
One month of 2022 is in the books. Hello, February.

I didn’t do a whole lot of noteworthy things yesterday. I made a run to Kroger after all, buying some items that pushed me over the $20 cash out on Ibotta. After doing who knows what for most of the day I went out for a three mile walk to close my exercise rings yesterday afternoon. I cooked and ate dinner. I was in bed before 9:00pm.

Last night I sort of “invented” a new meal — Paulie’s Tastes Like Camping Pie

Yes Virginia, Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, Hot Dogs, and Baked Beans Can Be Dinner

Cooking spray
1 tube Pillsbury crescent roll dough
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, diced
3 jalapeño peppers, seeds and veins removed, diced
1 12-ounce package vegetarian hotdogs, sliced into 1/4″ slices
1 22-ounce can of meatless baked beans in sauce, undrained
1/4 cup ketchup
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

1. Turn on oven, set to 375°F
2. Spray cooking spray liberally into an 8″x8″ casserole dish
3. Lay one half of the crescent roll dough so that it covers the bottom of the prepared casserole dish
4. In a large sauce pot over medium high heat, add the oil, onion, jalapeños, and hot dogs; stir for five minutes
5. Place the casserole dish into the oven to allow bottom layer to bake for five minutes while oven is heating
6. Add beans, ketchup, and mustard to the pot; stir for five minutes while the casserole dish is in the oven
7. Remove the casserole dish from the oven (caution: it will be hot)
8. Pour the mixture from the pot into the casserole dish, spreading mixture evenly
9. Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the top of the mixture
10. Place the remaining crescent dough on top of the mixture, tucking in the sides slightly
11. Return the casserole dish to a 375°F oven; bake until top has browned, approximately 18 minutes, rotating casserole dish 180° in the oven halfway through the baking process to ensure even browning
12. Remove casserole dish from oven to a cooling rack; allow to sit for ten minutes prior to slicing

Serves 4 Paulies

My new concoction won’t win me any notoriety, but it was delicious and will fill my belly for three additional meals.

Today I intend to work WLF for awhile, cleaning up after last week’s wind and snow, preparing for this week’s rain. I also expect that I will mount the trainer today at some point. And finally this being the start of a new month makes it a good time to restart all of the efforts that failed in January, too many to list here…

Hope you wrapped up the first month in style, and that all of going well in your world.

Tuesday Tale of the Tape: 186.8 pounds (-0.8 from last week’s weigh-in); well, at least I accomplished some good in January

January Summary with Annoyingly Fucked Up Emoji

01/01 – ?, V, walking ????
01/02 – ?, V, hashing ????
01/03 – ?, V, nothing ????
01/04 – 188.6, V, trainer (50:00) ????
01/05 – ?, V, yard work, walking ????
01/06 – ?, V, nothing ????
01/07 – ?, V, nothing ????
01/08 – ?, V, walking ????
01/09 – ?, V, trainer (50:00), walking ????
01/10 – ?, V, walking ????
01/11 – 187.4, V, yard work ????
01/12 – ?, V, trainer (50:00) ????
01/13 – ?, V, hiking ????
01/14 – ?, V, walking ????????
01/15 – ?, V, hiking ????
01/16 – ?, V, nothing ????
01/17 – ?, V, trainer (50:00) ????
01/18 – 187.4, V, yard work, walking ????
01/19 – ?, V, walking ????
01/20 – ?, V, trainer (1:00:00) ????
01/21 – ?, V, walking ????
01/22 – ?, V, walking ????
01/23 – ?, V, hiking ????
01/24 – ?, V, nothing ????????
01/25 – 187.6, V, yard work, walking ????
01/26 – ?, V, yard work, walking ????
01/27 – ?, V, walking ????
01/28 – ?, V, trainer (1:00:00) ????
01/29 – ?, V, trainer (50:00), walking ????
01/30 – ?, V, hashing ????
01/31 – ?, V, walking ????

Oh look, I went the entire month without knowingly eating meat! *exploding head emoji*

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15 Responses to 2022-02-01

  1. Bonnie says:

    Yesterday’s drive to Johns Creek wasn’t bad at all—I’d say one of the better drives I’ve had, almost non-existent traffic and the route was relatively straightforward. The drive home, notsomuch. 🙁 After my short taste test I hiked at CRNRA Jones Bridge unit and got in nearly 5.5 miles. Now that I know the trail system I see I can add a little more distance to it, albeit repeating a few small loops. Nice trail, except all the CRNRA trails are confusing to me due to all the bypasses and extra loops (but I understand why it’s like that). I relied heavily on my technology. There are some big-ass houses on the Chattahoochee.

    I made these peanut-sauced tempeh bowls for dinner last night, pretty yummy if you like steamed tempeh. https://frommybowl.com/peanut-tempeh-bowls/#tasty-recipes-7665

    Today I venture to Sandy Springs for a Jackson taste test. The husband once again is bailing on joining me on a post-taste-hike, so I’ll likely just take MARTA and come back home and chore. I’ll get nearly 5.5 miles of walking out of the experience. We’ll hike tomorrow when he doesn’t have to get up and organized so early.

    • Look at you bringing home the tempeh bacon! Lol

      That tempeh recipe makes me wish I had bought tempeh at Kroger yesterday. I considered, but didn’t know how I would use it.

      I screwed myself with Jackson last week, declining what I thought were low offers. Now, I have no questionnaires to complete.

      Enjoy your hike. Should be a nice day for one.

    • Barb says:

      good times Bonnie – 2 taste tests this week!
      I get to pick up vitamin gummies at Jackson on Friday.

  2. Bob says:

    Franks and beans in crescent rolls? How could you go wrong with that? Sounds yummy!

    I successfully completed dry January! Wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be but damn I’m looking forward to that beer after work today 🙂

  3. Barb says:

    We went out for dinner last night for Sue’s (aka Deposit Slit) birthday at Hearth Pizza Kitchen in Sandy Springs. They have some tasty pizzas. And mussels, which on Monday they have the app 1/2 off. Neal is out skiing in Crested Butte, so Davey & I decided we needed to take her out. She was sneaky & bought the 1st round of drinks.

  4. In from working the farm. I burned a bunch of branches, and made a bunch of mull have too. Wee Little Chipper has turned out to be a good purchase.

  5. Failed to get in Curion for tortillas. Rats!

    • Barb says:

      Bummer – no tortillas for you!

      At the Dermatologist- they had an appt today, or not until March something. So, I decided to go today. Just a checkup, but still…. When I decide to make a doc appt, I want it to be sooner then later.

  6. Steve says:

    So my trip to Nashville was almost a complete waste. Yesterday at 4PM, they put a national freeze on these upgrades, as apparently, they like to REBOOT with code upgrades!! No one bothered to tell me until I arrived (this is not being run by the engineers I work with all the time). Too late to cancel the hotel and the rental car!! I was able to install an Avaya gateway, which will save one of the telecom folks a trip.

    My boss is so mad he can’t see straight.


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