The Two Hundred Pound Gorilla In The Room

Is me. I finally recharged the batteries which belong in my scale. Why I bought a charging unit which requires up to sixteen hours to recharge AA batteries still baffles me. With fresh batteries in the scale I stripped off any unnecessary weight and hopped on to confirm what I already knew — I’m fatter than I desire to be. The digital dial stopped squarely on 200.0, which according to yesterday’s commitment I should weigh no more than 190.0 come Cheddarhead ’09.

Hey, Hey, Hey, It’s Fat Paulie Albert The Albert
My newly adopted attitude toward life, which is rather difficult to maintain thanks to some of the problems being thrown my way, is teaching me to turn lemons into lemonade – which I will not be able to drink (this will make sense if you read this month’s goals).

Last night I met up with Maigh at The Albert in Inman Park. Old Skool Atlantans will know this location for its former tenant the Austin Avenue Buffet, which was closed years ago in order to raze the building. Wouldn’t you know, that razing never occurred so another Atlanta institution was lost for no good reason. At The Albert I ordered up a pile of boiled peanuts and had a Greek salad sans chicken. Overall the bar is good, although I shan’t see it as a destination bar for me anytime soon.

After The Albert I followed Maigh to her new digs and prepared to shoot. Unfortunately, the subject we were going to shoot never showed up. So instead I hung out with Maigh and her man the Mc whilst I played with their new cat who I’ve named “Skeletor” due to its current lack of bulk.

ITP Flickr Pic
If Target can put Christmas cards on their shelves before October 1st.
It's Almost That Time...
Then I have no problem posting a photo of pumpkins on October 1st.

George’s. Ge, Ge, Ge, Ge, George’s
Tonight! Perhaps one night only! I will be darkening the doors, and perhaps the floors, of George’s. I’ll be running, no faster than a snail’s pace, but it will be running nonetheless. Afterward I will drink nothing but water and beer (this will make sense if you read this month’s goals) as I snack on something which does not contain delicious meat. [I’m laughing as I type this so forgive my tongue-in-cheek asshattery.]

Hey Look! Goals.
After a month’s hiatus my monthly goals are back. There’s nothing down there that’s earth-shattering, but if I complete them I’ll be on a good start to changing my own life.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – fair, my boy is causing me bother
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Franz Ferdinand — “Lucid Dreams”
Website Of The Day – According to Go Veg Alicia Silverstone’s a vegetarian. Why was this information not provided to me sooner? Now we have something in common!
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Monthly Foot Mileage – 0 miles
Monthly Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Monthly Marta Rides – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 20 (110)
Books To Read To Earn Kindle – 4
Monthly Vegetarian Days – 0
Monthly Carnivorous Days – 0

October Goals
1) Lose no fewer than three pounds
2) Drink nothing but water, coffee, beer, wine (shut up, I’m not going to deprive myself of my one vice)
3) Run no fewer than 75 miles
4) Bike no fewer than 125 miles

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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26 Responses to The Two Hundred Pound Gorilla In The Room

  1. Oh and I forgot something….


    Per my commitment I shall only celebrate for 5/7ths of the day.

  2. Steve says:

    Let’s go out and celebrate with a big, juicy steak!!


  3. You, my friend, are not “right” in the head. 😛

  4. Martha says:

    I just read yesterday that I am a flexitarian? I guess you are one also now.

    I may make a long over due appearance at George’s tonight, not sure if I’ll run but I probably should.

    Three pounds this month is totaly do able…. I’m trying for 2 (I’ve been told 10 may be over doing it?)….darn this is hard!

  5. Three pounds should be real “doable” for me since it’s the first three pounds, I’m one big bag of flab, I’ve been eating poorly, drinking too much, and barely exercising. Changing my bad habits should result in good change.

  6. Barb says:

    Allan is working all weekend, so I’m extra available for a bike ride if anyone wants to go.

    Also – shamelss plug for CMB & Trick’s AH4 hash on Saturday in Roswell/Alpharetta – I’m pretty sure I’m going to that. It is a 10-4 Good Buddy theme, I guess I need to go find a good trucker hat.

  7. I’ll pack my hat for Saturday. I’ve alerted Trick that I will be attending their hash if I can make it back from Nashville in time.

