
What a fun weekend. Sure, we weathered a storm on Thursday night, but it was gone by a reasonable hour on Friday morning. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts the entire cast of Spring Tune Up knuckleheads wasn’t there, but I think all of us lucky enough to attend had a great time.

I rode 40 miles on Friday, 60 on Saturday, and 28 yesterday.

Today I am going to give my body a break from exercise, and beer.

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14 Responses to 2019-04-29

  1. bob says:

    Hated that I missed STU but you guys had Stan so I’m sure you were entertained 🙂

    Looks like fun times were had by all.

  2. Steve says:

    I guess I really need to put down some serious miles to keep up with you people! I got a ride in on Saturday (where did that wind come from!). Luckily, it blew me home.

    Blew the dust off the scooter yesterday and had a near miss with a vulture. He and his brothers were having a little lunch and his brothers went further off the road while he decided to cross the road. I almost had to duck, but he certainly startled me. Would have been a big mess at 60mph.


    • We had headwinds on Friday. Ugh.
      But on Saturday I rode with a tailwind for nearly ten miles and was loving life!

      Glad you didn’t become the vultures’ next meal…

  3. And I think everyone rode well (I’ll let those who read this space chime in), but one of us was (not surprisingly) exceptional; her name rhymes with “Pal”.

    (if you are still confused, it was Sal; she rode the longest route available on each day) 🙂

  4. Bonnie says:

    I concur, a fantastic weekend! I rode 40, 42, 28. Wow, I’ve never done anything like that before! Now I just need to keep it up… About to go for a jog to help work off the weight I gained over the weekend (whoops, beer; whoops snacks). Thanks again for letting me crash the party, and making my 45th birthday awesome. 😘

  5. Barb says:

    Spring Tune UP is always a good time – and yes – Stan did keep us entertained.
    Not sure where we would have put a 6th camper………. but I’m sure we would have figured it out.
    I only rode 38 the 1st day – as we were riding out to get to 20 (so it would be 40) I decided if there was a big climb, I’d skip it. So – at 18+ Rachel & I saw the hill, and chose to turn around there.

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