I Seriously Need Another Alarm Clock

Once again I managed to turn the Chumby’s alarm off and quickly return to slumber. I am taking an action item to start waking up very early again, starting tomorrow.

So today will be another mini-ITP.

Anyone Want To Ride Jackson Brevet?
I can no longer.

At least it’s not my physical condition that has knocked me out of riding the Jackson Brevet Ride on June 16th. Instead, I had to book a flight to San Francisco for next Thursday to attend business meetings. I’ll be returning on the earliest possible flight on Saturday and shan’t be touching down in Atlanta until well after the ride is over.

I plan to pick up my packet next week. If a convenient transfer can occur (read “I’m not going out of my way in the least bit. If you know where I live or work and can get it from one of those places…”), it could be your for the low low price of zero dollars.

Okay, that’s all I have time for today. Have a great weekend everyone!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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7 Responses to I Seriously Need Another Alarm Clock

  1. Martha says:

    I’ve been over sleeping a lot recently. I’ve had to up my medication so I can sleep at night, the side effect being I can’t get up in the morning.

    I’m still not sure if I’m going to do the ride or a trail run next Saturday. I think I’ll just do whichever coincides with my training schedule. I’ll know by Sunday, getting to you should be easy enough.

    Karma backfired last night. Yesterday, after hearing multiple complaints about my neighbor’s yard, I mowed the ‘grass’ and cut back several shrubs (mostly so the postman doesn’t need a machete to deliver the mail, he was trilled!)…then last night my car was rummaged through. All they took was my 3 year old cell phone (thankfully, they somehow missed my wallet I accidently left in the car, okay so maybe that is good Karma). On the up side, I am now looking into a cheap pre-paid phone, which should save me quite a bit of money each month. (I rarely use that phone since I have a much nicer one provided by work).

  2. Bummer. It seems as if car break-ins / rummaging is the crime de jour for 2012.

    Anyone looking for new music to try today I suggest Father John Misty. I’ve been listening to “his” latest CD and love it. Unfortunately I was not completely tuned in to this music before the band played at Masquerade about a month ago.

    Oh, I failed to mention that I’ll be in downtown tonight for Theatrical Outfit‘s performance of “C.S. Lewis On Stage.” Tomorrow morning/afternoon I’ll be at the Red Bull Soapbox Derby on 10th Street (Did somebody say “photograph?”); and tomorrow night I’ll be at the High Museum to see “Gotham Shorts.” Goddamn I’m cultured! 🙂

  3. Steve says:

    If it wasn’t 80 miles away, I’d be tempted to take that JCB entry off your hands. I’ve heard nothing but good things about that ride.

    Enjoying a lazy morning today. I have a date with the tractor in a little while, then may get out on my bike. Rode my MTB yesterday just for something different and can feel it in odd places. I figure when it gets really hot and I still need to ride, I can link together a number of gravel roads and stay cool.

    Martha, I think good Karma kept the asshat from finding the wallet.


  4. Martha says:

    That’s what I was thinking Steve…could have been so much worse. Plus this was the cytlast I needed to change my wireless plan. So now I’ll be saving about $35/month.

    So has a plan been put in place for Sunday? Looks like there is a good chance of rain, on the bright side highs will be in the low 70s.

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    No plan for Sunday. We’re doing a “field day” today so there is no organization.

  6. Kris says:

    Hey Paulie,

    Still got that Jackson Brevet stuff? I’m registering with a team but I have a poor grad school friend who wants to do the ride but is short on funds. I live in EAV and could pick it up.


  7. Hi Kris,

    The Jackson Brevet packet is still available; I’ll be picking it up at lunchtime today. I am going to do laundry tonight, but if you email me your address or want to meet up in the village for a hand-off tomorrow night I’ll be glad to give you the packet for your friend.

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