
Ay yi yi! It’s Cinco de Mayo!

As I write this at 9:45pm on Tuesday it is pitch black outside and it has been raining constantly for hours. I fear going out to see the state of WLF after all of the rain we have had over the past two days. I have put so much work into getting plants this far, it sucks to see weather join the squirrels in attempting to destroy them. As Barb said yesterday, welcome to farming…

I wish that I could take the morning off from “XYZ Corp” in order to inspect WLF and to pull English ivy – after two days of rain my crops may be destroyed but the soil is not going to get much better than it is now for weed yanking.

I’m glad that I am not doing a weigh-in this morning as I did quite a bit of anxiety eating last night.

Today I also need to visit my income tax preparer to pay them for their services. By doing so they will submit my taxes so that the Governments can once again suck more money out of my bank account. Harrumph!

At least the rain has passed.

Hope you’ve stayed high and dry, and healthy of course.

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24 Responses to 2021-05-05

  1. Barb says:

    I wonder how my tomatoes are doing as well.
    The plants weren’t huge.
    Our sump pump has been working away down in the basement, so I know the ground is very saturated.

    Go to atlantahash.com & check what it’s doing. I’m not geeky enough to understand what has happened.

  2. Barb says:

    Oh yeah, and don’t forget your Irish bar food & drinks today.

  3. Steve says:

    Good morning from the orifice. A late decision has me on site to do a little Wireshark work on a system I can’t reach remotely. They have been having issues for a while, so it’s time to get it fixed.

    Enough rain already. We’re afraid our seed and most of the fertilizer now lives in the neighbor’s lake. I know there will be some very nice grass at each of the silt fences! Time to buy a rain gauge- that will certainly make it stop.

    20 minutes on the trainer. Wasn’t feeling it…


  4. Holy crap, I did go outside. I spent over two hours pulling weeds and detritus, filling seven yard bags in the process!

    WLF looks mostly okay, the potato plants have been battered. I lost one broccoli plant, but it had gone to flower and wasn’t going to produce anything edible for me.

  5. Bonnie says:

    Meh, I got nothing. Going to try and get the husband to do something outside today though it’s a (wee little) bit windy.

    • Compared to the past two days, today should be a treat.

      I almost texted you to see if you wanted to get a core workout with me by pulling weeds at Wee Little Gym. 🤣

    • ITP Lurker says:

      I rode 9 miles this morning. A bit windy, but I’ve definitely ridden in worse. You’ll be happier if you get outside. I’m going to blame the wind on why I rode a little bit slower today than yesterday. Yeah, that’s it.

  6. Apple released an update to iOS/iPadOS/WatchOS today, version 14.5.1. Probably a good idea to download and install it as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.

    • Barb says:

      And why is it a good idea to do it right away? My phone does it almost automatically anymore, but just curious.

    • Usually when Apple releases a “point release”, where the third digit is increased, it’s because they have fixed a specific serious bug or patched a security hole.

  7. Some species of bird has discovered one of the mulberry trees that is in my yard and they are having a field day eating the berries.

  8. Ugh, something (squirrel?) dug the shit out of my good garlic bed, including making a hole so large I wonder if a plant was taken out. 🤬

    I am going to have to make some alterations for my fall garden.

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