Going Mobile

I wish I was announcing the purchase of a new mobile device. Instead, I have been selected to go on a trouble call in McDonough, GA later this afternoon. So I guess that I will be getting a jump on the long weekend?

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

It could be that if I were afraid to just “be me” I would be naturally funny. It could be that a humorous response does flick through my mind, but fear of what people might think if I just blurted out my thoughts kills it.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

Nary A Tweet About Trivia
I just realized that today is Friday (durrr) and that no one put out a call to play trivia last night. Huh. I know that I could have been the one to initiate interest, but I normally don’t these days. And for some reason I forgot that yesterday was Thursday. So this is what old age is going to be like….

Going Mobile… In A Good Way
Even with ridiculously high gas prices I’ve decided to go on a road trip tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I’ll be waking up before the crack of dawn and driving to Mitchell, GA to visit Hamburg State Park Why Hamburg? Why not? The plan is to take the direct route to Mitchell, and then when I am ready to return to civilization, take a slow roll through the towns of Sparta, Eatonton, and Monticello. Hopefully I’ll either find a kick-ass restaurant along the way home, or I’ll get back in time to cook up a chicken I started thawing in the refrigerator the other day.

ITP Flickr Pic
Another shot taken for my People Photography class.


This guy is named Greg and he works at Le Petite Marche in Kirkwood who was nice enough to be a subject for Maigh and me.

I Want To Relaunch Jalapeño Beach
Of the many burning desires I possess the one which has been nagging me the most is the fact that I let my photoblog Jalapeño Beach die. Flickr is alright and all, but nothing says “I take photography seriously” like having your own virtual gallery. If I can make the time this weekend I think that I will try to resurrect it.

Been Trying To Figure Out What To Do On My Birthday?
Don’t worry, you still have about two months…

However, the Old 97’s have decided that their gift to me will be to play Variety Playhouse on July 22nd. Tickets go on sale today (and I’d suggest avoiding purchasing from TicketMaster). Guess who will be buying himself one of many early birthday presents?

Have A Happy And Safe Memorial Day Weekend
For the one or two of you who aren’t in America, nor have lived in America, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. What does that mean? One of my six precious paid holidays, the beginning of our traditional “driving season”, the Indianapolis 500, beer, and in days gone by — parades. It also means that a lot of people will be getting killed on the roads and waterways of America. Be safe. Watch out for the “other” guy. Return Tuesday to read my blog (of course you’ll have at least two entries to read then because I plan to write on Monday). Cheers all!

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – miffed
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing The Decemberists — “16 Military Wives”
Website Of The Day – This week a great friend lost one of her pups. While Ruben was dog-enough to drink real beer, perhaps you want to start your canine’s drinking habit with Beer For Dogs.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing (again?!)
Monthly Foot Mileage – 25 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 25 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car
Monthly Marta Rides – 13
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 53 (53)

May Goals
1) Run no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 100 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least one book
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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12 Responses to Going Mobile

  1. Stacy says:

    What time do you have to head to MickeyD’s? What with the long weekend, you know rush hour traffic south on 75 will probably start about 1pm. :p And there’s nothing worse than that I-75 south traffic toward Macon at the end of the day!

    Have a fun weekend! Maybe you can kick off the reheating of Jalapeño Beach with pictures from the start of the summer season this weekend. By the way…how did you get the name for that blog again?

  2. Sal says:

    For those hitting the roads, please be very careful! The furthest I will be traveling is to Cedartown for the Cedartown Bike rides on Monday.

    Don’t forget the Decatur Arts Festival is also this week-end.

    Have a safe and fun Memorial Day Week-end.

  3. I am not in control of my schedule today. I *hear* that I need to be in McDonough early in the afternoon. Believe me, I am dreading Memorial Day Weekend Friday traffic. What I do to keep an income! 😉

    The name “Jalapeño Beach” came to me one day along with the slogan “Welcome to Jalapeño Beach” and an image of a jalapeño pepper lounging in a beach chair sunning himself in order to turn from green to red.

    If I had real artistic skills I’d post a much better drawing.

    Cedartown Bike rides? I am unfamiliar with these.

  4. Stacy says:

    I like him! I bet I’d even like him better deep fried with cream cheese…or perhaps on a stiiiiiiiiiick.

  5. Barb says:

    yeah Sal – I want to ride my road bike on Monday – what is going on in Cedartown? I was planning to pedal forever on the Silver Comet, but other options are always a good thing.

  6. Sal says:

    The Silver Comet Memorial Day Bike Rides. We do it ever year since my brother lives in Cedartown. This year they are only doing a 20, 47 or 100 mile ride. Starts at the Cedartown Welcome Center.

  7. nplts says:

    more slogans to consider!:

    Jalapeño Beach: Feel the Heat, Tomorrow
    Jalapeño Beach Slap
    Jalapeño Beach Will Make You Cry
    Jalapeño Beach : Chew On This, Beach

  8. Bob says:

    Hey Sal, I will be in Cedertown on Sunday. I will be riding a dirt bike though :). A bike with an engine makes climbing hills MUCH more fun!

    Paulie you should find some good photo opportunities in Sparta. Sparta is one of those forgotten about towns, I think it’s hey day was way back when there were cotton plantations all over. Now the town is all run down but it looks like there used to be a great town square. I did a race close to there and Trick and I went “into town” to find dinner. It was an interesting experience.

  9. Terri (SW) says:

    I’m confused…that pepper looks French.

    Le Plage d’Jalapeno

    (BTW- I never took French, so that’s probably horribly incorrect).

  10. I did say that I had no artistic talent. 🙂 I admit that when I looked at it again I questioned “Why did I draw a beret on it again?” LOL!

  11. Stacy says:

    LOL at nplts’ slogans. I also like the beret, which can very easily be changed up. Beret one day, cowboy hat the next; perhaps a bonnet and fez soon after…

    I foresee a huge success with the return of the Jalapeño Beach, just on that cute little pepper alone. Oh wait. the site was for your photography or something?

  12. Barb says:

    It is seriously monsooning here is Marietta right now – I hope no one has to drive up 75 this evening, traffic is gonna stink……

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