Monthly Archives: November 2023


Ah, the end of November. I now have twenty five days to get some semblance of Christmas Spirit. Last night I used my InstantPot to make a pasta with meatballs, sausage, and cheese dish. I also brought along some (unfortunately … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 32 Comments


As has seem to be the norm these days I did not get a ton done yesterday. The day simply slipped by before I knew it. I managed to accomplish a little in WLF, and made three meals for myself, … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 40 Comments


It’s funny how ambitious I feel when I am away from home, and how quickly that ambition fades on the way home or as soon as I arrive. I made it into Atlanta before 3pm, and with the exception of … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 43 Comments


Good morning. Expect radio silence again today, I’m (finally?) heading back to Atlanta. It was a lovely weekend in Raleigh, hanging out with friends. Not even the inability of any of my favorite sporting teams to win their respective games … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 31 Comments


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was a very good day up here, and much delicious food was consumed. Don’t know exactly what is on today’s agenda. What I know is not on my agenda is spending a … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 11 Comments


Happy Thanksgiving friends! Hope you all have a wonderful day. Wordle: three, my starter was REACH Connections: perfect, Green > Purple > Yellow > Blue

Posted in My Daily Life | 3 Comments


Hello from Raleigh. I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with the Raleigh Royalty. Thanks to all of you who reached out to ensure that I wouldn’t be alone this Thanksgiving. Still raining in Raleigh, I’m ready for it to be over. Once … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 52 Comments


After yesterday’s start not much could compare. My day consisted of morning choring followed by afternoon and evening laziness. It’s supposed to rain all day, so not much will be happening in my world. Wordle: four, my starter was LAUGH … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 43 Comments


Not a bad weekend, with the exception of my bodily aches and pains, and the continual failure of my favorite teams to win games. I spent the majority of my weekend puttering. I walked with Betsy on Saturday morning, and … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 42 Comments


There is not much to report in my world from yesterday. Yesterday morning I raked a few leaves and chipped a bunch of branches. In the afternoon I made my post office and bank runs, forgetting to deposit one of … Continue reading

Posted in My Daily Life | 28 Comments