
Needed to slow down yesterday so I skipped German class, stopped at Kroger on the way home, made a “mushrooms and dumplings” dinner in my Instant Pot, and then lounged for the rest of the evening.

It felt like the right thing to do.

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23 Responses to 2019-02-27

  1. Barb says:

    Did taxes last night – it was ugly – we changed our W-4s last year to take more money out (or so we thought we did that) and it still isn’t enough. Paying a big chuck of money to the IRS – I may have to look into taking extra out of the paycheck, or paying a quarterly amount. Not sure what we are doing wrong – I almost think I should pay a CPA for a year to see if they can find us some more money. Standard deduction was what we got, not enough to itemize. Turbo Tax is pretty straightforward – so I don’t think we missed anything.

    • Get mine done a week from Monday, and not sure what to expect.

    • ITP Lurker says:

      If all you have is W-2 income, then most likely you’re not in the income levels that the new tax laws were crafted to benefit. If you have any 1099 income, then yes, a CPA may be able to help you reduce the tax liability. There was a lot of hoopla about lowering tax rates, but they simultaneously took away or reduced many deductions. So, many people’s tax bills have gone up, again unless you’re at a certain threshold or above, in which case taxes went down significantly.

    • Stacy Fox says:

      I have opposite sort of luck today… but mainly because I’m an idiot. 🙂 I realized I have misplaced my HSA card so went to request another and then discovered I had been contributing to the account much longer than I thought I had. Hello hundreds of dollars of “found” money! (yes I know it’s mine to begin with) Not the best of adulting moments, but it’s nice to know my next batch of contact lenses are completely in the clear now. I also paid off a credit card yesterday but can’t do simple math because I apparently paid it off to now a $-175 balance. [kinda wondering what the heck I forgot to pay instead?] Trying to figure out if that can justify just doing something fun with that money instead. $175 could get me lots of wine. 😉

      • Barb says:

        I figured out I could roll up to $500 of my Flexible spending money – so I didn’t have to go find things to buy in December. I do need to get that root canal done at some point – its not bothering me like it was, but it isn’t right. So that’s what that money will be spent on some day. And if there is anything left -some new glasses.
        And extra $175 sounds great – sounds like something I’d do – pay a bill twice & forget to pay another 1.

      • ITP Lurker says:

        It’s clearly good to be you, Stacy. I wish I had such problems of losing track of money toward my favor. 😉 The HSA is actually a win for you, as you can keep that money there and use it ultimately as a retirement account.

        Now, overpaying your credit card, well, this must be what it looks like inside your apartment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEmjiCoZ6e4 😉 😉 😉 Barb, a snippet of Scrooge McDuck…

  2. ITP Lurker says:

    Good for you, Paulie, that was indeed the right thing to do. *fist bump* (Let’s see if this makes it through the blog’s censors.) 😉

  3. barb says:

    Russian River out in Sonoma CA is flooding big time – usually we’d be leaving today for our Barrel tasting trip.
    But -we decided to do the 2nd weekend of the event this year, so we leave in 1 week.
    Without even knowing it – it was a good call.
    Looks like they have lots of roads closed – and there could be mudslides.
    Could be very interesting getting around next week.

  4. Steve says:

    Barb, didn’t you just come back from vacation??

    Feeling a bit better today. Went to a “hospital in a box” yesterday. Apparently, Northside has a huge “doctors building” on W. P’tree that takes my insurance. From my desk and back- 45 minutes. Saw a nice doctor who listened to my congested chest and wrote me 2 scripts.

    I currently have so many balls in the air, I can tell if I’m coming or going. Not feeling well isn’t helping! UUUGGHHH!!!


    • Sounds like you have what I and many I know have been suffering.

    • ITP Lurker says:

      Steve, clearly good to be Barb as well… 🙂

      • barb says:

        just do you all know – I don’t get to take any real vacation from Labor Day thru beginning of December.
        Its killing me this year, as some of the Parrotheads are going to Dublin & Munich to see Jimmy in September – and I would love the excuse to go to Europe for a concert – and to get a good vacation in. But I can’t. (and concerts are much cheaper over there – I wont’ pay $150 for Jimmy – but I might pay a little less over there)
        So – I have to front load it all into the beginning of the year.
        (29 days a year isn’t hard to use, but it seems like a lot to others)

        Usually we wouldn’t do back to back vacations like this – it just worked out this year! Yippie for me!

  5. Just accidentally threw my iPhone eight feet into the air and it landed on a thinly-carpeted floor — no damage. I should check to see if it has learned its lesson and will charge more easily… 😁

  6. Today will be another “meat” day. Betsy is making chicken soup for dinner, and I just found out that out “All Hands” meeting today is having catered fajitas. Who ever heard of eating vegetarian fajitas? 🙄

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