Monthly Archives: March 2023


As we wind up the first quarter of 2023 I am struggling to get out of bed. As I type this it is 6:30am and I should have sprung out of bed, showered, and be on my way to the … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 35 Comments


Allowing myself to sleep in a bit today. I have a touch of a sore throat, hopefully just from ingesting pollen as I huffed and puffed along Silver Comet for three hours yesterday. The M6 eclipsed 100k miles yesterday. Whoa… … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 36 Comments


I had a great ride last night, but the discovery that yet another street on which I drive has had speed humps and stops signs installed has angered me. I am a driver who obeys the laws, and am now … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 27 Comments


Good News: I’ve not seen nor heard the chipmunk since last Thursday. The trap I put in place has not been touched. I am hoping that it ran out when I went to buy the trap. Bad News: I’ve not … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 31 Comments


I will be interested to see how much rain WLF has received over the past 24 hours. Steve and Debbie, I hope all is well down by you, as it appears you received much more severe weather than I did. … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 27 Comments


I spent the lion’s share of yesterday out in WLF. It was a really good morning and afternoon, almost perfect; almost. In addition to generating some ash by burning wood, I had a tree guy come over and give me … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 27 Comments


Oh hi! I got sidetracked this morning starting a new jigsaw puzzle and forgot to blog. Other than a quick run to Stockbridge to hit up an Ollie’s and Lowe’s, it was a fairly normal Wednesday. I worked in WLF, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 33 Comments


It has been a busy week. Yesterday I made a trip up to Cobb County to visit my dentist for X-rays and cleaning, thankfully all checked out. Last night I made my return to group bike riding by joining the … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 28 Comments


Welcome to Spring! I spent the day avoiding the cold, and then doing a lot of choring in the mysterious outskirts of Atlanta known as “Cobb Country”. My ultimate destination was Barb’s and Allan’s house where Barb, Sal, and I … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 34 Comments


Depending on how you look at it, being alone can either be great or detrimental to doing things. On Saturday I really wanted to go to Avondale Estates for Frühlingsfest, but I got a late start on the morning due … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 30 Comments