Happy Fat Tire Day!

Today is the day that New Belgium Brewery’s Fat Tire (as well as its 1554 and Mothership Wit) will go on sale… or so I have been told.

In Case You Hadn’t Realized, I’ve Been Away
Yep. I flew out to Denver last Tuesday afternoon and returned yesterday afternoon. It was a long business trip sprinkled with moments of fun. I’m glad to be back home and get into my routine again, but feel it will be at least another day before I get my legs back under me.

Somebody Has A New $39 Windbreaker, And Somebody Forgot A New $35 Set Of Earbuds
Sometimes I think that I’d forget my head if it weren’t attached to my body.

On my way to the airport last Tuesday I realized that I failed to pack a pair of headphones for the flight. With no time to spare I decided to suck it up and purchase a new set of earbuds at the airport, for the not-so-low price of $35. The expense was worth it, however.

While I had correctly viewed the long-term weather outlook for Denver I had no idea that I’d be going to a Rockies game on Friday night. I also had no idea that the weather in Denver could turn so quickly and was caught off guard when the temperatures went from warm to cold and windy. At the Rockies game I couldn’t handle the cold and found myself in a gift shop looking at outerwear. The cheapest thing I found that would suffice was a $39 windbreaker. The expense was worth it, however.

As I sat in the lobby after checking out of my hotel room I realized that I didn’t have my new earbuds. I remembered that I had placed the earbuds onto my camera bag, but not into my camera bag would have made a whole lot of sense, and realized that they must have fallen off the bag when I picked it up. Sadly, I didn’t have the time to request to get back into the room and go up and fetch them. 🙁 I hope that the cleaning staff enjoys my forgetfulness.

ITP Flickr Pic
I took few photos while in Denver (there are long explanations for this). Further, I’ve had no time to review/edit any of the shots taken.
Look, I'm Doing A Food Demo Tomorrow
So today all I can offer up is the quick shot of this poster for Antonia Lofaso’s food demonstration. Long-time ITP-Readers will remember Top Chef: Chicago when Antonia was my randomly-selected pick to win it all on EAV Buzz‘ Top Chef Fantasy League. I was thrilled to say hello to her and received an autographed apron; no, I did not tell her about the fantasy league.

I’ve been away for six days and in that time all of the plants have grown crazily, the police believe that they found one of the murders in the John Henderson case, the UGA professor who killed his wife was found in a shallow grave dead from a self inflicted gun shot, and the cost of gas has gone up about $0.20 a gallon?

What the fuck is going on here?

RealiTV Update: The Amazing Race Is Over Again — “Youth And Good Looks Get Rewarded Again”
I may have mentioned this before about The Amazing Race, I love the fact that their finale is simply one more hour-long episode without a lot of “remember whens” and wasted time.

The Final Three (Tammy and Victor, Jaime and Cara, Margie and Luke) finally get to leave China to fly to Hawaii on a nineteen hour flight. At the first challenge the teams had to carry a pig, and then properly construct a pit at a luau. Margie and Luke were the strongest team and rallied past the others and built a sizable lead. Meanwhile Jaime and Cara get yet another clueless cab driver, this time they also get one that needs to stop for gas, and I laugh my ass off when the dispatcher tells the that he/she is not their personal concierge. This misfortune will certainly cost them any chance of winning it all.

As is the case with every The Amazing Race I have seen the final Roadblock is a memory challenge. For this season one team member had to correctly identify images on surfboards and place their selected surfboards in the proper order. With a huge lead and Margie telling us that Luke has been preparing for this specific task I am certain that we will see them win. Luke had about eight of the twelve (or was it eleven?) surfboards in place when Victor started the task. Luke needed to only correctly find and place the final two surfboards when Cara (or was it Jaime?) starts the task. And just like that, Victor finishes the task and head toward the final finish line…. Luke helped out Jaime (or was it Cara?) find her final surfboard, and she in turns helps Luke identify his mistake.

With only yet another cab ride between the three teams and the finish line we are now certain that Tammy and Victor are going to win. Oh good, great looking, young, lawyers who could communicate with the locals during at least two episodes in China are finally going to catch a break and win; Cara and Jaime finished in second; Margie and Luke went from first to third.

And so ends another season of The Amazing Race.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – okay, still hating poison ivy, glad to be home
Current Music – listening to this week’s “Sound Opinions” podcast
Website Of The DayTootie Foodie is yet another good food blog.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing

Foot Mileage – 0 miles, Wheel Mileage – 0 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 1 (2)
Vegetarian Days – 1, Carnivorous Days – 9
Marta Rides – 0

May Goals
Whoops, I didn’t even consider this. Perhaps something will be here on Monday.

