Oh Yeah, The Blog

Forgive me a bit today. With the exception of about an hour I have been awake since 3:30am writing code. It wasn’t a hardship to wake up that early because I was inspired with an idea, and I had been sleeping almost uninterrupted since sometime around 9:300pm.

Today’s Daily Challenge
Plan to be the first one to order food the next time you’re in a restaurant.

Even when we sit down to the table with the best of intentions, if one or more of your dining companions orders something that’s less than healthy, that choice may suddenly sound irresistible. Ordering your food first helps you stick to your original decision.

Chivalry is dead!

Almost A Wonderful Day
When my 4pm meeting was canceled I used my “salaried employee” attitude and headed out of the office around 3:45pm to run errands.

I made it to the physical therapist’s office where they told me not to worry about the letter from my medical insurance company.

As I started to leave Dunwoody Village to head back toward the office area I discovered a post office right in front of me and was able to drop off one of my “very important” documents into their mailbox.

I then made a quick stop at the dry cleaners and Target before heading to LA Fitness for an hour on a stationary bike (more on this below).

After the gym I ruined it all with a trip to Taco Mac to wait out traffic. At Taco Mac I became “that guy” when I ordered the veggie fajitas. Sadly the sizzling platter of vegetables does not possess the same goodness aroma as that of a sizzling plate of beef — but the vegetables were probably healthier for me.

All the time at Taco Mac I tried to remind myself that I had a ticket for the Shearwater show at The EARL. I wanted to go. Really, I wanted to go. But instead I made a stop at home first and put my head down for just a seconnnnnnnn

When I awoke again it was 10:20pm. Living so close to The EARL I could have gone to the show, but by that time I was complete spent and went directly back to sleep.

A Bike Is Not A Bike
Consistently I notice that the LA Fitness near Perimeter Mall, which is old and apparently will never be renovated because they built a new one at Roswell/Abernathy a couple of years ago, has less-than-stellar equipment. The stationary bike I mounted yesterday was clearly of an older generation than those I’ve used at Ansley Mall and Brookhaven recently. Perhaps the only upside to this was that I was able to pedal for an hour with less difficulty than at the other locations (because of the different programming / levels), though I am not about to believe that I burned up over 700 calories during my hour of doing so.

Another Rental In My Future
Yesterday I secured (well, as secured as can be in the car rental industry) another rental car from Hertz. This car will be my transportation to and from Austin, Texas in two week’s time.

I did two things very differently than for my last rental used on my trip to Florida:

First, I used a coupon which saved me $25 off the rental (I’m renting this car for a week) rather than play the “search for the lowest rate” game. Oddly by doing this I wasn’t offered the option to pre-pay for the car the way I had last time. Honestly, if I weren’t so GD busy these days I would have also done the “search for the lowest rate” game.

Second, I signed up for the renter’s insurance. Yes, I know it’s a scam. Yes, I know that it almost doubles the cost of the rental (see, I told you it was a scam). But for some reason it feels like it’s the right thing to do for this trip. According to Google Maps the journey from Atlanta to Austin should take fourteen hours driving time (hell, it’s taken me nearly twenty years!) on roads which I am not all that familiar. In the grand scheme of things $140 for the peace of mind it’ll bring me seems like a bargain; I estimate the trip will cost me somewhere on the order of $1000 when I factor in conference fee, hotel room four nights, rental car, gasoline, food, and beer.

A Different Hertz Tonight
Tonight I’ll be attending the performance of “The Tall Girls” at the Hertz Stage of the Alliance Theatre. This performance is the one I rescheduled last Thursday (today is Thursday, is it not?).

My original plan was to drive to midtown and take the train from/to there today. That plan fell through when I realized that I wanted to get to work swiftly and didn’t want to deal the the morning temperatures. The new plan is to leave the office no later than 4:30pm, not go home, and see the play.

Today’s Personal Project
Fill out and process another of my “very important” documents.

Stats & Goals
Current Mood – bummed
Current Music – silence
Website Of The Day – Nice, short piece on Decatur’s The Marlay House in the AJC this week. I like The Marlay House and should frequent it more.
Mode Of Transportation To Work – my car (I was supposed to car/train today bud decided against that).
Exercise (b)Log – stationary bike, 65 minutes
Morning Weigh-In – Arg, I keep forgetting to jump on the scale

Foot Mileage – ~3.9 miles
Wheel Mileage – 0.0 miles
Gym Visits – 6 (6 cardio)

Marta Rides To Work – 0
Bike Rides To Work – 0

March Goals
– have Austin CocoaConf trip plans in place (new)
– exercise no fewer than twenty days (new)
– ride my bike no fewer than five times (new)
– have European trip plans in place, if not carved in stone
– clean my basement to the point where I could have people over
– hire a plumber to fix all of the sinks at the ITP Estate
– walk no fewer than 75 miles
– publish an app to the iOS AppStore

