The Long And Winding Road

So much happened this weekend that I could probably write a post which takes an hour to read (that’s my time, it would probably take you ten minutes).

  • I went to Nashville the wrong long way.
  • I determined that I am a 2008 version of Rain Man because it rained Friday and Saturday in Nashville just like it has been everywhere I’ve gone recently.
  • I stayed in a hotel with a gaggle of softball players who were in town for a tournament. They were loud.
  • I reconfirmed that I am addicted to the Internet. The Internet connection in my hotel room went down on Friday night and never returned — my weekend last-minute activity planning suffered because of this.
  • I realized again that I stink at people photography and am going to have to work hard to overcome this.
  • I ate a mushroom bisque on Saturday that was so good I want to learn how to make one.
  • I confirmed that Nashville is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.
  • I realized that America was probably once a very beautiful country that we have fucked up with endless strip malls, factories, and housing.
  • I learned that ankle injuries are the new black (and blue).

Overall I’d give the weekend a rating of “45 mph – 55 mph”

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

There is no such thing as “best” in a world of individuals.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Let’s Just Say “Things Didn’t Go My Way” On Friday
When I left the house the weather predicted for Nashville was perfect, I planned to take a pleasurable, back-road drive to Nashville, and I was going to see the entire New Pornographers.

When I arrived seven hours after departing Atlanta in Nashville the skies were cloudy and there was an 80% chance of thunderstorms. The drive was fun for awhile but a little investigation on a map led me to the conclusion that I shall never trust “Jill” with “Avoid Highways” enabled again. I made it to the upper Northwestern corner of Georgia and then she proceeded to take me on a wild-hare ride through Alabama before I overrode her and wound up on I-65 twenty miles south of Huntsville. I should have given up on Jill’s directions when she tried to get me onto a US Highway by taking me down a dead-end road.

After settling into my hotel room and catching up on news I read that New Pornographers’ singer-extraordinaire Neko Case had injured her ankle a few nights ago and had to drop out of the tour after Thursday night’s show in Athens (a show I could have attended but chose to skip in order to spend the weekend in Nashville). The show was good but New Pornographers without Case and Dan Bejar (who is touring with his band Destroyer) just aren’t the same; Okkervil River rocked big time however and I’d like to see them again in an intimate setting such as the case was at the Cannery Ballroom in Nashville.

ITP Flickr Pic
Isn’t it iconic? Why yes it is.

Iconic (Closeup)

The weather in Nashville on Saturday morning was excellent and I made sure to get a few hours of photography in prior to watching the clouds and rain roll in for an encore appearance.

I Saw Rock City
If you are over the age of forty and grew up along the East Coast in a family whose vacations consisted of car trips (back when gas was $0.50 a gallon and not $3.50) then you’ve no doubt seen advertisements for Rock City. I’ve always been intrigued by Rock City because I never really knew what it was, even though I probably visited it sometime in the early 1970’s. Yesterday I decided to stop there on my way home.

For all of their advertising you’d think that no one would have difficulty finding Rock City, but of course I missed the “next stop light” turn and had to turn around in order to get there. The weather was okay, but not super clear when I arrived some time late in the morning so I grabbed my camera gear and headed in. Oh wait, there was that minor nit of having to pay $17 before I could enter. Yeouch! But I was there and didn’t know if I’d ever return (and after I was done I probably won’t.)

Before you consider going to Rock City keep in mind that it was opened in 1932 and is as far from being “American with Disabilities Act” compliant as a theme park can be. The complex is a maze of walkways (and annoying “soothing” music) with a myriad of steps and a few places that were so narrow a person weighing more than 250 pounds (read “fat American”) could not get through. I was surprised by both of these observations and was shocked that there was no mention of this prior to encountering them. I felt that they should have made the turnstile as narrow as the narrowest of passages and put a sign saying “You Must Be Able To Fit Through To Enter” in front of it.

One of the allures of Rock City is the ability to see seven states from its observation point.

I Predict Cloudy Weather Across Seven States

As you can see from the weather conditions in my photo I was unable to do so yesterday. Oddly, the weather on the other side of the mountain was perfect.

Flags Of The Seven States Which Can Be Seen From Rock City

All I did to take the shot of the flags was turn around from where I took the shot of the sign.

Overall I had a decent time in Rock City and am not disappointed that I stopped there on my way home.

Too Much Fun, Not Enough Run
Stepping on the scale this morning only confirmed what I had been feeling this weekend — the weight is returning and I need to do something to stop it. While I had opportunity to run in Nashville I chose not to. Tonight will have to be another story however as I plan to rejoin the Monday Night Running Group in East Atlanta. I’ll just have to remember why I am running when it’s time to order food and drink after the run.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – where did my long weekend go?
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks — “Gardenia”
Website Of The Day – See seven states from one spot? Inconceivable! Which of course reminds me to tell you about the Princess Bride Game.
Exercise (b)Log – not a damn thing
Monthly Foot Mileage – 38.5 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Monday Morning Weigh-In – 199 pounds
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 21 (21)

April Goals
1) Run no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 100 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least one book
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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5 Responses to The Long And Winding Road

  1. Huh, nearly 1pm and not a single comment today. Did you all have a drunken weekend or is today’s content not that compelling?

  2. Martha says:

    I’m here…working from home today.

    Tis true…I got up this morning, a little sad the long weekend was over and I had to go back to the office. I checked my email…I hadn’t since before we left on Friday morning…and there was an email that, because of a water leak and the subsequent damage my office building is closed…it may be for up to two weeks!!!

    So I just got back from catfish tacos on the deck at Six Feet Under!

    I have the pictures of B trying to navigate the steps in the back yard if you need them for another entry.

  3. Nah, those shots are all yours. Besides, I was summoned over to your place for beers and then those that summoned me left, one before I even arrived(!), so I missed the hilarity.

    Mmmm, catfish tacos…….

  4. Steve says:

    I have actually been working (somewhat) and recovering from a short weekend of barn raising and horse stall compacting. No exercise for me this weekend, unless you include wrestling with that compactor machine.


  5. Barb says:

    I was still in NC yesterday, we got home late afternoon yesterday.
    I’ve been wanting to go to Rock City again, we were there as children as well.
    I like that fat people can’t fit – that would make me laugh if I was there.

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