  8. Bob says:

    I wonder if Trick knows is national vegetarian day? I’ll bet I can’t have a burger for dinner tonight :).

    Thanks for the plug Barb, this will also be the haring debut for Bag O Tricks. Will he get credit even if he can’t walk yet?

  9. Martha says:

    @Barb, I might be able to ride Saturday morning, I may pass on Bootcamp!!

    you could see if Michelle is coming on Sunday and I could set up a bike route for you both also.

    @Paulie, you have the extra advantage of being a dude. You all can change on little thing and the weight just falls off…

    Also how are you planning the 125 wheel miles? Are you signed up for another ride this month?

  10. I’m sure Bag O Tricks will get credit when he finishes his first down-down. 😉

  11. Oh come on…. you ladies have boobs from which to lose weight… 😛

    I have no specific plans for riding. I’m going to make an assumption that I will not want to run as much as I should, and will opt to ride my bike instead. I’ll be looking at the SBL’s ride calendar soon to see if there is anything down south to ride — not that I have a free weekend or anything.

  12. Martha says:

    “Oh come on…. you ladies have boobs from which to lose weight…”

    Yeah, after seeing the way you boys were drolling over Dagmar’s “assets” yesterday, I think I’ll try to keep what I have.

    Well I have plenty of free time, my schedule has magically opened up.

  13. Barb says:

    did you see Dagmar in person? Allan will be so jealous. For some reason we always have to watch channel 46 news now days.

  14. Barb, I didn’t see Dagmar. She was a topic of conversation on the EAV Buzz board when one of the people said that they didn’t care for her and hew suburban-mommy hairstyle.

    I wouldn’t mind running into her however. 😉

  15. Weird question: Does anyone know someone named John Ashbaugh?

  16. Martha says:

    I found him on LinkedIn, he worked at JBoss and has Bill S. (Asshole) as a connection?? But no, I don’t know him.

  17. Huh, okay. I received and odd, and rather out-of-context email from him and was wondering if it was spam. The return address looked legit, but I have no connection that I am aware of to the person.

  18. sal says:

    October 5: Ferst Annual Lewis Grizzard & Catfish Memorial Bike Ride:
    The Coweta Ferst Foundation For Childhood Literacy is inviting you to enjoy an Autumn ride through picturesque Coweta County Sunday, October 5. The ride will start at the Moreland Museum and offer 3 options: 12 mile, 25 mile & Metric Century/66 mile. Pre-registration forms must be postmarked by September 26, 2008 or you can register the day of the ride. Rest stops will be provided every 10-15 miles with complimentary refreshments for all participants. For more information call Holly Lewis @ 404-944-7665 or Brenda Washington @ 770-304-1777.

  19. debbie says:

    Go Sal! Clearly we don’t know what’s going on in our ‘hood! We’ll be home and can fire up the grill if anyone makes their way down.

  20. Sarah says:

    I had veggie brats with bell peppers and onions for lunch. Cooked it this morning. Quick and easy. Yum.

  21. Sunday will be a bacon day at Chez Martha. I hear tell that she will also have beer for the “runners.”

    I’m so glad that Sunday will be one of the 2/7ths MEAT days on my calendar.

  22. Steve says:

    I’m working a race in Dalton, so I won’t even be able to ride my own “neighborhood” ride! Crap…


  23. debbie says:

    That was poor planning the Literacy people’s part! Did they not check the Sunday runner calendar? Losers.

    Race in Dalton? What race in Dalton?

  24. Are you two going to make me find a marriage counselor for tomorrow’s “Website Of The Day?” I certainly hope not. 🙂

  25. Barb says:

    Debbie – you are starting to sound just like my mother-in-law Mary…… some how TJ “forgets” to mention some of the races.
    and – I’m guessing Steve will have to be up there in Dalton early, he can drop you off at my house, we can go hang out at Martha’s all day, and he can swing by to pick you up on the way home.

  26. debbie says:

    ohhh, that’s a good plan. We might get a new Day Spa resident this weekend (large, hairy, demands food), but if we don’t I could get behind a day of drinking and dominos.

    In fairness, he probably told me but I can hardly keep up with all of MY comings and goings, much less the random bike race. Hold the marriage counselor website and find one with a family calendar function that will send reminders to each of us on weekly/daily basis. 🙂

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