You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Remember that bike ride? Yeah, it didn’t happen for me. Instead I worked on a software bug (not entirely my own) until past 8:00pm. My buddy ITP-Reader John (aka “HamWithCam”) got a ride in however; good on ya!

I considered working out a ride today, but logistics and laziness beat me into submission this morning.

It Must Have Gotten Much Easier To Start A Brewery
My consolation prize for not getting to ride (though shame on me, I should have just gone out for a ride around work) was heading to Taco Mac to see one of my favorite waitresses. As I passed Outback I peeked through its window to see if my boss was inside (probably not for the reason you’re thinking). I didn’t see him.

While in Taco Mac I found that they were serving beer from one of Georgia’s newest breweries Jailhouse Monday Night Red Hare Brewing, which is in Marietta. You know that I looked to see if it has been started by hashers, but I can find no indication of this. Having never heard of this brewery I sampled both of beers their beers which were on tap — the Gangway IPA, and the Long Day Lager. Not being a fan of lagers I went for the IPA. The beer was decent, not great, and seemed to suffer from a lack of carbonation. They’re new, I’ll give them a shot again sometime soon. Some ITP-Reading Marietta residents may want to see about pairing a brewery tour with a Tasty China night in a couple of weeks, I mean, come on, look where the brewery is located:

View Larger Map
Hell, my schedule is so jam-packed over the next six weeks I probably should be the one to organize the outing if I want it to occur on one of my scant open dates.

While eating last night’s “Odd Choice of Food for a Meal”â„¢ (sweet potato fries with chives, tomatoes, bacon bits, and bleu cheese dressing — could I be pregnant?) I saw a tweet informing me that my boss was indeed in Outback; I apparently just didn’t see him. So I finished up my food and joined him there for a beer before heading home.

If The Letters PBKDF2 Mean Something To You Then You Know On What I’m Working
If you think my normal (abnormal) iOS babble is boring, then don’t read up on PBKDF2 — an encryption algorithm I’ll be dealing with today.

George’s Tonight, Come Hell Or High Water
I’ll be at George’s Bar tonight. I’ll be the rotund fellow wearing the black shorts, probably eating some sort of potato product for dinner. I’ll try not to wear a scowl, or spout nonsensical iOS babble that will put you all to sleep.

See me there.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – bummed, but not so badly that I can’t see some good light at the end of the tunnel
Current Music – silence
Website Of The Day – If you aren’t put off by my iOS babble and you’d like to learn about computer programming from scratch, check out Codecademy.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – nothing (and I need to change this again)
Morning Weigh-In – maybe next week

Foot Mileage – 0.0 miles
Wheel Mileage – 99.5 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 27 flights

Consecutive Days Of Bed-Making (Longest Streak) – 0 (0)

Vegetarian Days – 1
Carnivorous Days – 13

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

September Goals
– “Completely” recover from the bike crash
– Ride my bike no fewer than 150 miles
– Not to get sick for the entire month
– Not get fired from my job
– Run at least twice
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than five days
– Lose three pounds

2011 Goals [will be a little more fluid than in past years]
– Reduce my weight by 25 pounds based on the my weight as measured on February 1st
Completely read the book Daily Negations which I received as a Christmas gift.
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business — one which does not get penalized.
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Enter no fewer than three photographic competitions / gallery showings
Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than two one half-marathon
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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11 Responses to You Can’t Always Get What You Want

  1. Steve says:

    Work is clearly getting in the way of exercise- at least you have your drinking to fall back on! Glad you’re able to relax one way or another.

    I never thought that:
    A- Georges had a website..
    B- Said website had some interesting history.

    Looking forward to seeing a lot of you tonight.


  2. Barb says:

    Your potato diet is an interesting one, if you lose weight on it………. well, I’ll be impressed.

    That is an interesting location for that brewery, I don’t think I speak the language of most that live over there. I’ll get Allan & go check it out someday. And – how much did Taco Mac sell those beers for? $7 again?

    We plan to be at George’s tonight, probably having a burger (& not just french fries).

  3. Barb says:

    oh yeah – and we are game for Tasty China – pick some dates….

  4. If I lose weight eating potatoes I’ll be amazed and just might move to Idaho to become Governor.

    Last night’s beer was a “mere” $5.25.

    We’ll chat about Tasty China tonight.

  5. Stacy Fox says:

    Wisconsin’s big for potato farmin’ too. Just sayin’! And there’s all kinds of breweries there… seems like a good 2nd choice!

    Lest you think I was complaining, I *appreciated* the nap the other day when reading about programming code!

    And oh! I’d love to Tasty China too (it’s been, literally, a year). I also noticed a sweet little cemetery on your map and I do love visiting and photographing cemeteries. Count me in on the plans? (even if I don’t have a bike?)

  6. Barb says:

    Stacy – not sure I’d want to ride my bike down Franklin Rd – so we’d probably driver over there.

    and – speaking of naps & Idaho – Joanna (Arbitrary Sex) just started a new job that the headquarters is in Boise – and they have a nap room!

    and – I had to check out the George’s website……. (I don’t see french fries on the special list)

    50th Anniversary Party!!
    Join us Sept. 15, 16, and 17th for all day specials!

    25 cent chicken wings!
    $1.00 hot dogs
    $2.00 Miller and Miller Lite Draft
    $3.00 Newcastle Draft
    $3.00 Heineken, Heineken Light, Amstel Light Bottles
    Limited edition Anniversary Mugs and T-shirts

  7. Stacy Fox says:

    And yay to George’s for not only mentioning the running club but hashers on their website! 🙂

  8. Martha says:

    the lifestyle center (gym) at the CDC main campus, has relaxation rooms, with zero gravity chairs and special lighting (or at least they use to)…I’ve been known to take naps on my office floor. It’s amazing how much better I feel after just 15 minutes of shut eye.

    You can lose weight eating potatoes but you’ll feel like ass. I remember some professor losing weight eating nothing but McDonalds for a month. Gross…I made a mango & avocado chicken salad last night. Simple, quick and it was just me would probably last a week. Two mangos, two avocados, green & red onions, english cucumber, yellow, red and jalapeno peppers…heck, whatever was in the fridge, a little lime juice and two baked chicken breast…pile it on some lettuce or in a pita pocket.

    Depending on work and the gym I’ll might make it to George’s tonight.

  9. Stacy, definitely drive to Tasty China. I’ll keep you in the loop, perhaps carpooling will be in order.

    Okay, back to putting my head into coding so that I can play tonight.

  10. Jenka says:

    I love cemeteries, too! Check out my photo essay, Me With Dead People:

    I haven’t added many photos to it recently but that will change in December. I’m planning a trip.

  11. Stacy Fox says:

    Awesome photo set, Jenka! I have a set too (not nearly as cool -or famous- as yours) but just realized I need to renew my Pro account on Flickr. Oops. How’d I let that slip?

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