Monthly Archives: July 2009

One More Straw…

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook then you probably already know about what I will write today…. This blog, nearly five years old, was started in reaction to the carjacking which occurred on August 8, 2004. Back then … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments

Time Shifting

I’m writing this post early so that I can concentrate today. Stop laughing, I’m trying to get better… The (Not So) Big Reveal Yesterday I made mention of publishing a Bucket List, I’ll call it more of a “Things I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 16 Comments

One Boring Night

After the hectic schedule that I posted yesterday I spent the night home alone. And that’s exactly what I wanted… RealiTV Update : Hell’s Kitchen Starts At 8pm EDT? Who Knew? I was lazying around the house when I read … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 31 Comments

Eight Crazy Nights

No, I’m not talking about that 2002 Adam Sandler movie. I’m talking about the eight nights (originally planned to be nine) of activities that I planned around my birthday last week. Let’s recap: July 19: Black Sheep Hash in Buford, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

Living Like A Rock Star Without All The Perks

Like the Energizer Bunny I just keep going… I am a little disappointed in myself now for missing last Thursday’s Cracker show at The EARL since it would have been cool to complete the eight nights of birthday fun that … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments

The End Of The Week Doesn’t Mean The End Of My Fun

This Friday brings new adventures. Even though my blogs have been a bit short of late (Look! It’s happening again.) In case it hasn’t been evident, I’m packing my life full of adventures in an attempt to finally live life. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 24 Comments

They Say It’s No Longer My Birthday

Good time yesterday. Thanks for all of your birthday wishes. I’ve got another busy day ahead of me so this will be a short one. Athens: Without UGA I’d Like This Place Before last night’s Magnolia Electric Co. show I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments

44 on 22 : I Say It’s My Birthday

It’s mah birfday! It’s mah birfday! I’m gonna partay like it’s mah birfday! The only bad thing about today is that I am as old as ITP-Reader Barb again. 🙂 July 22nd Has Always Been A Peculiar Day For Me … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments

My Last Day At 43

Forty-three. Oh forty-three. There will be a day that I miss you, but today is not that day. It goes without saying that forty-three was another lousy year in my life. I can only hope to turn the corner tomorrow … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 10 Comments

It’s The Start Of An Incredibly Busy Birthday Week

As if the weekend wasn’t crazy enough, I still have another week of obligations and traveling ahead of me. Dirty, Dirty, Projectors On Friday night I ventured out for the sold-out Dirty Projectors show at The EARL. I arrived shortly … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 15 Comments