Monthly Archives: August 2006

2am? Could It Really Be 2am?

That’s the question I asked myself after wrapping up watching a recorded Big Brother 7 and two recordered World Series of Poker episodes when I returned home from the Braves game (I pulled a Cobb County move and left after … Continue reading

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Post #500!!!

At least according to WordPress. 🙂 It’s Not Going To Rain On My Parade No, but it sure looks like it’s going to rain on my baseball game, dammit! Months ago I decided to buy the best ticket I could … Continue reading

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So Maybe Drinking All Day Is Not A Good Idea Afterall…

It’s 9:00am on Monday morning and I’m already behind schedule. It might have something to with the mass quantities of beer and food consumed yesterday, a day I didn’t even run with the group because I was hosting. I remember … Continue reading

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Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned

Was It Something I Said? For some reason my stats skyrocketed yesterday. I tried poking around StatCounter to see from where these new people were coming, but could not determine their origin. If you are back here for a second … Continue reading

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I Can’t Run, But I Can Hide

Another night, another failed running attempt. Another day, bothersome poison ivy continues. I’m starting to think “Man, did the ‘Boy in the Bubble’ have it good or what?!”. This morning I am going to give my doctor a call. With … Continue reading

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Boring Days

When the highlight of my day is getting a twelve-pack of Top Ramen for $1 at Dollar Tree, you know I am having a boring day. Furthermore, this lifestyle change of rarely drinking and eating out is really going to … Continue reading

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Meh * Infinity

After yet another atrocious attempt at running last night I feared that stepping on the scale would cause irreparable mental and physical damage. As a result a few more things will change as of today – You will see less … Continue reading

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Let’s Just Say The Weekend Didn’t Go “As Planned”

Trips to The EARL planned: 2 Trips to The EARL made: 0 Boy Meets Bar It may sound strange to you that I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I have a drinking problem. The problem I have really deals … Continue reading

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Positively Friday

My goal today was to write a completely positive post. I thought about ending the post right here as a joke and posting again later, but some of you might miss my true wit. My apologies to those of you … Continue reading

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Itchy And Scratchy

Sometime over the past weekend I encountered poison ivy or oak because there have been small patches of my body itching all this week. It was probably when I was pulling some weeds waiting for my friends to show up … Continue reading

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