Lessons Learned And Missed Opportunities

Perhaps *today* will be the day air conditioning returns. Since I didn’t order a new furnace it took a lot more work to install the inside a/c coil and thus the work was not completed yesterday. It would have been nice to have a/c last night as it was 80 deg F outside last night when I went to bed at midnight.

Read Along With Me
Today’s passage from Notes To Myself.

As long as I’m giving you things (even “love”) I don’t have to notice you.

To all who have helped me — Thanks.

I’ve Gone Mad
It took nearly twenty-four hours to download the thirteen episodes of the first season of Mad Men. Last night I watched the first episode and became immediately hooked.

Sure the whole story line is about advertising men in the 1960’s, contains smoking like there’s no tomorrow, and shows men disregarding women for anything other than sex, but it is so well done it’s incredible.

As I found out yesterday from a friend of mine you don’t have to buy the series if you don’t want to, it’s available for free on Hulu.

I Missed Elliott Street Pub… Again
I laid down for “just a minute” early last night and a few hours passed before I awoke. It was a great nap, but one which completely zapped any desire for me to go out and play with other photogs over at Elliott Street Pub.

While I do hate missing out on opportunities to shoot, I have to admit that it was good to stay home and relax last night.

ITP Flickr Pics
This boat was sitting in the water all alone last week as I roamed around Dunedin’s small marina.
Know Your Destination
All I could see is a boat pointed toward a small barrier island and the thought of “Know Your Destination” popped into my mind.

Retail Is A Funny Business
In order to get myself prepared for Saturday night’s Hold Steady concert in Athens I finally got around to downloading their latest disc “Stay Positive.” Of course I’ve avoided buying it on CD (if you don’t know why then you’ve not been paying attention) so I went to Amazon to download it. Lo and behold I found two links for downloading, one for $8.99 and one for $7.99. I tried to see what the difference was between them (extra songs, higher bit rate, etc.). Upon seeing no differences I opted for the cheaper version, wouldn’t you?

Simplicity Rules!
It’s not a hard concept around which to wrap your mind. However, it is a hard concept for me to follow. The concept? “Simplicity Rules!” How else can a breakfast of frozen biscuits slathered in organic jelly and washed down with ice cold water be so fantastic? You’ll have to picture this image in your mind because I was too hungry and my mouth was watering so much that I had no time to take a photo.

No George’s For Me
I will be absent from the George’s experience again tonight. Sure, I need to run, but it is going to be in the mid-nineties again today so I will pass.

Further because I was not in the office yesterday and what looks like half of today I will need to go in and get some things done today. I wonder where dinner near the office will be tonight…

Have fun, stay hydrated.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – okay
Current Music – listening to the Daily Source Code podcast
Website Of The Day – In Canada they’ve been setting up Bait Cars and filming the people stealing them. It’s actually pretty neat.
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Monthly Foot Mileage – 0 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 50 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – My car (I hope)
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 14 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4

August Goals
1) Run/Walk no fewer than 75 miles
2) Ride no fewer than 150 road miles
3) Ride Marta no fewer than ten times (five round-trips)
4) Read at least two books
5) Make my bed every day

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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21 Responses to Lessons Learned And Missed Opportunities

  1. Stacy says:

    Frozen biscuits do not sound simple. They actually sound pretty hard and painful.

  2. Gentri says:

    Ugh. so because u didn’t replace the whole thing, he had to tear apart the old unit to update it I guess? suckage. It was “dangen” hot last night… not sure the AC kicked off too many times… still not sure how you’ve managed to do it, but the phrase “stubborner than a mule” for some reason popped into mind!

  3. Ah, but they are much easier than making biscuits from scratch. And when you throw the frozen ones into a pre-heated toaster oven for about twenty minutes the frozen ones are delicious. 🙂

  4. He had to take apart some of the duct work that had been patchwork installed whenever the previous HVAC work was done. He had to get behind the furnace to do so. Then he had to do new duct work in order to marry the new indoor unit to the furnace.

    He’s here now making a racket, but I am not sure exactly why.

    Perhaps prematurely I highly recommend this guy. He seems to know his stuff and goes out of his way to do it “right.” As a non-a/c example, he broke two light bulbs in his work lamp yesterday and I replaced them for him. Today he showed up with a pack of bulbs to replace the ones I gave him.

    Oh, and I do it because I have to. It’s far too expensive to go to a hotel and I’d hate to impose upon anyone else.

  5. Stacy says:

    Oh! So they weren’t still frozen when you ate them? Okay then. That sounds simplistic AND delicious! 🙂

    Hey ITP readers, speaking of food: anyone want to join me and fellow ITP-reader Barb at the Marietta Diner for lunch today, we’ll be there at 11:45!

