
No, not the name of some band that I’d go see out at Drunken Unicorn, but rather what I did today. I had a fitful night of sleep and when I finally nodded off for a good night’s slumber my 5:00am alarm was a rude and unwelcome interrupter. I promptly shut the alarm off and went right back to sleep — for another two hours. Whooops!

Yesterday’s Daily Challenge
Stand in front of the mirror and say at least one thing you like about the way you look.

With all the pressure people face to be more thin, beautiful, handsome, and so on, it’s easy to forget that there is simply one and only YOU! Focusing on a positive aspect of your face, hair, or body doesn’t make you vain – it makes you appreciate your own uniqueness and can bolster your self-esteem.

You know that this is impossible for me to do at this stage of my life, don’t you?

Walking At A Blistering Pace
Don’t be happy for me, it’s not what you are thinking. Since walking in improper footwear last week my walks have been poor. Last night, in proper footwear but perhaps a poor choice of socks (cotton) I developed more hotspots. I don’t think it was the shoes last night — they are still relatively new (have few miles), it may have been the socks, or it may have been a poor job of lace-tightening by me. Who knows. Regardless, my feet hurt today and even if I hadn’t overslept I would have skipped my walk today in order to give my feet a break.

Case Closed?
I received my copy of the settlement demand sent out by the lawyer representing me in my 2011 bike v. car accident. Suffice to say that I’ll never discuss the details of the settlement, but let me tell you that if you are planning to use a life-altering accident as your rags-to-riches plan you should consult Plan ‘B’.

See You At Bike Night
I’m not sure at exactly what time I’ll be arriving at Kat’s and Mango’s house tonight, but I’ll be there. Since I have no bike work to get done it’s not imperative that I arrive early.

My most-likely plan is to leave work, take some back roads home, stop for beer (probably at Candler Park Market), make my grand arrival, chit-chat while eating, and at some point head home. Yeah, that sounds like a plan I can follow…

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – tired, sad
Current Music – silence because I am well behind schedule already
Website Of The Day.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – walking, 3.5 miles
Morning Weigh-In – no weigh-in this week, the official weigher-iner is no here

Foot Mileage – 3.5 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Pushups – 0
Situps – 0
Stairs – 0 flights

Days Of Bed-Making – 0

Vegetarian Days – 0
Carnivorous Days – 1
Pancakes Eaten – 0

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2012

  1. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me — Mindy Kahling
  2. Flotsametrics and the Floating World: How One Man’s Obsession with Runaway Sneakers and Rubber Ducks Revolutionized Ocean Science — Curtis Ebbesmeyer
  3. God, No! — Penn Jillette
  4. The Elephant to Hollywood — Michael Caine

May Goals
– Lose at least two pounds (net weight loss)
– Completely recover from my sebaceous cyst surgery
– Exercise for thirty minutes no fewer than twenty days
– Not to get sick for the entire month (may be a moot point as of today)
– Eat vegetarian no fewer than ten days
Watch all of the classes in the 2011 Winter semester of Stanford’s CS193P (iOS Development) course

2012 Goals [will be a little less fluid than last year]
– Get my weight under 200 pounds, or at least whittle myself back down to where wearing a 36″ pant size is comfortable
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Run Sharpened Stone as a real business
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Attend at least one professional photography workshop
– Ride in no fewer than five 50 mile or 50K bike rides
– Run in no fewer than one one 10K
– Submit at least one application under the name “Sharpened Stone” to Apple’s iOS store
– Restore the ITP Estate to a condition where it can be put up for sale at any time
– Buy a new iPhone (iPhone 5?), a new iPad (iPad 3?), and MacBook Air [look, not all goals have to be altruistic]

The Unmeasurable
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Become a proficient and profitable programmer in Objective-C
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– See more live concerts than I did in 2011
– Eat more pancakes
– Drive/Fly somewhere for a real vacation

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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16 Responses to Oversleep

  1. Failed to mention that initial get-away vacation plans proved disappointing. Airfare is so damn expensive these days…

  2. Probably should save this for tomorrow’s blog, but wth…

    Apparently North Carolina is the new Colorado. In the wake of New Belgium Brewing’s announcement of opening an East Coast brewery around Asheville, Oskar Blues Brewery is going to do the same (with an accompanying music venue) in Brevard. Here’s the news release:

    Oskar Blues Brewing is opening a restaurant/music venue AND brewery in Brevard, N.C.

    Dale Katechis, founder of the brewery and mountain biking enthusiast, has been travelling to Pisgah National Forest to bike for years. He even has is own line of beer inspired mountain bikes dubbed “Reeb.” (That’s beer spelled backwards.)

