Monthly Archives: August 2009

Only Bacon Steaks Could Have Made It Better

My legs and buttocks are sore from a weekend of much bike riding. However, it’s a good kind sore and I’m pleased that my knees are not screaming too (a little bit of pain, but nothing significant). Pre-Moreland Majestic On … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments

I Should Have Lathered Up The Jackmobile

The Jackmobile is long overdue for a good washing. Days like today I often think that I should take a bucket of soapy water outside, and lather up the car right before taking off for work. Certainly a constant downpour … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

The Thursday Rush Hour

Busy, for all the wrong reasons. Additionally, I need to post to

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

Insomnia, You’re No Friend Of Mine

For reasons I will outline below the events of last night, post bike ride, are some I’d like to never repeat. Ride, Paulie! Ride! I joined ITP-Reader Melissa for a twenty-eight mile bike ride last evening. The ride had all … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments

I’m Not Leaving On A Jet Plane

Today was the day that I was supposed to be flying to Chicago for my Chicago/Milwaukee trip. I must admit that I am bummed that I won’t be taking the trip. I will be making the best of my remaining … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments

Getting A Late Start On The Day

Like most people in Atlanta right now I’m loving the cooler morning/late-evening temperatures. I’m not sure that I’ve been saving money by not running the air conditioner and running three or four fans to circulate cooler air instead, but getting … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 8 Comments

Progess, No Matter How Small, Is Still Progress

How’s that for a positive start for a Friday? Cleaning House And It Feels So Good Last night I finally started the process of house cleaning. Unfortunately, I still have a long way to go. In addition to cleaning and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments

Is It Friday Yet?

No? Dangen! Rain, Rain, Stay Away At least that what I was chanting last night as I went out for a bike ride. The plan was to get in a twenty-mile ride, but I managed to force myself into going … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments

The Only Reason Running Is Better Than Riding

For me riding my bicycle is an ordeal. I have to pack a bag of clothes/accessories, get my bike from the basement, lock it onto the roof rack of the car, find at least two hours to ride, and hope … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 25 Comments

Not The Weather I Expected Today, But Then The Way I Feel It Might Not Matter

With the exception of the loss of a sock, which probably never made it to the laundromat, last night was interesting and fruitful. Laundry and dinner (another amazing $3 sandwich from Lee’s Bakery) were done by 8:30pm EDT and passed … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 23 Comments