
I’m falling asleep too early, of course I’m also waking up early as well. The problem with both of these is that I am not accomplishing nearly enough with the time that I am awake — and two hours a day in the gym (workout + cleanup) aren’t helping matters either.

Today’s Personal Project

Today’s Daily Challenge
Share your favorite healthy beverage.

Staying hydrated is key! Every system in our bodies needs water, and without enough of it, we can feel sluggish or headachey. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to hydrate ourselves with drinks that are high in sugar and calories. By sharing a healthy drink, it may motivate you to think of other good-for-you drinks to guzzle – and you may get some good ideas from others!

I only drink one drink that makes me physically healthier — water. Everything else I drink — coffee, tea, beer, wine, soda, juice — has something wrong with it, but I do enjoy drinking them.

The Galloway Method, Dreadmill Style
I somehow managed to talk myself into going to LA Fitness (Perimeter Point) yesterday morning. I had worked out with weights on Monday, so yesterday’s visit was to be pure cardio. Since I had no idea of the aerobics class schedule I decided that I should run on the treadmill for awhile (the title of this section may give you an indication of my love for that machine).

I’m still not a runner (again) so I decided to give The Galloway Method, that which helped me complete the Hot Chocolate 15k a month ago, a shot on the treadmill. Overall my efforts were rewarded, I managed forty minutes of jogging (at a 10:00/mile pace) interspersed with two-minute walking breaks.

Once the weather “improves” I’ll most likely dump the treadmill and run outdoors (or bike!) but until then it’s go to know that I can have a bad weather option.

And Then I Ruined Three Workouts
A few months ago I splurged on a Scoutmob deal for a dinner for two at West Egg Cafe (it was during that optimistic minute I had…).

My initially-planned companion has gone on a diet which would never fly at West Egg Cafe, and I decided against asking someone else to join me, so I invited my coworker Chrissy as a my dinner companion. Chrissy is nice and willing to put up with me — as long as there is a free meal involved. 😉

The dinner deal consisted of:

  • a carafe of wine
  • an appetizer to share
  • two entrees
  • a dessert to share
  • a “boozy” shake

I consider the evening to be a smashing success when the worst thing I can say about a restaurant is that the pinot noir served in the carafe was too warm.

I am not much of a white wine drinker so I forced Chrissy to have red wine, and for this I let her choose the appetizer. Chrissy chose the fried shrimp which were quite tasty. For our entrees Chrissy chose the meatloaf and mac (and cheese) which was served with green beans, while I chose the fried chicken and waffles. My dish was really good though there was nary a vegetable on the place; Chrissy’s dish looked incredible. I took the reins for dessert and we scored big time with a ginormous piece of banana Nutella cake (banana “bread” with Nutella and icing) and a bourbon chocolate shake (which was served in two glasses since our waitress realized that we were not a couple).


The Scoutmob deal cost me $35, and tax + tip cost me another $18.50. Was it worth it? Oh hell yes!

ITP Flickr Pic
My dinner companion selected a darkened table so I wasn’t able to take any quality shots of last night’s food.

I’m Going To Try To Be At George’s For A Bit Tonight
I have a busy day scheduled and need to make a Target stop tonight. Regardless, it’s Third Wednesday so I am going to try and stop into George’s for a visit with friends over a pint.

If I have a crazy productive day (unlikely) I may even stop into The Shed for a slider or two…

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – good, but very very busy
Current Music – listening to a recent Coverville podcast
Website Of The Day – I don’t think I have mentioned Audiotree as a pick yet. If you go there now you’ll see Atlanta’s Gringo Star on the front page. (fun fact: Gringo Star’s bassist Chris Kaufmann is Two Crabs Fucking’s son. At least I think he is still in the band, he’s listed on Wikipedia, but not on Audiotree).
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car
Exercise (b)Log – running at the gym
Morning Weigh-In – Friday’s weigh-in was 211.6 pounds

Foot Mileage – ~2.5 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 8 (1 cardio)

Days Of Bed-Making – 0

Vegetarian Meals – 13
Carnivorous Meals – 32

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

February Goals
– lose five pounds
– walk/run no fewer that 100 miles
– read at least one book
– dissolve Sharpened Stone, LLC
– take at least one box of things to Goodwill
– post at least ten photos in the blog
– drink a lot less alcohol

2013 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Dissolve Sharpened Stone
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate

2013 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)
– Take two real vacations, perhaps one abroad
– Take a more proactive approach to meeting women (read “stop being such a pussy”)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2013

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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14 Responses to Quicky

  1. Steve says:

    Hey,even I can put up with your company if you buy me dinner!! 🙂

    When I get on the treadmill, I have to do something besides just run. There needs to be some elevation and maybe throw in some speed changes, but it will turn my brain to peanut butter even worse than riding the rollers.

    A little bit of suffering last night- my heart rate monitor broke a tab that holds the belt… I think with some clever rubber banding, I can fix it.

    3rd Wednesday! Be there!


