It’s iPhone 4 Pre-Order Day!

That is if I can figure out how to pre-order one and pay the “subsidized upgrade” price instead of retail.

Man, Talk About Hot
Perhaps yesterday wasn’t the best day to commute to work on a bicycle. When I got home last night all I could do was strip down and hop into a cold(ish) shower to clean off and cool down. I was pretty much useless the rest of the evening as I lounged in bed watching videos on my iPad.

I was glad that I stepped up and rode to work, but in retrospect I think that I need to find some better routes, ones which don’t endanger my health nearly as much as the routes I rode yesterday. I caught a lot of traffic breaks yesterday (especially on my way home) that I cannot guarantee in the future.

I’m Still Trying To Downsize
All that my constantly-running air-conditioner and soon-to-be-ginormous Georgia Power bill are doing these days is remind me is that I own too much space. As I’ve mentioned in the past, part of the problem of owning space is that you acquire things to fill that space up.

I am once again fighting hard to get rid of things, so that in the near(ish) future I can acquire a domicile with less space, preferably a swank loft with enough area for a small photography studio. Don’t be surprised if I start adding a “Freecycle” section to this here blog.

ITP Flickr Pic
Normally I am not one to adorn my electronics/car with stickers.
However, when in a room with other iPad owners one iPad looks like another iPad, which looks like another iPad. So, I found the above decal on Etsy and decided to order it. I chose the design I did for two reasons:

  1. It is photography related
  2. It will look good whether I am holding my iPad in portrait or landscape orientation

I Eat Out A Lot
But I’m also starting to save a lot of money.

Have I mentioned Groupon and Scoutmob in this blog yet? Both companies offer a “Deal of the Day” for many cities around the country. Most of these deals are discounts to restaurants, for example today’s Scoutmob deal is for the Flat Iron in East Atlanta Village, which can be used by some defined expiration date. For Groupon you must commit to buying the discount on the day that it is offered. For Scoutmob you must have a coupon code or smart phone handy when checking out.

I’ve also heard of Half Off Depot but I’ve yet to check them out.

So Much Music, Some Of It For Free
Speaking of “deals” one of the best, under-publicized ones out there are the free, as in “I wish beer were free”, music samplers offered by Amazon’s Music Download Service.

The other day I downloaded three album’s worth of music by many of today’s better-known indie bands — for free.

Shit, with all of the money I am saving you today you could afford to buy me a beer, as in “Damn, this beer tastes great because it’s free.”

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – tired, bothered, lost
Current Music – silence at the moment, will listen to some podcasts soon
Website Of The Day – I’m feeling a bit odd today, so what better day to select the website Oddee.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – biking: ~33.5 miles
Morning Weigh-In – forgot to check, may turn this into “Monday Weigh-In”
Pages Of 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die Read – 77

Foot Mileage – 5.5 miles, Wheel Mileage – 89.5 miles
Pushups – 0, Situps – 0
Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 15 (15)
Vegetarian Days – 0, Carnivorous Days – 14
Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 2

June Goals
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Ride my bicycle no fewer than 100 miles
– Get the Sharpened Stone, LLC moving further
– Complete at least one iPhone application

2010 Goals
– Reduce my weight to 185 pounds (starting weight was 198 pounds)
– Completely read the book 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
– Earn at least $150 through photography sales in order to cover the cost for the renewal of the Jalapeño Beach SmugMug account.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
– Get the Black Sheep stats out of Excel and online
– Ride in no fewer than two 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Complete my Taco Mac Passport requirement of 125 beers

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in PHP and CSS Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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29 Responses to It’s iPhone 4 Pre-Order Day!

  1. Steve says:

    I forgot to give you an attaboy yesterday for commuting to work on the Red Rocket. Perhpas the phrase “well done” is a little too close to reality??

    And I forgot to mention my new bike is apparently a lot faster than I’m used to. I took the Newnan City Limits sprint from Sally (who neglected to sprint) and later when I checked my Max Speed for the day, I was astounded when it showed 128.4 MPH !! Bring on Mark Cavendish!!


  2. One commute need not generate an “attaboy.” If/when I reach 2-3 times a week consistently I will accept one.

    128.4 mph???? Daaaaaamn! That puts the 40 mph I hit going downhill near Marist yesterday to shame. πŸ™‚

  3. Steve says:

    Ahh young grasshopper, the longest journey begins with a single step.

  4. Barb says:

    hey Steve – my cateye registered 95.something last friday – I had to take a double take. Allan will sprint with you…… I don’t play either.
    That sprint game is partially how I managed to crash last year on BRAG, I saw the sign, figured Allan would sprint past me on the left, but he decided that since I was in the middle of the lane, to sprint on the right of me. I turned right into him.

    It is crazy hot out there, just spending a little time in the garden was more than I could take last night.

  5. debbie says:

    Steve – your new bike needs a name. Lightening? Blue Bullet? Dobbin?

  6. Clarabell? πŸ˜€ (yes, I know that in order for me to understand this reference I admit that I am old)

  7. Martha says:

    I’m with Steve, you have to start somewhere and that deserves a little pat on the back, especially when the weather is like this.

    What route do you take, that’s (one of) the thing(s) stopping me.

