Monthly Archives: January 2020


Good morning on our last day of January. This blog finds me in Thomasville, NC my now traditional stopping city for breakfast when overnighting in Charlotte. Uncharacteristically I have passed Biscuitville and gone down the street to Waffle House instead. … Continue reading

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OMG I am running well behind schedule this morning! You’d almost not believe that there was no alcohol consumed at Betsy’s last night, but none was consumed.

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Today I have nothing about which I wish to speak in public. Suffice to say I have a lot of research, appointments, and alterations ahead of me. Hope you have a good day.

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Last night’s Turkey trail was a good run, with an unfortunate series of events at the end. The kitchen at the brewery ending, Halfway Crooks in Summerhill, closed at 9pm, before the Eagle trail hashers finished their trail. It was … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 17 Comments


All in all it was a fair weekend. I certainly did not accomplish all of the tasks I had hope to finish, but I did have a little fun. On Saturday I celebrated Chinese New Year with friends, two of … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 20 Comments


Hey, the site was updated and I am still here! 🎉 If you know me you probably know that I am very good at one thing, falling asleep. Let me quickly make the clarification that “falling asleep” is vastly different … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 13 Comments


Good cold morning from an apparently permanently WiFi-less Waschsalon. Until I get a replacement credit card I am leaning on the card I normally only use for online purchases, as well as a cache of quarters that are left over … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 18 Comments


I did skip German class last night, and except for the glacial traffic I found myself in at 5pm it was the correct decision for me. By freeing up my evening I was able to stop at Kroger to purchase … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 14 Comments


If you are reading this I am glad to hear that you made it through a bitterly cold night. After volunteering (pulling privet, something I need to do at home!), and then having a few beers and sandwiches, I returned … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 12 Comments


Good weekend which included a lot of hashing, Friday night Southern Comfort that concluded with a Christmas tree bonfire, and Black Sheep yesterday. On Saturday night I attended a party for which I had to make an appetizer. I put … Continue reading

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