    Oskar Blues has signed a contract on a 30,000-square-foot brewery space. Nearby, there is a 6,000-square-foot restaurant in the city of Brevard. Katechis is cites “shipping costs” as one of his decisions to build there. The new build should be ready by December, 2012. [TimesCall]

  3. bob says:

    WOW! Asheville is looking really good. I have never been but heard great things about it.
    I wonder if I can get a job at New Belgium?

  4. Steve says:

    Woohoo, more good beer!

    I took a lovely 20 mile ride after returning to the farm last night and then as dinner cooked on the grill- jumped in the pool!! OK, it was more of a slow walk, and Debbie said I squealed like a little girl. (bitch I think is what she actually said), but it wasn’t that cold and actually felt pretty good. Amazing for the 1st of May.

    And on a more somber note, while I didn’t know the gentleman who was struck and killed while riding to work Monday morning, we all share in the loss. Ours is certainly a risky pastime when done on a busy road- remember to be as visible as you can be out there. It may save your life.


  5. Barb says:

    out of the loop- where did someone get hit & killed monday?

    We’ve been to Brevard plenty of times, just never make it all the way further to Asheville. sounds like a good reason to go check it out. But, I really like Dupont for biking & waterfall watching.

    Better heat up that pool for May 19th………

    yes- airfare is pricy – we need to fly to AZ for my brother’s wedding at the end of October – the worst possible time for me to take off work, so it will just be a for a few days. I don’t think you can get a ticket for less than $300 for anything of any distance at all.

    See whoever shows up tonight, I’m making the way too easy slightly asian tasting broccoli slaw, since I’ve got no time to make anything more elaborate (& everyone likes it)

  6. Steve says:

    N. Decatur Rd near Clairmont. 6:20AM. Guy riding to work at Emory Hospital. Hit by a pick up truck. Other than that, don’t know much, except I would not ride N. Decatur in broad daylight, much less 6 in the morning.

  7. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    Very sad. Having ridden North Decatur from Clifton to Ponce in the past (back when I used to try and hook up with the Pizza Ride) I can honestly say that I will never ride on North Decatur again.

  8. bob says:

    Sad indeed, there are many roads not suitable for bikes. Just because we have right of way doesn’t mean we can take a hit from a 2000 pound car.

  9. Steve says:

    Precisely. And it isn’t as if there were not alternatives. Back when I used to drive from Tucker to midtown, I would occasionally see a guy riding on Ponce- what a bonehead. So many better options. The idea is to coexist with the cars, not to prove you’re better/more green by slowing them down and risking your safety.

  10. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I am (still) living proof that no matter how good of shape you are in altercations with cars are not advisable.

  11. bob says:

    There you go Paulie, something positive out of your wreck.

    You are now a living example 🙂

  12. Martha says:

    I get really torn when I hear about accidents like this, I don’t want to ‘blame the victim’ (and we don’t have the whole story) but as a cyclist you need to make smart decisions, you can’t win a fight with a 2000 pound car, ever.

    That same evening I was driving north on Moreland and I could see traffic slowing…finally I see why, two ‘hippsters’, no helmets, no lights, riding two abreast. They could have rode over a couple of blocks to Whitefoord and been much safer. Then driving back from Two Urban Licks, I’m making a left turn (with the light) when a guy riding the bike on the sidewalk rides in front of me, again no lights, no helmet and he was ‘jaywalking’.

    Paulie, nothing is impossible, if you really want it, for fuck’s sake just find something positive to say about yourself.

  13. Oddly I just now realized that I didn’t include a Website of the Day today. Man, this blog has gone downhill.

    I am at a point in my life where I don’t like anything about myself. Could be the root as to why I’ve been single for so long. (duh)

  14. Steve says:

    Ding ding ding ding… we have a winner!!

  15. Martha says:

    No one is going to love you if you don’t love yourself, so set that bar high and embrace yourself, treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. I realized a few years back, no one was going to make me happy, I just needed to be happy. Once that happened everything else just started falling into place.

  16. Barb says:

    well, I’m not in debt to someone anymore (I had to go pay for more Wheelhopper jerseys). I hate oweing money to people. (is that spelled right? owing doesn’t look right either)
    Some day there will be Wheelhopper jerseys in Girona Spain.

    (just felt like changing the subject……. hahahahahaha)

    looking forward to a evening ITP with friends tonight……. I’m having a very crazy day here, too many weird problems, and I’m too busy for that shit. Snarkiness is rampant.

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