  2. Barb says:

    I doubt we will make it tonight to George’s, but hey, you just never know. Crazier things have happened.

    I could be convinced to be a dinner companion sometime too…….

    Treadmill, trainer, rollers – yuck! Those are some of the many reasons I will never be skinny. I am looking forward to the longer daylight, so I can do some riding after work.

  3. Stacy says:

    Yeah! What Steve said! I’d be happy to share those meals with you! *grin* 🙂

    Your meal actually did sound wonderful. Except for Nutella. Am I the only one out here who doesn’t like the stuff? I reckon that you have to like hazelnuts to enjoy it.

    Good on you on the water consumption. I drink so much water daily it’s almost automatic now. This is on the Ewww! Meter, but I’m going to say it anyway: I remember a trainer once telling me that a person’s urine should be clear –well, that anything from “light lemonade color” to clear is where you always want to be. Amazing the things that stick with ya, huh? Lots of water pretty much takes care of that. But if you’re consuming some of those other things and they’re not high in sugar or anything, you should still be okay. Some herbal teas and stuff might actually be good for you too!

  4. Jenka says:

    So long as you don’t put sugar, sweetener, or cream in your coffee and tea, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with either of them. Some people don’t like the effects of caffeine, but recent studies have shown that caffeine does not have a detrimental effect on the body.

    Tonight is Mandy’s big going away party at the Shed, and I will be there along with My Loving Ex-Husband (my little nickname for him since we’re still friends; MLEH for short). I don’t expect her to do much working this evening!

  5. Paulie [eatl/ga] says:

    I drink my coffee black and my tea sans milk or sugar.

    Mandy’s going away party? Boo Hoo. I guess I should stop by and say farewell then… Perhaps I will see you there.

  6. Martha says:

    I spent a good part of last night setting up my new Garmin. My 305 kept shutting off, very annoying during a workout. After some online research it seems it is a common issuse, some connectors get knocked loose. I really didn’t want to mess with trying to fix it or spend $79 on a refurbished model (that was this one was and it only lasted 18 monhts) so I splurged on a new 310XT (which was cheaper than a new 305).

    I’m looking forward to trying it out on tonight’s run.

    There are hazelnuts in Nutella?? I thought it was just coco and sugar? I could eat it straight from the jar but normally I mix it with almond butter and put it on my toast.

    Interval workouts are the only way to go when working out indoors (trainer or treadmill)…otherwise my brain turns to mush.

    Mostly I drink water, soda water (I love bubbles) and coffee…I really need to be better about drinking water at work. I get caught up in what I’m doing and can’t seem to make it to the water cooler.

  7. Stacy says:

    Martha, you made me giggle. Yeah, that’s the “nut” part of it. 🙂

  8. Debbie says:

    I’ve never had Nutella and I can’t think of any good reason to start since I already have enough guilty pleasure foods.

    I had a doctor’s appt yesterday and she insisted that I start drinking 4 glasses of water (straight up, no tea) a day. I’m not enthused. Water just needs flavor. I bought some lemons. I thought I was already an overachiever by giving up sodas for Lent, but nooooo.

    Looks like Lola, the great dane puppy, will be going to her new home on Saturday. 🙁

  9. Martha says:

    Yeah Lola!!! and yeah for Izzy as well 🙂

    I don’t like nuts and peanuts & peanut butter make me gag…but I can eat almond butter and Nutella all day long…somedays I wish I had never started on it!

    I use Mio for my water…I probably shouldn’t but it does get me to drink more water.

  10. Barb says:

    Water is boring, but what can you do, you need to drink it.
    Debbie- I think the easiest way to do it would be to use a refillable water bottle – that way you “know” how much you are drinking. A girl I used to work actually used styrofoam cup, and put hash marks on it everytime she filled it up. I drink lots of water just to make my self get up from my desk to refill & then to walk to the restroom. (and get a chacccnce to check FB on the walk)

  11. Steve says:

    Martha… we’re running at 6 at Georges!! Come on, it will be fun.

    Don’t like peanut butter? I can’t even wrap my head around the concept… I love me some peanut butter!!

  12. Yeah, be there Martha! (oh, I won’t be running)

    I’ve love all sorts of butters — salted, unsalted, peanut, almond, cashew, etc…

  13. Barb says:

    I’m with most of you – I love peanut butter. There is many a day I eat PB&J still. and- if you do BRAG, you’ll eat plenty.

  14. Stacy says:

    Love water, but it does get boring. Debbie, I have a treat for you! Get a big pitcher of water, cut up lemons and strawberries into it… fridge them overnight. You get yourself a light strawberry lemonade flavored water that way instead of just plain boring water. If your doctor doesn’t oppose Stevia, you can also sweeten for no calories (and Stevia doesn’t raise blood sugar levels if you’re worried about that). This was totally my staple last summer – always in the fridge!

    Martha – great idea on the refillable cup. I actually use one from QT — the QT and RaceTrac ones have the ounces printed right on them! You’ll always know how much you drink by how many times you fill it up.

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