Monthly Archives: October 2019


Last night was the Atlantaville Horror… Watching the United game took me from confident in the first ten minutes to disbelief after 95 minutes. What an unexpected, and unfortunate letdown. Congratulations to Toronto, they did what they needed to do … Continue reading

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Waiting for the Waschsalon to open on a warm, humid October morning. Christmas came early for the Atlanta United yesterday with the Seattle upsetting Los Angeles. Now, if Atlanta can beat Toronto tonight, Atlanta will host the Championship match.

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Really tired this morning. Poop. Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 215.0 pounds ACK! (+2.6 from last week’s weigh-in); WRONG WAY!!!

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments


At work on Friday all I did was daydream about how much cleaning and organization I’d accomplish by spending Friday night and all day Saturday home alone. To be fair, I cooked a lot, and I did manage to ride … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments


Feeling totally unmotivated this morning. If not for a haircut appointment this afternoon I’d might have stayed in bed all day. My weekend will mostly consist of clearing, organizing, and purging. There is a possibility that I will hash on … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 5 Comments


I’m being lazy this morning, almost as if I were practicing for a weekend of rain… I am hungry however, so I guess that I should get out of bed soon.

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I have started my day with a good deed. While getting into the elevator this morning I found a debit card on the floor. I had to call building security in order to turn it over so that hopefully the … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments


Given that I hope they will be my meal ticket for awhile, I try not to be too critical of Apple, but I think that they have screwed up big time with iOS 13. For the first time I find … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments


Unfortunately Saturday was a washout at LEAF, but it did allow us to get out to Pisgah Brewing, and eat pizza while we were there. Thankfully we were in a camper as Friday night was really cold, and Saturday night … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 4 Comments


The only running my ankle affords these days is running late. And I am… Have a great weekend all!

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