  6. Barb says:

    Paulie – you should stay OTP after work tomorrow night and come to the SLUT hash in East Cobb. Allan & I are hares, we have a taco bar for the food, with lots & lots of homemade salsa with tomatoes and jalapenos from our garden. And all the cheap beer you can drink (until we run out of course). And a pool ending……….. all of that for $8.

    All other ITP readers are invited as well. I think Stacy may be joining us, and bringing hte new beau for us to interrogate.

  7. Stacy says:

    Yup, Barb. And he’s all excited to give it a try. We’ve apparently reached that “true test” part of our relationship: understanding and surviving the hash.

    If I remember correctly though, Paulie’s got some sort of vendetta against the SLUT. Never done one or something?

  8. Martha says:

    Thanks for the invite Stacy but one trip to the other side of the world a day is enough for me.

    Barb, I brought the bike and I’m hoping to meet you guys at 5:45.

    Paulie, I can’t believe he didn’t get that installed yesterday, but he does sound like a decent guy.

    Also ITP readers, I brought a case of Indiana beer home with me, I’m going to need some help ‘tasting it’, when ever someone is available. 😉

  9. Barb, if my trivia plans for tomorrow night fall through I will be at the SLUT.

    Oh, another reason I will be glad to have a/c again is I will be able to stop opening the deck door wide open and letting all of the mosquitoes in. I am slapping myself silly right now.

    Why do I keep getting this sinking feeling that my heater/furnace is going to break down this winter?

  10. Martha says:

    Speaking of the hash…are they REALLY working on starting another Tuesday night hash???

    Just what this town doesn’t need.

  11. Another hash?!?! Yes, I’ve boycotted SLUT since MC and Doo Doo started it on our established dart night. Man, that seems like a lifetime ago.

    If you saw the Cirque de Soleil maneuvering that he had to do yesterday, you’d understand why it took him so long. I also understood because any project done in this house takes at least twice as long as budgeted.

    I’ll gladly help you taste your Indiana beer. I’ll trade you some of my Florida beer if you’d like. Isn’t it great that the souvenir that we bring back from our travels is beer? 😀

  12. Gentri says:

    Yes, in a nut shell, you flaunting the Gods of Mechanization* will guarantee that your furnace will burst into flame the week the freak sub-zero snow storm hits Atlanta, shooting 30 foot flames out of the vent work, only singing your Mac and tech lab a bit, but catching the neighbors innocent dog on fire, causing him to run amuck on the block, flinging burning hair on all other neighboring houses until he finds a pool to extinguish himself in… said hair will burn the rest of your neighborhood down around you, leaving great photo opportunities and raising your house value as “the luckiest house evar”. Paris Hilton will appear while canvasing for Obama and will find you slumped on the front door, Nikon in hand, but passed out from all the photo ops and hyperventilating too much… she’ll revive you with a kiss and say… “that’s hot” and it will be, as your neighbors propane tank explodes…. there’s a happy ending somewhere here, and Paris is responsible, but I won’t go into details….

    ///Too much time on my hands? ya think???

    Only doodoo was working on it and I concur…. but hey, other folks still wanna have more Hash fun, so wadda we care???

  13. The more hashes we have the more likely that trails will conflict. Over my nine years of hashing the Atlanta area has lost considerable “hash area” and can barely handle the number of hashes we currently have. Consider when I last laid the Super Bowl hash two years ago and SoCo, Atlanta, and Black Sheep all crossed paths during the same weekend.

    If you need hashing to drink then I think you need to try harder to drink. 😉

  14. Barb says:

    I think the C U Next Tuesday hash was started just for the initials……
    But – I guess if you need a pre-lube hash for the Two-for-Tuesday hash (cuz it is too short), you are now in luck.

    but Paulie – I’m with you, some people just need to try harder to drink.

  15. martha says:

    Okay just flipping through Runner’s World and I see this…


    Question would any of you shell out $80 for a pair of shoes that are meant to make you feel like you don’t have shoes on??

  16. Why do I see a pair of those in Little Easy’s future?

  17. Martha says:

    That was my frist thought also….he’s already got the socks to go with them.

  18. Stacy says:

    Y’all missed out at the Diner today, folks. Barb had a deep fried sandwich, no joke. Deep. Fried. Sandwich. It looked like pure sin and now I wish I’d have had it too.

    In completely unrelated news, did you see that the Dawgs got the Kiss of Death this morning? The SI cover — WOO!

  19. Gentri says:

    A co-worker of mine swears by his and told me I should get a pair… he said they really feel great… mind you, his wife won’t go on walks with him if he wears them… but that might not be a bad thing….. and doesn’t affect me anyway… so yeah, I might get a pair. comfortable would be good.

  20. Barb says:

    but the sandwich wasn’t bread – it was a tortilla. Doesn’t that somehow make it healthy?

  21. Smoove D says:

    Bummer, there were some interesting models at Elliott Street. It was hot as balls though, I think I’ll skip the next August meetup.

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