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
РEarn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalape̱o Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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15 Responses to Happy Fat Tire Day!

  1. bob says:

    Welcome back Paulie!

    I’m still way impressed with Margie and how she was able to carry the pig to the pit passing the other 2 teams.

  2. Yeah, I was impressed by her as well. It’s part of what made me a little sad that they finished in third.

    And thanks, it’s good to be back. Now all I’ll have to do is get my mail which has been held, and reconnect my computers at home so that they can catch up on their data downloads.

  3. Sal says:

    Welcome home!

    I thought Victor and Tammy would win….but I was sort of pulling for Luke and Margie.

  4. Thanks, Sal. Looking back at last Monday’s prediction I see that I had correctly predicted Tammy and Victor winning, but thought that Margie and Luke would beat Jaime and Cara.

  5. Barb says:

    So, does the windbreaker say Rockies on it?

    My tomatoes and other veggies are growing like weeds, which means I need to go actually weed the garden pretty soon. I hate weeding.

    I want to hear more about the REO Speedwagon show, I guess you didn’t take the camera to catch all the 40ish people rocking out to their favorite high school songs?

    Amazing Race was sad, I couldn’t believe Luke couldn’t figure out he didn’t have the scorpions on the sticks? That seemed like one of the easiest of all the pictures.

  6. Nope, I went for the “Coors Field, Denver Colorado” style. It was cheaper and neither white nor purple (it’s army green).

    My veggies are doing really well. My basil is awesome, and one of the tomato plants has sprouted flowers. I’ll be taking photos of the progress tonight or tomorrow.

    I didn’t have my camera on Thursday night because I wasn’t sure whether or not I would have time to shoot. The concert was fantastic. I recognized all but one song played. Their encore was “Riding The Storm Out” followed by “157 Riverside Avenue” The crowd was fairly subdued until the end when some dancing broke out. I’m actually more glad that I went to see REO than I Howie Mandell (who was the closing act on Saturday night).

    I thought Luke was going to nail that challenge. I’m not surprised that Victor did, however.

  7. Barb says:

    I think you picked well – REO had to be much more fun than Howie. I’m now wanting to go see REO, I wonder if they are playing in Atlanta anywhere this summer. Guess I’ll ber searching the internet for that soon.

  8. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I think that REO is playing Chastain this summer.

    I actually saw both shows, I think I misled y’all with my previous wording.

  9. Laura says:

    REO Speedwagon is playing at Encore Park by NorthPoint Mall. Who’s jealous of us OTP’ers, now? Yeah, I said it.

  10. bob says:

    Sweet! We can listen to them from our patio!

    And how the hell did I miss this?

    Who is riding in this week?

  11. RanLiCoop says:

    On the beer front, Paulie, we North Carolinians will no longer bug you to bring Sweetwater with you when you travel by car. I was able to pick up 420 at my local “best beer store in town” and then noticed people leaving HT with Sweetwater sixes tucked under their arms. Hooray for beer progress!

  12. New Belgium’s Fat Tire in Georgia? Sweetwater’s 420 in North Carolina? Wow, the world is becoming such a harmonious place.

    Jealous of OTP’ers? Um, not really. 🙂

  13. Barb says:

    Bob – don’t make me get sweaty & ride my bike on my 2.2 mile commute (it is 1.5 miles on the shortest route, but I’m not all the keen on riding on the South Loop, so I go the long way). But really, I don’t care if I stink, I’m just too lazy to get up 15 minutes earlier. I’ll think about it.

    And everyone – wish me luck, Allan & I are going to ride to Kennesaw Mtn tonight and ride up it, it’s pretty steep I’m told….. Allan’s decided he wants to do the 6 Gap Century at the end of Sept. I’ll probably do the 3 Gap, I can’t even imagine riding up Hogpen.
    Sal, want to join us tonight? We are riding from the house. BRAG is less than a month away.

    Also – we are probably riding Wed. night in Roswell after work…. Paulie, want to dust off the bike & join us? Anyone else is welcome too.

  14. Barb says:

    And Bob & Laura, if you can really hear the concert, I’m predicting a Sunday evening party at your house on 6/21.

  15. I’m not going to be able to ride Wednesday. Thanks to my six days away I will be doing one of the following…

    – If the weather is nice I will be doing house/yard work
    – If the weather is not nice I will be doing laundry

    Also, my knee is gimpy so I’m not sure what my exercise will be any time soon. RELATED: I will *not* be in Summerville for the Twisted Ankle on Saturday. Yep, I’ll be missing the fifth annual, thus breaking my streak.

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