
Volunteering for Creative Mornings at Oakland Cemetery this morning. Truth be told, they don’t need me.

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9 Responses to 2017-11-17

  1. Barb says:

    sometimes I wonder when you actually work………..

    I don’t think I’m up for Variety Playhouse tonight, I don’t feel super bad, but I don’t feel 100% either – I feel a cold or something coming on, and don’t really have any time for illness.
    But Allan said he has to be there at 7:30pm – so if you go, he will have someone to talk to.

    • Ha! I work when most people work, and a lot when other people don’t (nights and weekends). Also, now that I am not blogging I am more productive at work.

      I’m not feeling up to going out tonight either. Hope you feel better.

      • Barb says:

        if I had paid for a ticket, I would rally, but since no money has been spent -my couch is calling my name.
        Come to Pine Lake or Wheelhopper this weekend?

        • Unfortunately I can do neither. Tomorrow I have dinner reservations for 5:45pm with Bets for her birthday. On Sunday afternoon I will be doing a Beltline tour via bus with Urban Explorers.

  2. Barb says:

    also- PineLake is up in our ‘hood tomorrow- if you are feeling the need for some hashing exercise.

  3. Steve says:

    Sorry you’re feeling poorly Barb.

    A meeting in the middle of a cemetery? A little chilly, I’m guessing?


  4. bob says:

    I think they need you as you are:
    1. Very creative
    2. Not dead

    Barb, are you guys doing wheelhopper Sunday? Looks to be around Will’s hood.

    • Barb says:

      I think we will be there Sunday, I think. I haven’t asked Allan, but its on FB, so I’d guess he’s seen it.

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