latest film and I was amazed. OMFG, she’s adorable. This is not the exact image that … Continue reading

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