
While I had a good time hanging out with my buddies yesterday, even though I knocked over one of my beers a spilling half of it onto the bar, I did a terrible job at managing my calorie intake and cash outflow. I was quite irritated with myself for my lack of self control when I arrived home. No Cinco de Mayo Irish pub, or otherwise, for me today.

Today I will run a some errands which will force me to spend a little more money, but at least won’t add to my swelling waistline.

I solved today’s Wordle in five attempts; my starter today was CREAM.

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21 Responses to 2023-05-05

  1. I probably should have packed up my dirty laundry and gone to the Waschsalon today, but I just couldn’t motivate myself to do so.

  2. steve says:

    Wordle in 5.

    My thought of a run after work got overtaken by a nap. I met Debbie for dinner at the local Taco Mac, and wasn’t excited about anything on the menu. It appears the menu has shrunk since the before times. The nachos came out as a bowl of chicken covered in cheese and a bowl of chips and tortillas. Not worth the calories.

    I let George out about 4 this morning and he has not shown back up. Worried.


    • Jenka says:

      Taco Mac went completely downhill, and I say this as a former TM devotee. In 2013 after my divorce I didn’t have a TV and I watched the entirety of the Red Sox season, including the World Series, at TM. But right before the pandemic something happened and it’s never been right since. It wasn’t caused by the pandemic but I’m sure it was exacerbated by it. It sucks because it was a great place for Kevin and me to watch sports.

  3. steve says:

    Stand down the missiles and call back the national guard, George has returned. He was cutting across the back pasture like he had been back with the cows. That boy…

  4. Ugh, I killed the tomato plant I purchased at Lowe’s two weeks ago. I sometimes wonder how I manage to eat anything.

    • And now I see the fig tree I transplanted a few days ago is looking sickly. Jeez!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for the fig tree.

    • Just pulled a shit ton of weeds that surrounded some of my grow bags. I’ve piled them onto cardboard covering the ground in case they can be of use to some of the birds for their nests. If not, they will be dead by next week and I can toss them in another part of WLF. Some birds may now appreciate the bare soil and find some grubs or worms for their meals…

    • Barb says:

      Paulie – any good volunteers growing?

  5. Jenka says:

    Commencement weekend! Big Emory scared all the employees by saying today would be heavy traffic and now no one’s here and the parking deck is empty. It’s great for me! Our diploma ceremony is tomorrow so I’ll be on campus at 7:30 am. Then the big commencement ceremony is Monday. Tonight we’re going to take Finn to Nakato just for funsies. Who doesn’t like hibachi?!

  6. David says:

    Wordle in 3 starting with POLAR.

    I planted three grape tomato plants in planters on my patio last week, and now have my first bloom. My tomatoes haven’t done well in the front yard the last couple times that I planted them so I’m trying the patio this year.

    My new term for the clutter in my house is 3D wallpaper. I cleared off a shelf in my bathroom full of stuff I’ll never use.

  7. Back from my errands, and in honor of this (fake) holiday my lunch was homemade nachos. Delicious!

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