Monthly Archives: December 2005

Look Who’s Blogging

Just Another Day Wanting to do something, but having nothing to do tonight I keep repeating to myself that this is “just another day”, “just another day”. I’ve managed to keep myself occupied by watching football and The Hitchhiker’s Guide … Continue reading

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2005: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Sorry about today’s delay. I had intended to blog from Joe’s Coffee Shop, but today there was no Wi-Fi. Howdy folks! As I complete my first full calendar year of blogging I want to thank you for taking time out … Continue reading

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2005: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Sorry about today’s delay. I had intended to blog from Joe’s Coffee Shop, but today there was no Wi-Fi. Howdy folks! As I complete my first full calendar year of blogging I want to thank you for taking time out … Continue reading

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My Last Work Day Of The Year!

I drove in to work again today. Eventhough I saw that Joe’s was open and that Ellen was working, I chose not to stop today so that I could have an uninterrupted drive to the office. Happiness Always Accompanies With … Continue reading

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I’m An Excellent Driver, Excellent Driver

At this point I should thank Marta for reducing the stress in my daily commute. Today I drove into work. While it did afford me the opportunity to stop at Joe’s Coffee Shop buy a coffee to-go and say hello … Continue reading

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A Braindead Tuesday

It’s Not Easy being Green I am a NY Jets fan, which at this point should come as no surprise to anyone. It’s been a tough season to be a Jets fan, seeing them lose in person to the Falcons … Continue reading

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Only 363 Shopping Days Remain!

For someone who never got into the Christmas spirit this year I certainly have the calendar ready for next year… Christmas Wrap Up As I grow older more of my friends are having children. That’s not shocking news, I know. … Continue reading

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Fleece Navidad

I tried to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” last night, but fell asleep about halfway through. With all of this cold weather I now understand why bears hybernate. Thwarted, I Say. Thwarted. Last night’s walk to my car started at … Continue reading

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Let’s Get Down To It

I’ve been mulling this entry for about thirty minutes now. It’s time to type… I’d tell you which Rankin/Bass classic I watched last night had I actually done so. It seems that I did a little too much holiday revelling … Continue reading

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Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

That’s the Rankin/Bass Christmas classic I watched last night. I keep forgetting that I have these on DVD so that I can watch them whenever I want. My plan is to watch a different show each night from now until … Continue reading

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