    I ran three miles last night with Alexis, we went pretty slow but it was still miserable. It was a good chance to break in the new shoes, so far so good. Now to buy a new hydration unit, since I guess I left mine at Twisted Ankle, at least that’s the last time I remember seeing it.

    LivingSocial is another website to check out, it seems to maybe have more activities than food specials but some look pretty good.

    I like the sticker, it fits you.

  8. Steve says:

    Did Clarabell have a bicycle? Maybe I’m not getting it..

  9. Barb says:

    speaking of deals – we bought the Zipline Tour thing for half price off Living Social, now we just need to get a weekend to go to North GA & do some camping in ziplining. i”m pretty sure you can still get the deal if anyone else wants to buy it……

  10. Thanks.

    Home -> Work
    Side streets to Whitefoord / Oakdale
    Oakdale to North
    North to Highland
    Highland to Lenox / Chesire Bridge
    Shady Valley (winding around) to Roxboro
    Roxboro to Peachtree Dunwoody
    Peachtree Dunwoody to work

    Ashford Dunwoody to Peachtree Industrial
    Peachtree Industrial to N. Druid Hills
    N. Druid Hills to Shady Valley
    Shady Valley to Cheshire Bridge
    Cheshire Bridge to Lenox
    Lenox to Highland
    Highland to North
    North to Oakdale/Whitefoord
    Whitefoord to Hosea
    Hosea to Wyman

  11. bob says:

    Good on you for riding yesterday. I decided to double up my pain and rode yesterday and today. Holy shit it is hot out there already.

    Steve, I need to see the bike so I can help name it.

  12. debbie says:

    Woohooo, my iPad just arrived. I nearly mugged the FedEx guy at the door and he said that’s everyone’s MO when one is delivered. So much for getting any work done today!

  13. Debbie, if you need app recommendations you know where to ask. πŸ˜‰

    Dammit. My MacBook reported hard drive errors when I attempted to back it up this morning. Unfortunately, my Snow Leopard OS disk is at home and the company’s Snow Leopard Server OS disk doesn’t help me, so I’m attempting a restore from my June 8th Time Machine backup. This ought to be interesting and annoying all wrapped up into one bundle.

  14. Further insult to injury: Captain Prepared’s (me) briefcase contains OS X Operating Disks for just such an emergency Unfortunately they are OS X 10.4 (Tiger) disks for the iBook G4 I purchased four years ago. FAIL!

  15. Barb says:

    those last 2 posts by Paulie just read, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah for me the non computer geek……..

  16. Steve says:

    I thought it was more like, “I’m a geek and I’m proud!”

  17. You are both wrong. πŸ˜›

    They read

    “Oh shit, I was trying to do a good thing and instead have been screwed. Now, because I am unprepared for this situation I am forced to implement Plan “B” which will probably leave me in a state which needs to be updated stat. All of this is going to cost me a workday without my beloved Mac laptop. Luckily I have many ways to keep in contact with the Internets.”

  18. Martha says:

    While I may not understand much of what Paulie says when he goes in to ‘computer’ mode, he will be the first one I call when I attempt my next tech project (trying to hook up Jerry’s old laptop to my stereo). Paulie, if you get a call from me on a rainy weekend day, you know what it will be about.

    Thursday is National Dump the Pump Day, that might be a good day to get to work on the bike (she doesn’t have a name πŸ™ ).

  19. Barb says:

    my bikes have no names either – just never felt the need to name them.

  20. Today’s Public Service Announcement is don’t drive to Dunwoody to shop at Performance Bike — it’s no longer there.

    I’m not sure whether the one on the 85 Access Road (just north of North Druid Hills) is still open, but the one in Dunwoody has definitely closed for good. This marks at least the second bike shop to close in that Wal*Mart shopping center.

  21. Martha says:

    Okay, crisis averted, the NE Atlanta store is still open (according to the website). I was thinking about heading over this week, I need new gloves. Nibbles seems to have taken quite a liking to my old ones.

    I just noticed the Tuesday from 12-2, you get an additional 10% of clothing and accessories. I doubt I’ll make it today.

  22. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Funny, I was headed to Performance for some new gloves. I wound up buying a pair in clearance from REI — still wound up costing twice as much. πŸ™

  23. Martha says:

    Great minds think alike and all that I suppose πŸ˜‰

  24. Barb says:

    but Paulie – you probably got way better gloves………..

  25. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Not sure about that, but they have a fishnet-like back which will be nice during this heat.

  26. Barb says:

    well – don’t buy gloves that are too snug for the road bike, I did that with some clearance gloves at BRAG last year, and my hands go numb. They work okay with the mountain bike at least.

  27. I tried to get something that wasn’t too tight. I bought a Men’s Large, which is odd since I have small hands (go ahead, laugh at the question I know you are thinking about, especially if you know my hash name).

  28. Steve says:

    I know that I can barely get large gloves off once I’ve ridden, but those are usually the best I can do. And lately I’ve been having hand numbness problems like never before. The new (as yet unnamed) bike position is about right, but I was having them before on the Bianchi as well.

    And here you go, Bob.

  29. bob says:

    Wow! She sure is purdy!

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