Monthly Archives: December 2016

Plumbing Is Evil

Not mine (this time), my mother’s. A talk with my distraught mother today as she chronicled the problems she is having with the plumbing in her house. “The end of this year, especially the last two months, has been horrible.” … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 2 Comments

Late Night, Late Blog

I wasn’t expecting to stay out until about 1am last night, but I did. Last night was Betsy’s (mostly) annual Drinksmas party. This year’s crowd was a little different than normal ones, but it was obviously a good time since … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

An Unprecedented Amount Of Sleep

Not sure what got into me last night / this morning, but at 9:37am I am finally getting up. Sure, I was awake a few times during the night but I am finally feeling rested enough to move on. I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 7 Comments

Making A List And Checking It Twice

In theory my freedom should be ending some time in the next six weeks, assuming that I get job interviews and successfully get through one of them. Six months seemed like such a long time in which I could get … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Three Hundred And Sixty Four Days

Okay, I will stop after today. 😉 Pre-Christmas Celebrating It was a lot of fun hanging out and bowling on Saturday night. Many thanks to ITP-Reader Barb and Allan for hosting, and congratulations to ITP-Reader Steve for bowling the best … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 6 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Two Days

When next I write a blog post Christmas 2016 will be in the history books. I’ve tried hard to get into the spirit, but must admit to being a failure. I am certainly looking forward to seeing “A Christmas Carol” … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Three Days

9:30am? Already? Yikes, I best finish this blog post! I also need to try to install the new light switch that I bought yesterday so that I have light for the shower that I’ve not yet taken. My Workouts Are … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Four Days

Another cold morning, another lazy me. It Just Wasn’t The Same! You’d think that going to Horizon Theatre with one woman would make it the best year ever, I went with two women last night. I picked up Betsy and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Five Days

Short one today, I’m bushed. I’ve discovered that I sleep better in the hours during which I am supposed to be awake than in the hours during which I am supposed to sleep. Fed Up I got a bit fed … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 20 Comments

Christmas: T Minus Six Days

Why yes, the look of this site has changed. My hand to change the layout, including removing much of the customization of the last layout, was forced this weekend when I received an email telling me that someone has hacked … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 21 Comments