2014 Goals: Measurable
– Get my weight down to 190 pounds so that I can wear a 36″ waist pants comfortably
– Completely read ten books, audio books permissible
– Save $500 for the sole purpose of donating to charitable organizations of my choice
– Completely run at least one 10k
– Fix all (or at least most) of the things which are wrong with the ITP Estate
– Sell the ITP Estate (tentative)

2014 Goals: Unmeasurable
– Continue to Simplify, simplify, simplify
– Continue backing up all data, including the off-site storage
– Do not create a solution for something which is not a problem
– Eat smaller portions
– Start, and continue, to make my own bread using my bread machine as well as using the technique outlined in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
– Read and discard magazines during the month in which they arrive (even digitally)

Books I’ve Read/Heard In 2014

  1. “Johnny Carson” by Henry Bushkin
  2. “Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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15 Responses to Oh Yeah, The Blog

  1. martha says:

    Jerry’s little brother lives in Austin, let me know if there is anything I can ask him. An Austin trip has been on our ‘to do’ list for awhile, maybe now that the house is livable we can think about it.

    Things are slowly but surely taking shape at the house. I wish I didn’t have to go to the office today but duty calls. I have manged to get the water line for the fridge installed and the big tv on the wall. I want to install a dimmer switch for the lights in the kitchen but it has me stumped. I figured it would be the easiest of my planned tasks. The guys are coming over today to do some odds and ends…hopefully we will have handle on the cabinets (I know it is a little thing but it is bugging the bejeezus out of me).

    I’m so, so sore, really its a little concerning just how sore I am. Some of it is easily explained, my chin hurts because I clocked myself in the face with the table, my head because I smacked my head into the corner of a cabinet door…the rest, upper back, feet, quads…I’ll just have to chalk it up to old age.

    A little panic last night when I realized it was 8 pm and I hadn’t started my homework, which is due by midnight. It did it, probably not my best work.

  2. This may be a dumb question, but why didn’t you have the dimmer installed with the rest of the work?

  3. Barb says:

    I was thinking the same thing, have the contractor install it? If you don’t get it figured out, Allan & I will come by next week, he’s gotten pretty damn good at electrician stuff.

    Driving to Austin – that should be interesting. Got anywhere you want to stop & see on the way?

    We need to get organized on this camping thing, Allan is off work today, so he is figuring out the tent, & all that sort of stuff. I have no idea what we want to take for food. Looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice. I’m sure the bike riding part is going to kill me.

  4. Though it’s only two weeks away I’ve not put much thought into the trip. See also: Europe. Too much else occupying my mind at the moment.

  5. Martha says:

    The dimmer(s) were an after thought, didn’t really want to call out the electricians (again) for something so minor. It’s not high on the priority list, so it can wait. We will need some additional electric work done once we figure out the plan for the back yard.

  6. Martha says:

    So hey, now that the water in the fridge is working I have an 18-cup Pur water pitcher to give away, like this one.

    http://www.amazon.com/PUR-Dispenser-Pitcher-Filter-DS-1800Z/dp/B0006MQCA4/ref=sr_1_2?s=kitchen&srs=8150060011&ie=UTF8&qid=1395326384&sr=1-2&keywords=pur water pitcher

    Plus I have 4 or 5 filters to go with it…would love to have someone local take it off my hands but if anyone wants let me know and I’ll set it aside.

  7. Barb says:

    I’d actually like that for my office, the water in our fridge here is slowwwww. (and, I have no diea if the boss has ever switched out the filter). If you don’t figure otu the dimmer, I’ll trade you for Allan helping with the dimmer?

  8. Martha says:

    Barb, its all yours. I’ll set it aside for you, now we HAVE to make a plan to get together soon.

  9. Steve says:

    Waiting for the big, silver bird to take me to Colorado. Horses and dogs have been fed and medicated, I’m fed and will get medicated once I get to CO.
    I also got my travel together for tour of Cali and the Cisco event in SFO right after. If the farm sitter works out, she’ll be back in May. That will be almost 2 weeks on the left coast for me. Debbie will join me in San Francisco, so it’s almost a vacation.


  10. Barb says:

    I want to go to San Fran…….. such a fun city.

  11. Stuffed to the gills with pizza. So much for eating healthy today. 😉

  12. Barb says:

    now I want pizza….. from where?

  13. I went Papa John’s because I know they deliver to the office.

  14. bob says:

    I have heard great things about Austin. I’m looking forward to your review when you come back.

    I am completely out of my element for camping this weekend. Maiden voyage of the camper so I really have no idea what all to bring. I guess I will just bring everything like normal and start to weed out stuff we don’t use. Can’t wait though, weather looks great, the trails are calling my name.

  15. Barb says:

    and Bob – Allan will have too much of everything too.

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