If I Didn’t Own A Home I’d Be Outta Here This Weekend

I have a major desire to get away. A weekend camping, perhaps? Sure, America’s campgrounds will most likely be overrun this weekend, but I’m sure that I’d be able to find some remote location without too many people. But I can’t plan it because I own a house which needs help; it won’t be the major help it needs, but it will be a start of some progress.

I Have My Issues, And I’m Not Afraid To Admit It
Last night was the monthy meetup of Atlanta Photography Exhibit. I’ve been before and I really wanted to go last night. But there was a hitch.

Last night’s meetup was help at Buckhead Pizza which is located near the corner of Piedmont and Peachtree. Where to park? I know three things about myself

  1. I don’t valet — especially when I have stuff in my trunk that I cherish.
  2. I will pay for parking, but only of rates are clearly stated and never at hotels because they rip people off.
  3. I don’t mind walking, but will never park anywhere that puts me in danger of getting robbed, towed, or booted.

With these limitations in mind I drove around Buckhead Pizza a few times seeking satisfactory parking, and unfortunately bottoming the Jackmobile out once on an absurdly large speed hump. When I couldn’t locate parking that satisfied my conditions I blew off the notion of the meetup, regardless of knowing what fun I was to miss, and headed toward East Atlanta.

I Made It Out Of REI Without Spending More Than $100
There must be something wrong with me.

Last night I swung by REI (Perimeter) to return the pedal wrench and peruse the sale items. I left the store with a credit on my Visa card and a new Therma-Rest and stuff sack for it. Sure, I looked at many things (like new bike pedals) but I just couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger. WTF!

Who is this person I see in the mirror?

ITP Flickr Pic
Technically I’m cheating. I didn’t take a photo yesterday. However, I took this on my way to work and since there will be no blog tomorrow…..
Everthing Is Ready To Go
My car had most of the things needed to get away. But, there’s this thing about keeping a job so that I’ll have money to buy things… although maybe not?

Free Cycling — Because I’m Not Sure It’s Worth The Registration Fee
While at REI I picked up a (free) copy of Freecycle Freewheelin’ – the publication of Southern Bicycle League. In addition to the articles I was very interest to find out about organized rides coming up this Fall. And then I noticed something…. the price of these rides are going up and I’m finding little reason to pay for training rides.

Let’s be honest. I don’t need any more t-shirts, technical shirts, or bicycle jerseys. The food (meals) they serve at these events is questionable at best. The rest areas, while convenient, don’t provide much more than I can either carry or purchase at a convenient store. So basically I’m paying for someone to mark roads (or provide cue sheets) and the insurance of having a SAG wagon.

My philosophy for riding is to be self-sufficient. I always carry an extra tube and the tools necessary to replace a tire. And, I also carry enough cash, a credit card, and a cell phone in order to attempt to bail me out of major mechanical trouble.

So what’s the point of paying? What do you think?

Big Weekend Of Decisions Ahead
After being wrong for weeks this weekend is finally Labor Day weekend. One of the biggest tasks I have to perform this weekend is deciding on which photos I should print for the upcoming photo exhibit in which I will participate. My friend John (aka HamWithCam) has tagged some of my photos with “APE”, and if you wouldn’t mind I’d like some opinions on whether you think any of these would sell.

Also this weekend I’ll be making decisions about things I’m looking to get rid of (stay tuned to future blog posts when I introduce “InsideThePerimeter Free Cycle”) in an effort to pare down my possessions for future life changes.

Hope that you have a fabulous Labor Day weekend (if you are in the US) and hope to see you back here on Monday. What? Of course I’ll be posting on Monday.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – full of fail
Current Music – listening to this week’s “This Week In Photography” podcast Deer Tick’s concert recorded at the Newport Folk Festival.
Website Of The Day – You know of my love of typography, right? Imagine my glee when I heard of Typedia — a shared encyclopedia of typefaces.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing
Morning Weigh-In – 199 pounds

Foot Mileage – 0 miles, Wheel Mileage – ~34 miles
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 4 (4)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 3
Marta Rides – 0

September Goals
– Not get fired from my job
– Take at least one photo every day
– Restart work on house, actually making progress this time (note: not successful during August)

2009 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 190 pounds (today’s weight was 199.5 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
РEarn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalape̱o Beach SmugMug account I opened the other day.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C (iPhone development) and Ruby on Rails (Black Sheep web page concept)
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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5 Responses to If I Didn’t Own A Home I’d Be Outta Here This Weekend

  1. Steve says:

    Like many other events, you have to see if they are supporting a cause or just trying to turn a profit. I have nothing against making a profit, but I would like something for my money… a unique ride or run.. well supported would be a minimum.

    BTW, the SBL publication is “Freewheelin”.

    I hope everyone has a safe holiday.


  2. martha says:

    Hey, Monday morning a buddy and I are talking about riding to Stone Mountain (maybe 8:30) if you’re interested.

    I have to pretty much agree with you about the group/paid rides. I do get a little nervous riding alone (running alone doesn’t seem to bother me on bit for some reason) but if your prepared I don’t see the problem. Since the 2008 Wilson I’ve been a little off the organized rides anyway.

    I don’t mind paying for races (running), I seem to run faster with that number pinned on then without it. Even then I pick and choose carefully, like you said, I don’t need another t-shirt.

    I may have to run by REI today at some point. The office is pretty much empty, I don’t think I’ll be missed.

  3. Thanks Steve. I realized my error upon proofreading, but can’t seem to edit the post using my iPhone.

    I agree that charitable rides are good, but I think I’d rather just write a check to charities these days than to rely on them to get some portion of my registration fee.

    Martha, I’ll be a ‘maybe’ for Monday. It all depends on weather and what sort of riding I do today and/or tomorrow/Sunday.

  4. Martha says:

    Okay cool, Scott is a maybe as well, has to make sure the wife hasn’t made other plans. I’m running Saturday and Sunday but would love to get a ride in as well.

    We are going to a party tonight, with a keg and BBQ…Jerry is so excited he has already postponed his Saturday run to Sunday, lol.

  5. Jenka says:

    Martha, don’t forget I still have your t-shirt (and bag) from last week’s race.

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